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Temporary PTV authorisations for school buses

Find out how school bus operators can apply for a non-renewable, one-month passenger transport vehicle (PTV) authorisation to cater for seasonal work such as leavers and school holidays.

  About one-month PTV authorisations

School bus operators can apply for a temporary, one-month passenger transport vehicle (PTV) authorisation.

One-month PTV authorisations allow you, as a school bus operator, to cater to seasonal work, such as leavers and school holidays. 

Applications for PTV authorisations can only be made online through DoTDirect.

  Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for the 1-month PTV authorisation for school buses, the following criteria must be met.

  • The vehicle must have a body type of “School bus” or “Bus type” – you can find this on your registration certificate or the vehicles tab of your DoTDirect account.
  • The vehicle must not have a concession used for school bus services (i.e. 445 concession).
    • If you have a vehicle with a 445 concession, you must remove it before you apply for the temporary PTV authorisation. Contact the Driver and Vehicle Licensing team on 13 11 56 or at contact.centre@transport.wa.gov.au for any queries regarding concessions.
    • After the temporary PTV authorisation has expired, you can reapply for the concession. Note: this application process is subject to approval.
    • The 445 concession allows for 50% off the vehicle licence fee. You will need to decide if removing the concession for one month is financially viable.
  • The PTV authorisation will only be granted for a 1-month period – it does not apply for 3, 6 or 12 month PTV authorisations.
  • 1-month PTV authorisations cannot be renewed, however you can reapply as many times as you like. Each application will require both an application and authorisation fee to be paid. Visit On-demand transport fees and charges for more information.
  • The correct Motor Injury Insurance (MII) class must be on the vehicle for the duration of the 1-month PTV authorisation. For example, this could be 3(a) or 3(b) for PTVs with more than 9 seats.
    • The MII class can be changed back after the PTV authorisation expires, or if it is cancelled. When the MII class is changed, the vehicle owner will receive either a credit or invoice to be paid for any difference in fees between the previous and new MII class.
    • Visit What are passenger transport vehicles for more information about how to change your MII class.
Page last updated: Thu Feb 9 2023 12:16:46 PM