Great Southern notices
View navigational warnings, event notices and Temporary Notices To Mariners for the Great Southern region.
Advice: Installation of Artificial Surf Reef at Middleton Beach Albany
Operations will be undertaken by a Mesenge barge in a fixed position as well as two hopper barges (H1201 and H1202) which will be utilised to transport rock from the port to its destination. Operational hours are 24/7.
Operators will monitor Marine VHF Channel 16.
Mariners are advised to maintain a safe distance from operations at all times.
Warning: Vessel Sunk on Mooring - Emu Point, Albany
Please proceed with caution when navigating the area.
Advice: Deployment of Tidal Infrastructure – Cape Arid
Tidal Infrastructure Deployment Locations:
TG-1: Cape Pasley (East) 33° 56.1' S / 123° 35.1' E
TG-2: Cape Pasley (West) 33° 55.1' S / 123° 27.4' E
TG-3: Sandy Bight 33° 57.6' S / 123° 19.7' E
TG-4: Miles Island 34° 03.4' S / 123° 14.4' E
TG-5: Pasley Island (Offshore) 34° 03.0' S / 123° 39.2' E
TG-6: Eastern Recherche (Offshore) 34° 05.0' S / 123° 28.1' E
TG-7: Dome Island 34° 11.7' S / 123° 19.8' E
TG-8: Cape Pillar Rock 34° 10.4' S / 123° 41.9' E
TG-9: Eastern Recherche (Offshore) 34° 13.1' S / 123° 31.6' E
TG-10: Salisbury Island (East) 34° 19.7' S / 123° 39.9' E
TG-11: Salisbury Island (West) 34° 21.9' S / 123° 26.6' E
TG-12: Chester Reef 34° 28.9' S / 123° 34.9' E
TG-13: Pollock Reef 34° 35.1' S / 123° 35.4' E
Surface Buoys will be present at tide gauges: TG-6, TG-7, TG-9, TG-10, TG-11, TG-12, TG-13
Recovery Date: 21 April 2025
Mariners are advised to exercise caution when transiting through the area.
Chart reference: AU6763 - Cape Le Grand To Cape Pasley
Advice: Hydrographic Survey – Cape Arid
Survey operations will take place on vessel ‘PMG Emerald’ which is 41 metres in length and a 12metre unmanned survey vessel (USV: Fremantle 01) up to 43 nautical miles off the coast of Cape Arid National Park.
Surface buoys containing a yellow flashing light will be deployed during this project.
The survey area is bounded by the following coordinates:
1. 34° 06.686' S / 123° 17.038' E
2. 34° 05.362' S / 123° 15.526' E
3. 34° 03.658' S / 123° 14.931' E
4. 34° 02.533' S / 123° 17.301' E
5. 33° 58.031' S / 123° 20.123' E
6. 33° 55.439' S / 123° 24.556' E
7. 33° 55.793' S / 123° 30.129' E
8. 33° 56.707' S / 123° 30.603' E
9. 33° 56.532' S / 123° 32.147' E
10. 33° 56.104' S / 123° 33.199' E
11. 33° 56.588' S / 123° 34.706' E
12. 34° 00.257' S / 123° 37.458' E
13. 34° 10.467' S / 123° 41.239' E
14. 34° 16.328' S / 123° 39.726' E
15. 34° 21.637' S / 123° 38.965' E
16. 34° 27.602' S / 123° 38.965' E
17. 34° 36.112' S / 123° 37.196' E
18. 34° 36.180' S / 123° 33.676' E
19. 34° 28.807' S / 123° 31.218' E
20. 34° 19.164' S / 123° 25.735' E
Mariners are advised that the survey vessel may be restricted in their ability to manoeuvrer during survey operations.
Chart reference: AU6763 - Cape Le Grand To Cape Pasley
Warning: Shallowing - Mouth of Nornalup Inlet, Walpole
Please be mindful of fluctuating tide levels, as it may not be possible to return to the inlet during low tide.
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area.
Advice: Installation of M4 Wave Energy Converter Prototype, Port of Albany
(including a swing mooring) are scheduled to take place in the Seal Island vicinity, Port of Albany.
Installation of anchors will commence from the 24th of June 2024 and launch of M4 and tow to site will commence from the 19th of August 2024. UWA will operate the device, conducting scientific measurements and occasionally access the device for critical maintenance. The device is not to be accessed by unauthorised personnel.
The M4 device will be towed from Albany Waterfront Marina to the installation site in the Seal Island Vicinity.
NW:35: 4.649S, 117: 58.649E
NE: 35: 4.640S, 117: 58.846E
SE: 35: 4.800S, 117: 58.848E
SW: 35: 4.802S, 117: 58.651E
The swing mooring will be deployed in the northeast corner of the installation site.
The device will be marked by flashing yellow marine lanterns located at the bow and stern on posts
approximately one metre in height, and approximately 2.5 meter above water level.
Flash Rate: Fl Y 2.5s
M4 Recovery Date: April 2025
For further information regarding these works please contact Project Manager Manuel Grosshans on 0410 794 229.
Mariners are advised to exercise caution when transiting the area and keep well clear of the above installation
site and associated installation operations.
Advice: Deployment of Directional Wave Rider Buoy – Offshore Torbay, Albany
Flash rate: Fl (5) Y 20s
Acting pursuant to Section 66 of the Western Australian Marine Act 1982, I Kathryn Davies, Authorised person of the Department of Transport hereby close the following area of water to all vessels.
Offshore Torbay, Albany:
Area of closure: - All the waters offshore from Torbay, Albany within 100 metres of the above DWRB. Vessels authorised by the Department of Transport are exempt from the closure.
Mariners are requested to maintain a minimum distance of 100 meters from the DWRB, including any associated fishing equipment at all times so as to not interfere with or damage the DWRB.
Advice: Deployment of a Directional Wave Buoy – Ocean Beach, Denmark vicinity
35: 2.979S, 117: 21.898E
Recovery date: March 2025
The above buoy is yellow in colour, with black a solar panel, approximately 0.42m in diameter and equipped with flashing yellow light.
The Buoy is attached to an orange surface float with a 20 rope and is 300mm in diameter.
Flash rate: Fl Y 2.5s
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution and keep well clear of the above DWB's.
Advice: Installation of 3x Water Quality Instruments - Frenchman's Bay (King George Sound) and Sharp Point Albany
Location 1: 35° 5.4543' S 117° 57.7606' E - Frenchman's Bay (King George Sound)
Location 2: 35° 5.3818' S 117° 57.7525' E - Frenchman's Bay (King George Sound)
Location 3: 35° 04.919’S, 117° 49.176’ E - Sharp Point
Each of the above instruments are mounted on a seabed frame (L:1.4m x W:1.4m x H:1.2m) and are marked by a yellow surface buoy, approximately 60cm in diameter and equipped with a flashing yellow light.
Flash rate: Fl Y 3s
Recovery date: June 2025
No vessel is to moor to, or interfere with, the above instruments or surface buoys at any time.
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area and keep well clear of the above instruments and surface buoys.
Advice: Deployment of Directional Wave Buoy – Offshore Bremer Bay Vicinity
Flash rate: Fl (5) Y 20s
Mariners are requested to maintain a minimum distance of 100 meters from the DWRB, including any associated fishing equipment at all times so as to not interfere with or damage the DWRB.
Warning: Sand accretion at Bremer Bay Boat Ramp, Shire of Jerramungup
Large draft vessels are advised to exercise caution when navigating the area and on approach to the Southern Service Wharf.
Please see updated chartlet attached.