Peel notices

View navigational warnings, event notices and Temporary Notices To Mariners for the Peel region.

 Advice:  Piling Barge Navigation and Works - Waterside Drive Boat Ramp, Mandurah

Mariners are advised that piling works will be undertaken at the Northern and Southern side of the existing Mandurah Estuary Bridge from 11 September 2024 to 17 September 2024 from the hours of 7:00am to 5:15pm, Monday to Friday.

A piling barge along with a support vessel will be using Waterside Drive Boat Ramp for the erection and decommissioning of the piling vessel and will transit using the navigational channel from the boat ramp to the estuary bridge to complete works.

The configuration of the barge and support vessel will be determined by the skipper and will either be rafted midships to midships (side by side) or stern to bow with the barge in front. If rafted midships to midships, the total width is 13.8m. The channel width at the narrowest is approximately 25m and more typically 34m.

A spotter vessel will lead the barges as an escort and provide any warnings to oncoming marine traffic via marine radios. Construction barges and vessels will communicate to mariners via VHF channel 72 or 77.

All vessels taking part in these works will display shapes and lights in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972

Yellow exclusion zone buoys will be deployed to prevent recreational vessels from inadvertently entering the work zone.

When transiting through the works area, Mariners are advised to exercise caution and are requested to reduce speed and wake and take direction from spotter vessels.
Chart reference: WA848 - Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary
Location: -32: 32.8833'S  115: 43.7833'E
Start date: 11/09/2024
End date: 17/09/2024
Issued: 10/09/2024
Notice number: 6174

 Advice:  Bridge Construction Works – Mandurah Estuary Bridge

Mariners are advised that on water construction works to duplicate the Mandurah Estuary Bridge (Mandurah Road) will commence from 1 August 2024 until late 2025.
From both the east and west banks of the Mandurah Estuary, works will be conducted upon floating access pontoons that will extend from the waters edge to the existing marked navigation channel. A 55m long barge will be used for pilling work and construction of the bridge spans.
Construction works will not impede navigational traffic through the marked navigation channel, and it will be maintained for vessel passing upstream and downstream of the bridge however, on occasion the channel width may be reduced to approximately 25m. Signs and temporary navigational aids will assist mariners to enter and exit the central channel.
The works barge is restricted in its ability to manoeuvre and will be anchored in position once operational, this barge may move from time to time however anchor lines will be marked by yellow lit buoys and the barge will display lights and shapes in accordance with the Prevention of Collisions at Sea Regulations 1983 at all times.
Additionally smaller barges, spotter and work vessels will also be operating within the construction zone for the bridge and fishing platform construction. Operators will monitor VHF Channel 16.
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting under the Mandurah Estuary Bridge during the above operations.
For further information please contact Nick Collins on 0417 176 420 or see – Mandurah Estuary Bridge Duplication (

Chart reference: WA848 - Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary
Location: -32: 32.95349'S  115: 43.05369'E
Start date: 01/08/2024
End date: 01/12/2025
Issued: 23/07/2024
Notice number: 6134

 Warning:  Hazard - Submerged Concrete Block - Batavia Quays Mandurah

Mariners are advised that a submerged concrete block has been reported to be in Batavia Quays Mandurah at the below location.

The block is reported to be approximately 300mm in height from the riverbed reducing charted water depths. A temporary Isolated Danger mark equipped with a flashing light has been deployed.

Mariners are reminded to be aware of underwater hazards during times of low tides when navigating in the Peel region.
Chart reference: WA848 - Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary
Location: - 32: 35.24080'S  115: 46.68896'E
Start date: 30/01/2024
Notice number: 5981

 Warning:  Submerged Canoe - Serpentine River - Jetty 0235 - Bircham Street

A Canoe has become submerged adjacent to jetty 0235 in the Serpentine River. The Canoe is approximately 12 foot and may present as a hazard to navigation.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution and keep a safe distance from jetties.
Chart reference: WA848 - Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary
Location: -32: 32.9697'S  115: 45.8049'E
Start date: 15/12/2023
Issued: 15/12/2023
Notice number: 5922

