Boating Survivors - Their Stories

Hear the stories of Western Australians whose lives were impacted by an on-water incident.

Boating Survivors – Their Stories is a telling series of courageous interviews with Western Australians whose lives were impacted following an on-water incident.

The series highlights recreational boating, diving and kayaking incidents including Shiralee’s Story whose partner and three family members did not survive a voyage to Rottnest on the vessel Yeah Buoy in 2018. 

Each survivor shares their personal experience, regret, and the loss they and their family have encountered following the incident. 

The series provides an insight into the very real and tragic consequences of poor preparation and bad decision making on the water. 

By sharing their story, each person has made a generous contribution to the safety of others on the water.

Arna's story - Wear your lifejacket

Arna went fishing with her father near Jurien Bay. Unexpectedly their boat was struck by a large wave and they were thrown into the ocean. Sadly, Arna’s father didn’t survive.


Carl's story - Make safety gear accessible

Carl and his two young sons were fishing off Mandurah. Weather conditions deteriorated. 
After taking on water, their boat sank with little warning. To survive they clung to the bow of the boat.

Geoff's story - Keep a lookout

Geoff was diving in Cockburn Sound. His dive flag was displayed. Geoff thought the dive flag was his protective shield. Unfortunately, he was hit by a vessel, but he survived.

Shiralee's story - Wear your lifejacket

Shiralee’s partner along with three family members went fishing near Rottnest Island. Bad weather forced them to shelter overnight. Tragically the four men on board did not survive the trip home.

Steve's story - Wear your lifejacket and PLB

Steve went fishing from his kayak off Point Peron. After being swept from his kayak twice he struggled to get back on.  He survived because he had the right safety gear.

Page last updated: Fri Sep 15 2023 9:50:57 AM