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WA Aviation Strategy 2020

The draft WA Aviation Strategy 2020 sets out the practical actions and the future policy approach to foster improved airfare affordability and to ensure the aviation industry continues to support future growth of WA.

Plane flying at sunset

  Draft WA Aviation Strategy 2020

The draft WA Aviation Strategy 2020 was released for public comment on 10 February 2020.

The draft Strategy has addressed each of the recommendations identified in the final report “Perceptions and Realities of Regional Airfare Prices in Western Australia” of the Parliamentary Inquiry into regional airfares, conducted by the Economics and Industry Standing Committee. It also reflects on the actions from the State Aviation Strategy (2015), providing current assessments of aviation infrastructure, planning frameworks and policy tools across Western Australia.

The final Strategy will take into consideration feedback received, delivering an enduring, whole-of-Government approach to the implementation of State aviation policy, pursuing improved outcomes for regional WA and providing a framework for the growth of the aviation industry in WA into the future.

For additional information the supporting documents below have been added to provide greater context and detail to the draft WA State Aviation Strategy 2020. These supporting documents are:

  • WA Air Services
    • This document provides information in respect of both national and state policy context, regulation of air services, regional WA air routes and air route development and tourism.
  • WA Airports
    • This document addresses airport planning and infrastructure.
  • WA Aviation Progress Report
    • Report cards outlining the key actions from the State Aviation Strategy (2015) and the implementation of the State Government response to the recommendations from the Parliamentary Inquiry.
06/03/2020: Regional communities urged to have their say on the draft WA Aviation Strategy 2020
10/02/2020: Draft WA Aviation Strategy sets the course for aviation in WA
10/02/2020: New funding boost for WA tourism and regional aviation

  Parliamentary Inquiry into Regional Airfares in WA

A parliamentary inquiry into airfares in regional Western Australia, conducted by the Economics and Industry Standing Committee, resulted in the final report “Perceptions and Realities of Regional Airfare Prices in Western Australia”. The report focused on:

  • whether prices are in fact high;
  • the impact these prices have on regional communities;
  • causal factors driving high prices; and
  • steps that industry and Government might take to address community concerns and reduce airfares.

The report made 48 findings and 13 recommendations regarding the regular public transport (RPT) air routes in regional Western Australia.

The State Government tabled its response to the to the final report's recommendations and findings in April 2018. The State commenced the implementation of relevant actions in 2018. The Government’s response can be viewed below.

Community engagement activities

Central to the implementation of the State Government’s response to the Parliamentary Inquiry were the themes of:

  • Transparency
  • Community engagement
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation

During 2019 the Department of Transport (DoT) engaged extensively with airlines, airport operators, local and state governments, resources sector, tourism industry, peak bodies, and regional communities.

In March, April, and May 2019, DoT facilitated nine Airfares and Air Services Workshops in regional centres including Broome, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Karratha, Kununurra, Newman, Onslow, Paraburdoo and Port Hedland. The purpose of this workshop consultation was to explore, in a collaborative setting, innovative ideas for improving regional airfares and RPT air services in WA, taking into account the circumstances and dynamics specific to each route and region.

In addition to the workshops, DoT held community ‘drop-ins’ in the nine locations, providing an opportunity for the community to speak directly with DoT staff on airfares and air services.

The Regional Consultation Summary below provides details of the challenges, ideas and opportunities for regional aviation in WA discussed at the workshops on a route by route basis.

The collection of data, ideas, feedback and actions generated through the regional workshops, community ‘drop-ins’ and numerous stakeholder meetings throughout the year contributed significantly to the development of the draft WA Aviation Strategy 2020.

Economics and Industry Standing Committee perceptions and realities of regional airfare prices in Western Australia (Report)
Opens in a new window Government Response to Report No. 2: Perceptions and Realities of Regional Airfare Prices in WA

  Governance structure

The Government’s response to Recommendation 2 of the report endorsed the establishment of an interdepartmental working group to assist the review of the State Aviation Strategy (2015) and undertake a more coordinated approach to aviation policy implementation.

A Western Australian Regional Aviation Taskforce has been established and will oversee the review of the State Aviation Strategy (2015) and the implementation of the Government’s response to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Regional Airfares in Western Australia; 

The membership of the Taskforce comprises:

  • Director General, Department of Transport (Chair);
  • Director General, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation;
  • Director General, Department of Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development; and
  • Director General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet.

  Contact us

Service Type Suburb Business Name Phone number Phone number (secondary) Fax Pre-booking required Business Hours Email Street address Postal address Business Type Vehicle type Comments
Aviation contact Air Services (Aviation) (08) 6551 6197 (08) 6551 6001 No Monday to Friday 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. (excludes public holidays) aviation@transport.wa.gov.au P.O. Box C102, Perth WA 6839 Department of Transport Air Services in Western Australia, including regulation of RPT air services, closed charter operations, and aircraft licences
Aviation contact Aviation Infrastructure (Aviation) (08) 6551 6196 (08) 6551 6001 No Monday to Friday 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. (excludes public holidays) rads@transport.wa.gov.au P.O. Box C102, Perth WA 6839 Department of Transport Aviation Infrastructure in Western Australia, including the Regional Airports Development Scheme (RADS)
Page last updated: Wed Apr 13 2022 11:39:17 AM