 Warning:  Jetty Pylon Damaged in Port Mandurah Canals

A Jetty Pylon located in the Port Mandurah Canals has been reported to have been broken and is now semi submerged. It is marked with a yellow special marker.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting in the area.
Chart reference: WA848 - Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary
Location: -32: 32.1390'S  115: 42.48840'E
Start date: 03/12/2023
Issued: 03/12/2023
Notice number: 5899

 Warning:  Lake Brockman (Logue Brook Dam) Water Ski Area Hazards

Mariners are reminded of potential hazards to vessels and water-skiers within Lake Brockman in the form of tree stumps, logs and shallow sand banks.

It is a requirement to stay at least 50 metres from shore at all times while water skiing unless taking off or landing a skier.

Mariners are asked to use caution and observe the skiing rules within this waterway.
Location: -33: 0.019'S  115: 58.233'E
Start date: 13/04/2023
Issued: 13/04/2023
Notice number: 5647

 Warning:  Navigational Hazard - Mandurah Estuary – Entrance to Soldiers Cove

A broken pole has been reported within waters of Soldiers Cove, Mandurah approximately 50 metres from the shore adjacent to Winjan Place, Dudley Park. A white flashing light has also been reported in the same location.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area.
Chart reference: WA848 - Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary
Location: -32: 32.272'S  115: 43.264'E
Start date: 05/04/2023
Issued: 05/04/2023
Notice number: 5633

 Warning:  Submerged Logs Upper Reaches Murray River Ravenswood

Large submerged logs have been reported in the Murray River upper reaches, vicinity of 13 and 53 Rodoreda Crescent Ravenswood, and approximately 50m from the northern shore.

The logs may not be visible above the waterline.

13 Rodoreda Drive: 32: 35.123S, 115: 50.188E
53 Rodoreda Drive: 32: 35.144S, 115: 50.033E

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area
Location: -32: 35.127'S  115: 50.127'E
Start date: 11/11/2022
Issued: 11/11/2022
Notice number: 5442

 Advice:  Jetty Works - Mandurah Quay, Erskine

Mariners are advised that jetty construction works at Mandurah Quay, including pile driving activities, are scheduled to commence around 3 October 2022 and are expected to be completed by around 15 September 2024.

Works will take place using a works barge and support vessel, Monday to Saturday, between 7 am to 6 pm as required.

The works area will be delineated by yellow buoys, approximately 1.3m in height, and equipped with flashing yellow lights.

The works barge will remain on location outside of operating hours.

Please see link below for a map of the marina

Operators will monitor Marine Radio VHF Channel 16 during operating hours.

Diving operations will also take place as part of these works. The International Code Flag ‘A’ will be exhibited whilst diving operations are underway

All vessels taking part in the above works will exhibit shapes and lights in accordance with the Prevention of Collisions at Sea Regulations 1983 at all times.

Mariners are advised to use caution when transiting the area and keep well clear of the
Chart reference: WA848 - Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary
Location: -32: 33.556'S  115: 42.603'E
Start date: 03/10/2022
End date: 15/09/2024
Issued: 30/09/2022
Notice number: 2973

 Warning:  Submerged rocks, Waroona Dam

Southeast sector of Waroona Dam/Lake Navarino, east of the camp ground
Mariners are advised that submerged rocks have been reported near the shore in the southeast sector of Waroona Dam/Lake Navarino, to the east of the camp ground in the vicinity of the following coordinate: Location: 32° 51.042'S, 115° 59.990'E
Location: -32: 51.042'S  115: 59.990'E
Start date: 25/06/2019
Issued: 25/06/2019

 Warning:  Shallowing around Port Marker adjacent to Novara Boat Ramp

It has been reported that shallowing has occurred around the port marker adjacent to the Novara boat ramp.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area
Chart reference: WA848 - Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary
Location: -32: 34.394'S  115: 40.485'E
Start date: 05/03/2020
Issued: 05/03/2020
Page last updated: Tue Feb 15 2022 11:04:17 AM