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On-demand transport publications by A-Z

Publications (A-Z) for on-demand transport services in Western Australia.

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  Portable Document Format (PDF)

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Transport is not responsible for external links and is unable to offer software or computer support.

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  On-demand transport publications: A-D

  On-demand transport publications: E-H

  On-demand transport publications: I-L

  On-demand transport publications: M-P

Title Type Size Date
A guide for tourism operators: Passenger transport industry fact sheet PDF 3 Mb 01-Aug-24
Direct debit request service agreement on-demand booking services - authorisation PDF 79 Kb 27-Feb-19
On-boarding induction template Word 25 Kb 15-Feb-19
On-demand booking service (ODBS) authorisation user guide PDF 7 Mb 10-Apr-21
On-demand Booking Services: Setting up your own on-demand transport business fact sheet PDF 133 Kb 28-Jan-22
On-demand passenger transport Levy map PDF 456 Kb 18-Dec-18
On-demand Transport Reform: A better deal for drivers PDF 596 Kb 31-Jan-22
On-demand Transport Reform: Benefits of the reform PDF 360 Kb 05-Jul-18
On-demand Transport Reform: Frequently asked questions PDF 216 Kb 06-Nov-18
On-demand Transport standard proof of identity requirements - responsible officers PDF 133 Kb 12-Mar-19
On-demand Transport Standard: Certification of documents guidelines (Fact sheet) PDF 136 Kb 04-Oct-23
On-demand Transport Standard: Proof of Identity requirements (Fact sheet) PDF 134 Kb 14-Aug-18
Passenger Transport Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) Guidelines for Participants PDF 1 Mb 19-Feb-25
Passenger Transport Subsidy Scheme user guide for on-demand booking services PDF 2 Mb 20-Feb-25
Passenger transport vehicle (PTV) authorisations user guide PDF 9 Mb 01-Feb-21
Passenger transport vehicles: on-demand charter fact sheet PDF 335 Kb 28-Jan-22
Passenger Transport Vehicles: on-demand rank or hail fact sheet PDF 175 Kb 28-Jan-22
Proposal for industry funded voluntary buy-back scheme of Perth owned taxi plates: Supplementary decision regulatory impact statement PDF 817 Kb 11-Mar-19
Proposal for regulation of the On-demand (taxi and charter) transport industry: Decision regulatory impact statement PDF 1 Mb 11-Mar-19
PTV authorisation document - sample only PDF 676 Kb 19-Jun-19
What is an on-demand booking service? (Fact sheet) PDF 200 Kb 28-Jan-22

  On-demand transport publications: Q-T

  On-demand transport publications: U-Z

Page last updated: Thu Feb 20 2025 3:46:51 PM