Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Modification Grant
The Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) Modification Grant provides grants of up to $20,000 to contribute to the cost of purchasing and installing wheelchair hoist and restraint systems to modify on-demand rank or hail (taxi) WAVs.
The WAV Modification Grant is available to taxi operators in the Perth metropolitan area. If you’re operating in regional WA, you may be eligible for the Regional WAV Taxi Service Grant.
The WAV Modification Grant is part of the Department of Transport (DoT’s) commitment to enabling safe, accessible and efficient movement for the economic and social prosperity of Western Australia.
Applications for the 2024/2025 WAV Modification Grant have now closed.
How is the WAV Modification Grant is changing?
The first grant round of the 2024/25 financial year will launch on 19 September 2024. There have been some changes made to the grant for this round:
- In order to apply for the Grant you will need to have already purchased (or be able to provide delivery details for) a suitable WAV.
- There will be two rounds in this financial year, one in September and one at the start of 2025.
- All applicants are invited to apply directly via the DoT Grants website. There will be no Expression of Interest required.
- Applicants will be required to provide a business case to support their application (including an endorsement from their on-demand booking service (ODBS)).
As an applicant, you must meet the below eligibility requirements.
- The grant can only be used for vehicles that have or will hold a passenger transport vehicle (PTV) authorisation in the rank or hail category.
- If you have received a WAV Modification Grant in the last three years, you are not eligible to apply for another grant.
- You must be able to demonstrate ownership, or consent from the owner, of the vehicle that is to be modified.
- You must have obtained a written quote from a vehicle re-fitter for the modifications to be made to the vehicle.
- If you operate within the defined Perth Metropolitan Area, you must provide proof of affiliation with DoT’s contracted WAV-dedicated taxi booking service (currently Black & White Cabs).
About the application process
Applications for the 2024/2025 WAV Modification Grant have now closed.
Applications for the WAV Modification Grant opened Thursday 19 September 2024 and closed on Thursday 17 October 2024.
All applications and supporting documentation must be submitted via a DoT Grants (Omnistar) account.
1. Purchase vehicle
Before applying for the WAV Modification Grant, you will need to have purchased a new vehicle that will comply with the WAV standards as outlined in the Transport (Road Passenger Services) Regulations 2020.
Purchasing a vehicle does not guarantee eligibility for or receival of the WAV modification grant. Learn more about WAV standards on the Wheelchair accessible vehicles page.
You will need to be able to provide proof of purchase or delivery date to submit an application.
Note: purchasing a vehicle will not guarantee that you receive a grant. You must consider any financial implications before purchasing the vehicle.
Imported WAVs
DoT is aware of several models of vehicle that can be an imported WAV, intended to be used as WAV taxis. Many models of imported WAV do not meet the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport and cannot be used to provide WAV taxi services in WA.
Visit the Wheelchair accessible vehicles page for more information about imported WAVs.
2. Select a vehicle re-fitter and obtain a quote
Once you have confirmed your purchase of a new vehicle that complies with the WAV standards, you will be required to obtain a written quote from your chosen vehicle re-fitter for the purchase and installation of a wheelchair hoist and restraint systems.
It is important that you obtain a quote before making grant application, as a copy of the quote will be required as part of your application submission.
3. Submit an online application
Visit the DoT Grants webpage to register for a DoT Grants (OmniStar) account, and complete an application for the WAV Modification Grant.
The application will ask for:
- your personal details;
- the VIN and registration details of your vehicle;
- details of your preferred vehicle re-fitter and a written quote from them;
- evidence of your affiliation with the metropolitan WAV-dedicated taxi booking service (currently Black & White Cabs) and;
- submission of a business plan, scoping document or similar written evidence demonstrating the ongoing viability of the business.
You are encouraged to discuss your proposal with the On-demand Transport team before you submit an application – email odtgrants@transport.wa.gov.au or call us on 13 11 56.
WAV Modification Grant application guidelines | Kb | |
Assessment process
When submissions close, all applications will be assessed for their eligibility.
The WAV Modification Grants Committee will evaluate applications and make recommendations for approval to the Minister for Transport.
What to do when your application is approved
Note: If you intend to use a different re-fitter to the one nominated on your application form, you must obtain a written quotation from the new vehicle re-fitter and inform DoT of the change as soon as possible. This will delay the grant payment process.
Once DoT has approved your application, follow the below steps.
1. Get your vehicle modified and inspected
DoT will advise your chosen vehicle re-fitter that your application has been approved. Work with your re-fitter to complete the modifications.
Once the vehicle re-fitter has completed the modifications, your vehicle must be inspected at an Authorised Inspection Station (AIS) or Vehicle Examination Centre. DoT will be informed if your vehicle passes the inspection.
2. Obtain a PTV authorisation
When your vehicle’s modifications are complete and it has passed inspection, you can apply for a PTV authorisation in the on-demand rank or hail (OD-RH) category, if not already done so, via DoTDirect.
During the PTV authorisation application process, you must nominate the vehicle as a WAV. This will enable claims for wheelchair TUSS jobs and/or co-payments to be paid.
![[DoT Image]](/images-content/taxis/ODT_I_WAV_declaration.png)
Once the PTV authorisation application process is complete, a plate collection letter will be generated (if the vehicle does not already have taxi plates), allowing you to collect your taxi plates.
Visit Apply for a PTV authorisation: OD-RH (taxi) for more information.
3. Payment to the vehicle re-fitter
Once the above steps are completed, the vehicle re-fitter will invoice DoT, and DoT will pay the grant funds (up to $20,000) directly to the re-fitter.
The re-fitter will then invoice you for the cost of modifications minus the grant amount. You will be required to pay this invoiced amount directly to the vehicle re-fitter
Grant conditions
The WAV Modification Grant is only payable for:
- New WAV equipment. Second-hand equipment and/or partial installations are ineligible for this grant.
- A vehicle intended to operate as a WAV, and which meets all the criteria to be authorised as a PTV in the on-demand rank or hail category.
- Hoists, restraints, WAV equipment and modifications which comply with the WAV requirements prescribed in Regulation 18 of the Transport (Road Passenger Services) Regulations 2020.
The Grant will only be paid where the eligible applicant provides:
- a declaration undertaking to apply for or having obtained a PTV authorisation in the on-demand rank or hail category for the modified vehicle;
- a signed Grant Agreement;
- certification from the vehicle re-fitter that the vehicle meets the standards prescribed in the Transport (Road Passenger Services) Regulations 2020; and
- evidence of affiliation with DoT’s WAV-dedicated taxi booking service (currently Black & White Cabs).