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Mid West notices

View navigational warnings, event notices and Temporary Notices To Mariners for the Mid West region.

 Advice:  Maintenance Works - East Service Jetty Piles – Jurien Bay

Mariners are advised that maintenance works will be taking place on the East Service Jetty Piles in Jurien Bay for a duration of 4 weeks commencing on 10th March 2025.

Operating hours are between 6:30am and 4pm Monday to Friday.

Works will be carried out by a dive team and two support vessels. The international code flag “A” will be exhibited whilst diving operations are in progress.

Operators will monitor Marine VHF Channel 16.

Mariners are advised to keep a safe distance from the works and to not pull up alongside the jetty.
Chart reference: WA947 - Jurien
Location: -30: 17.2653'S  115: 2.6353'E
Start date: 10/03/2025
End date: 07/04/2025
Issued: 10/03/2025
Notice number: 6374

 Advice:  Construction of Batavia Coast Marina – Pen C, Batavia Coast Marina, Geraldton

Mariners are advised that works to install a new Pen set C in the Batavia Coast Marina, Geraldton, are currently taking place. Jetty pylons have been installed south of Jetty B.

Works are currently on hold until Late April where on water works will continue to construct the jetty and pens.

The works area will be delineated by yellow buoys, approximately one metre in height and equipped with flashing yellow lights.

Flash rate: Fl Y 2.5s.

Fairways and access to all existing jetties and the boat ramp within the marina will be maintained at all times.

Mariners are advised to procced with caution and to maintain a safe distance from the new structures.

For further information regarding these works please contact SMC Marine Superintendent Jeff Offer on 0423 117 023.
Chart reference: WA939 - Geraldton
Location: -28: 46.0500'S  114: 36.7000'E
Start date: 13/12/2024
End date: 30/04/2025
Issued: 13/12/2024
Notice number: 6221

 Advice:  Installation of 2 Directional Wave Rider Buoy’s – Jurien Bay

Mariners advised that 2 Directional Wave Rider Buoys (DWRB) are scheduled to be deployed approximately 4 NM and 2 NM West of Boullanger Island at the following locations;

30° 18.900'S 114° 55.356'E
30° 18.900'S 114° 57.678'E

The Yellow DWRB’s are equipped with a flashing yellow light.

Flash Rate: Fl Y 2.5s

The DWRB’s are attached by a 10m umbilical line to an orange surface float and are secured to the seabed with a clump weight.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution and keep well clear of monitoring device.
Chart reference: WA947 - Jurien
Location: -30: 18.86092'S  114: 56.84245'E
Start date: 18/01/2024
End date: 31/12/2026
Issued: 18/01/2024
Notice number: 5964

 Advice:  Installation of 2 x Directional Wave Buoy – Dongara

Mariners are advised that (2) Directional Wave Buoys (DWR) will be deployed 1.5NM and 4NM offshore North of Dongara between 06 December 2023 and 06 December 2026 at the following locations:

Location: 29° 10.896’S, 114° 51.750’E
Location: 29° 12.180’S, 114° 49.332’E

The above DWR’s are yellow in colour, approx. 0.9m in diameter and equipped with flashing yellow light attached to a small orange float about 10m apart attached to bottom anchor.

Flash rate: Fl Y (2.5s)

No vessel is to moor to, or interfere with, the above DWR’s.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area and keep well clear of the above DWR’s.
Chart reference: WA963 - Dongara - Port Denison
Location: -29: 11.5451'S  114: 50.5320'E
Start date: 14/12/2023
End date: 06/12/2026
Issued: 14/12/2023
Notice number: 5918

 Advice:  Deployment of Directional Wave Rider Buoy – Offshore Jurien Bay

A directional wave buoy (DWRB) has been deployed approximately 7 nautical miles west of Jurien Bay, at the location below. The DWRB is yellow in colour, approximately 700mm in diameter, and equipped with a 2m whip antenna and flashing yellow light.

Flash rate: Fl (5) Y 20s

Mariners are requested to maintain a minimum distance of 100 meters from the DWRB, including any associated fishing equipment at all times so as to not interfere with or damage the DWRB.
Location: -30: 17.5640'S  114: 54.7690'E
Issued: 26/09/2023
Notice number: 5817

 Advice:  1 x Acoustic Seabed Instruments - Kalbarri Vicinity – GHD

Mariners are advised that 1 x Acoustic Seabed instrument will be deployed approximately 18 nautical miles North North West from Murchison River Mouth. Approximately 0.7nm offshore.

The above water quality instrument frame containing acoustic release float and securing anchor, approx. size 120cm x 120cm x 66cm.

Provisional recovery date: 30 August 2025

No vessel is to moor to or interfere with the above instruments and subsurface floats at any time.

Chart reference: Chart Aus332 - Australia - West Coast - Western Australia - Pepper Point to Geraldton

Mariners are advised to exercise caution when transiting the area and keep clear of the above environmental monitoring equipment.
Chart reference: AUS332 - Zuytdorp Point to Geraldton
Location: -27: 24.703'S  114: 02.793'E
Start date: 01/08/2023
End date: 30/08/2025
Issued: 11/07/2023
Notice number: 5748

 Advice:  Deployment of Directional Wave Buoy – Offshore Geraldton Vicinity

A directional wave buoy (DWR) has been deployed approximately 13 nautical miles south, south west from Geraldton at the location below. The DWR is yellow in colour, approximately 700mm in diameter, and equipped with a whip antenna and flashing yellow light.

Flash rate: Fl (5) Y

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area and keep well clear of the above DWR
Location: -28: 54.9810'S  114: 23.000'E
Issued: 03/04/2023
Notice number: 5624
Page last updated: Tue Feb 15 2022 10:54:25 AM