Welcome to DoTBot, an AI chatbot that the Department of Transport (DoT) is trialling.

DoTBot is designed to answer your questions and help you find information on our website.

Its answers are not legal advice or substitutes for professional advice.

By opening the chatbot you are agreeing to these terms:

  1. DoT cannot guarantee that the information provided by the AI chatbot is error free, complete, and appropriate for your purposes.

  2. You will verify any responses it provides before relying on it.

  3. DoT accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any person's use of the chatbot or reliance on its information.

  4. The chatbot may collect personal information for improving the user experience (see DoT's Privacy Policy). Please avoid sharing Personally Identifiable Information when using this chatbot.

Open DoTBot

Log in with Digital Identity

How to log into DoTDirect using your myID.

You can now log in to DoTDirect using your Australian Government Digital ID (myID).

Can’t link your Digital Identity to DoTDirect?

You won’t be able to link your Digital Identity with DoTDirect if:

  • the name and/or date of birth details on your Department of Transport (DoT) customer account does not match your Digital Identity account.
  • you are unable to prove your identity by providing your:
    • driver's licence and vehicle licence details; or
    • DoTDirect username, password, and two-factor authentication.

If there is a mismatch between the name and/or date of birth on your DoT and Digital Identity accounts you will need to either:

  • choose a different name in the myID app by selecting the name held against a verified identity document, or
  • complete a Change of Personal details form and provide supporting documents to DoT.

Find out more about how to change your details with DoT.

Find out more about how to choose a different name in the myID app.


Frequently asked questions

What Digital Identity strength is required to login to DoTDirect?

A “Standard” (IP2) identity strength or above is required.

Find out more about myID identity security.

Can I login to a Basic DoTDirect account using a Digital Identity?

No. A Basic DoTDirect account, used for the sole purpose of managing a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Worker Screening Check, can only be accessed using a DoTDirect username and password.

I've linked my Digital Identity to DoTDirect, how can I unlink it?

If you want to unlink your Digital Identity from DoTDirect, you will need to close your DoTDirect account.

Call 13 11 56, or visit a Driver and Vehicle Services centre, regional DoT office or agent to close your DoTDirect account.

Page last updated: Wed Dec 11 2024 3:24:55 PM