Freight on rail
About Freight on rail

Western Australia’s freight rail network is one of the State’s most important and consistent contributors to economic growth and is an integral link for industry, regional communities, and interstate and overseas export markets.
The benefits of moving freight via rail are well recognised. Finding ways to increase freight on rail is a constant focus for government, to help improve WA’s freight movement efficiency.
While freight on rail is more efficient, it is recognised that there are impacts associated with rail freight, including noise. Noise from freight rail operations is an unavoidable aspect of ensuring goods can be moved efficiently and sustainably into, around, and out of the State.
The freight rail industry and the State Government recognise that a collaborative effort is required to manage freight rail transport and the impacts associated with it, including noise.
If you would like to learn more, the Freight and Logistics Council of WA has prepared a series of information sheets on freight rail, which are available on the Freight and Logistics council website below.
Freight and Logistics Council website | ||
Tier 3 Grain Lines Engineering Review Report
The Tier 3 Grain Lines Engineering Review Report was commissioned by the Public Transport Authority to determine the likely costs of bringing the Tier 3 lines back to operational condition.
Engineering assessment estimates $1 billion cost to fully restore the region’s Tier 3 rail network.
A submission to have agricultural freight transport network issues listed in Infrastructure Australia’s (IA) Priority List has been lodged. If successful, further work will be undertaken including an options analysis assessing Tier 1, 2 and 3 rail networks.
The options assessment will consider broader costs and benefits to government and industry, along with any associated private infrastructure upgrades required and the likelihood of the lines being used.
The IA submission further progresses the strategic planning that has already taken place to improve freight productivity and regional agricultural supply chains, including the release of the Revitalising Agricultural Region Freight (RARF) Strategy in June, 2020.
The full report can be viewed below
Tier 3 Grain Lines Engineering Review Report | Kb | |
Freight rail contacts
There are a number of different rail operators and infrastructure owners for freight rail throughout WA.
If you have a complaint relating to freight rail, including rail noise; and are not sure which rail operator is responsible, please email
If you have a question or concern that is not addressed in the available resources, please contact the appropriate rail operator below.
Note, ‘above rail operations’ refers to the operation of rolling stock (locomotives and wagons) on the freight rail line.