Welcome to Active Transport

Active Transport supports the delivery of active transport solutions in Western Australia to make it an easy, attractive and widely accepted choice for people of all ages and abilities to walk, wheel or ride as part of their everyday journeys and experiences.

Latest Active Transport News

Family of cyclists

Free family bike riding adventure

26 Jul 2024

Families from Gosnells and nearby suburbs are invited to join the Gozzy Pedal Palooza, a free family fun bike riding adventure being held on Saturdays in August.

City of Greater Geraldton Active Travel Officer, Fred Block with participants at the ‘Seniors Have a Go eBike’ event

Seniors get eBike experience

15 Jul 2024

Organised by City of Greater Geraldton ATO Fred Block, the ‘Seniors Have a Go eBike’ session encouraged older residents to discover the enjoyment and benefits of a motor-assisted bicycle.

City of Greater Geraldton Active Travel Officer, Fred Block with participants at the ‘Seniors Have a Go eBike’ event
Winterfold Primary School students celebrate their bike racks.

Western Australian schools accessing the Connecting Schools Grant – a Your Move case study

11 Jul 2024

Discover how Winterfold Primary School, Neerigen Brook Primary School and Bramfield Park Primary School used their Connecting Schools Grant for bike and scooter parking.

Winterfold Primary School students celebrate their bike racks.

Find more ways to get there

Get active with Your Move

Your Move is a free program supporting schools and the community to discover healthier ways to get around and spend less time in the car.

Join Your Move

PSP Expansion

Principal Shared Paths help you get around your community.

See what's planned

WABN grants

An initiative of the WA State Government, administered by the Department of Transport.

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Safe Active Streets

Friendlier and safer streets for walkers and cyclists.

About the program

Cycle network

The Long Term Cycle Network improves cycling networks across WA regions and cities.

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PSP Expansion

Principal Shared Paths help you get around your community.

See what's planned

WABN grants

An initiative of the WA State Government, administered by the Department of Transport.

Find out more

Safe Active Streets

Friendlier and safer streets for walkers and cyclists.

About the program

Cycle network

The Long Term Cycle Network improves cycling networks across WA regions and cities.

Read more


Page last updated: Thu Dec 7 2023 3:49:10 PM