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Successful applications

View a list of the latest successful applications for the Driving Access and Equity grants.

Driving Access and Equity Program

Round 5 Projects awarded by region.

A total of $15,552,388 was awarded in this round of funding.

Gascoyne region

Organisation Project name Project location Funding
Real Futures Pty Ltd Real Futures Driver Support Program Carnarvon, Coral Bay, Denham (Shark Bay), Exmouth, Gascoyne Junction, Burringurrah $710,000
TOTAL     $710,000


Goldfields-Esperance region

Organisation Project name Project location Funding
Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Changing Lanes, Changing Lives: Driver Education for success and empowerment Esperance $621,417
Western Australian Police and Community Youth Centres Inc (Kalgoorlie) Drive to the Future - Kalgoorlie PCYC Kalgoorlie $389,491
The Salvation Army (WA) Property Trust Drive for Life Coolgardie, Kalgoorlie, Kambalda, Leonora $295,000
Warakurna Local Drug Action Group Nintirriwa yurritjingalKitjalu mutuka (NYM Project) Warakurna $270,000
Judumul Aboriginal Corporation Judumul Drives Coolgardie, Kambalda, Kurrawang, Norseman $265,000
Shire of Leonora Leonora Drive Program Leonora, Leinster $217,000
TOTAL     $2,057,908

Great Southern region

Organisation Project name Project location Funding
Umbrella Group Great Southern MIYAD Wheels Mount Barker, Denmark, Albany, Porongurups, Jerramungup, Walpole, Kendenup $533,431
Community Living Association Driving Access and Equity in the Great Southern Great Southern $527,000
Southern Aboriginal Corporation Wanderer Program Partnership for the Great Southern Albany $510,266
Gnowangerup Aboriginal Corporation Noongar managed driver licensing facilitation program Gnowangerup and Tambellup $250,000
TOTAL     $1,820,697

Kimberley region

Organisation Project name Project location Funding
Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Corporation NAC Driver Training & Licensing Program Broome $741,000
Wunan Foundation Wunan Driver Training Program Kununurra, Wyndham, Halls Creek, Balgo, Bililuna, Kalumburu, Kundat Djaru $715,000
Western Australian Police and Community Youth Centres Inc (Broome) Drive to the Future - Broome PCYC Broome $487,000
Kullarri Regional Communities Indigenous Corporation Driving Access & Equity - Kullarri Region Broome, Ardyaloon, Beagel Bay, Bidyadanga, Djarindjin, Lombadina $436,400
Kimberley Group Training (KGT) Employment Road Ready Kununurra, Wyndham $130,000
TOTAL     $2,509,400


Mid West region

Organisation Project name Project location Funding
Mid West Aboriginal Employment and Economic Development Incorporated (MEEDAC) Driving Access and Equity Program Carnamah, Coorow, Dongara, Eneabba, Geraldton, Greenhead, Kalbarri, Leeman, Mingenew, Morawa, Mullewa, Northampton, Tardun, Three Spring, Yalgoo, Perenjori, Shire of Irwin, Chapman Valley $560,000
Western Australian Police and Community Youth Centres Inc (Geraldton) Drive to the Future - Geraldton PCYC Geraldton $440,000
Yulella Aboriginal Corporation

Yulella Driver Access & Equity Program

Cue, Meekatharra, Mount Magnet $270,000
Yamatji Southern Regional Corporation Yamatji Road Ready Program   Geraldton, Yamatji Nation ILUA area $90,250
TOTAL     $1,360,250

Pilbara region

Organisation Project name Project location Funding
Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation Learn 2 Drive Karratha, Marble Bar, Newman, Nullagine, Onslow, Port Headland, Roebourne, South Hedland, Tom Price, Wickham, Bellary, Jigalong, Jinparinya, Kunawarritji, Marta Marta, Parnngurr, Pippingarra, Punja Njamal, Punmu, Strelley, Wakathuni, Warralong, Yandeyarra, Youngaleena Bunlima $750,000
Bloodwood Tree Association Enhanced Driver Training and Education for the East Pilbara Newman, Port Headland, South Hedland, Tom Price, Wakathuni, Warralong, Yandeyarra $551,000
Youth Involvement Council Inc Drive 2 Thrive Port Hedland $441,000
Robe River Kuruma Aboriginal Corporation Pilbara RYDE Program Karratha, Roebourne, Wickham, Dampier $350,000
Punmu Aboriginal Corporation Punmu Martu licence access program Kunawarritji, Punmu, Kiwirrikurra $265,000
Ngarliyarndu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation Supporting our community to be safe, responsible drivers Karratha, Roebourne, Wickham $214,085
TOTAL     $2,571,085


South West region

Organisation Project name Project location Funding
Investing in Our Youth End to End Driving Program Bunbury, Collie, Capel, Dardanup, Harvey, Busselton, Donnybrook, Margaret River $486,930
Western Australian Police and Community Youth Centres Inc (Collie) Drive to the Future - Collie PCYC Collie, Allanson, Worsley $387,000
Blackwood Youth Action Inc Driving Positive Change in the Warren Blackwood Bridgetown, Manjimup, Boyup Brook, Pemberton, Northcliffe, Greenbushes and Nannup $250,000
Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation Karri Karrak Driving Forward Busselton, Capel, Manjimup and Margaret River $250,000
TOTAL     $1,373,930


Delivering Community Services in Partnership pilot program

Organisation Project name Project location Funding
McGovern Foundation Wanderer Program Perth, Kalgoorlie, Narrogin, Katanning $3,149,118
TOTAL     $3,149,118


Page last updated: Tue Oct 29 2024 12:38:33 PM