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Goldfields/Esperance notices

View navigational warnings, event notices and Temporary Notices To Mariners for the Goldfields/Esperance region.

 Advice:  Deployment of Directional Wave Rider Buoy – Offshore Esperance

A directional wave buoy (DWRB) has been deployed approximately 7.4 nautical miles offshore from Esperance at the location below. The DWRB is yellow in colour, approximately 700mm in diameter, and equipped with a 2m whip antenna and flashing yellow light.

Flash rate: Fl (5) Y 20s

Mariners are requested to maintain a minimum distance of 100 meters from the DWRB, including any associated fishing equipment at all times so as to not interfere with or damage the DWRB.
Chart reference: AUS119 - Approaches to Esperance
Location: -33: 59.9900'S  121: 54.0410'E
Issued: 26/09/2023
Notice number: 5822
Page last updated: Tue Feb 15 2022 10:29:14 AM