Gascoyne notices
View navigational warnings, event notices and Temporary Notices To Mariners for the Gascoyne region.
Warning: Teggs Channel 6 - Port Marker unlit
Please navigate with caution when navigating this area.
Warning: Navigate with Caution; Shallow water and shifting sandbars - Carnarvon Fascine Navigational Channel
Shallow waters and shifting sand bars are reducing depths and severely restricting navigation throughout the fascine channel.
Navigational Markers should be used with caution with channel depths reduced especially at the seaward entrance. Several Navigational Aids are currently off station on top of the sandbank.
Navigational Beacons are not to be relied on at night.
Mariners are advised that ocean access may not be possible if launching from the Fascine boat ramp at low tides. The Carnarvon Boat Harbour boat ramp is open to provide an alternative option for launching vessels via Teggs Channel.
Warning: Portside Channel Marker Missing (Channel entering Beadon Creek, Onslow)
Mariners are advised that there is a portside channel marker missing from the entrance channel to Beadon Creek Onslow, Western Australia.
Portside Channel marker number Bn4 missing from location.
NE Lat 21°37’ 35.300, Long 115°07’ 46.888
Mariners are advised to use caution when transiting the area.
Advice: Wrecked Vessel – Dirk Hartog Island
Debris from the vessel may come adrift intermittently in prevailing conditions. Wreckage from the vessel is reported to be spread over a significant stretch of the beach.
Mariners are advised to exercise caution when transiting the area and to keep a lookout for debris.
Warning: Exmouth - Bundegi Inner Reef Channel Markers Missing
Port Buoy #10, the first buoy marking the start of the safe track from the North to the ramp and Starboard Buoy #7 in the centre of the track are missing.
Use caution navigating in the area.
Advice: Installation of 4x Water Quality Loggers, Exmouth Gulf
The device will contain a subsurface float and a Water Quality Monitoring logger which will be deployed on the seafloor.
The float will have a clearance from the surface of 5m at LAT.
Monitoring Sites:
21° 55.5600 ‘S 114° 8.8800 ‘E
21° 58.0200 ‘S 114° 8.7600 ‘E
21° 57.6600 ‘S 114° 8.8200 ‘E
21° 59.0400 ‘S 114° 8.4600 ‘E
Mariners are advised to proceed with caution when transiting near the above devices.
Advice: Installation of Wave Rider Buoy – Tantabiddi, Exmouth
21° 53.7240’ S 113° 55.5900’ E
The above buoy is yellow in colour, 420mm in diameter, contains 5 black solar panels and equipped with a yellow flashing light. The buoy also contains an orange surface float connected by 20m of line.
Flash rate Fl Y 2.5s
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area and keep well clear of the above buoy.
Advice: Installation of Wave Rider Buoy – Coral Bay
23° 9.2652’ S 113° 44.2152’ E
The above buoy is yellow in colour, 420mm in diameter, contains 5 black solar panels and equipped with a yellow flashing light. The buoy also contains an orange surface float connected by 20m of line.
Flash rate Fl Y 2.5s
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area and keep well clear of the above buoy.
Advice: Installation of Wave Rider Buoy – Dirk Hartog Island, Shark Bay
25° 29.5954’ S 113° 05.7486’ E
The above buoy is yellow in colour, 420mm in diameter, contains 5 black solar panels and equipped with a yellow flashing light. The buoy also contains an orange surface float connected by 20m of line.
Flash rate Fl Y 2.5s
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area and keep well clear of the above buoy.
Warning: Dangerous Rock at Ranscenot Point - South Passage - Dirk Hartog Island
Coordinates for the rock are at 26°09'46"S , 113°13'01"E
Please note that this rock is unlit.
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area.
Advice: Installation of 3 x Oceanographic Data Collection Instruments - Exmouth Marina
Instrument 1: 21° 57.38683' S 114° 8.47483' E
Instrument 2: 21° 57.49533' S 114° 8.62333' E
Instrument 3: 21° 57.59067' S 114° 9.10817' E
The above devices are unmarked, frame mounted and secured to the seabed.
Advice: 9 x Acoustic Receivers - Eastern Exmouth Gulf - Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
22°0.4500'S, 114°32.6040'E
22°6.4860'S, 114°30.9120'E
21°55.1460'S, 114°38.7180'E
21°54.3900'S, 114°38.3940'E
21°55.2060'S, 114°39.1260'E
22°27.1500'S, 114°13.4940'E
22°22.8720'S, 114°23.2440'E
22°23.9940'S, 114°9.2940'E
22°28.7640'S, 114°9.9780'E
The above acoustic receivers are marked by 2 unlit yellow surface floats.
Recovery date: June 2034
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution and keep well clear of the above acoustic receivers.
Advice: Installation of Acoustic Receivers, Shark Bay – Australian National University
25°37.26780'S , 113°36.40200'E
25°36.72600'S , 113°36.39600'E
25°36.18720'S , 113°36.39000'E
25°35.64420'S , 113°36.37740'E
25°35.10240'S , 113°36.36480'E
25°34.56180'S , 113°36.35460'E
25°36.55520'S , 113°37.95400'E
25°36.90940'S , 113°37.98640'E
25°35.26360'S , 113°37.01340'E
25°37.25280'S , 113°37.60020'E
25°36.70860'S , 113°37.58220'E
25°36.17460'S , 113°37.58100'E
25°35.62980'S , 113°37.56060'E
25°35.09400'S , 113°37.55516'E
25°34.54860'S , 113°37.53900'E
The above acoustic receivers are sub-surface and will have at least 5m clearance to surface at LAT.
Recovery date: June 2025
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution and keep well clear of the above acoustic receivers.
Advice: Carnarvon Fascine Navigational Beacons
Advice: Installation of x 2 Directional Wave Monitoring Buoys - Exmouth Gulf
Exmouth Gulf at the following locations:
21° 48.090'S 114° 15.924'E
22° 11.000'S 114° 15.900'E
The above DWRB’s are yellow in colour, approximately 0.42m in diameter and equipped with a flashing yellow light.
Flash Rate: Fl Y 2.5s
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area and keep well clear of the DWRB’s at all times.
Warning: Carnarvon Rear Lead reported to be Unlit
Warning: Norwegian Bay Rear Lead obscured
Please navigate with caution if you are entering the Bay.
Alternative anchorages are Coral Bay to the south or Tantabiddi to the north.
Advice: Installation of 6x Acoustic Receivers, Tantabiddi
Three of the receivers will be deployed on an orange surface float, approximately 30cm in diameter with reflective tape.
Their locations are as follows:
21° 55.364'S, 113° 58.06'E
21° 56.208'S, 113° 57.728'E
21° 56.934'S, 113° 56.802'E
Two of the recievers will be deployed on the lines of existing DBCA (Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions) moorings.
Their locations are as follows:
21° 54.774'S, 113° 58.452'E
21° 54.906'S, 113° 57.669'E
One reciever will be deployed on a star picket on the sea floor, which protrudes approxiamtely 40cm above the seabed.
It will be located as follows:
21° 56.016'S, 113° 56.69'E
Depolyment date:12/12/2022
Recovery date: 12/12/2023
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution when transiting the area
Warning: Five Finger Reef interaction with Swimmers Snorkelers Coral Bay
Mariners are advised to traverse with caution.
Advice: Deployment of four subsurface acoustic receivers – Exmouth Gulf
22° 17.3760 S, 114° 7.9800 E Bay of Rest (outer)
22° 16.8540 S, 114° 7.7160 E Bay of Rest (outer)
22° 17.5860 S, 114° 8.1480 E Bay of Rest (outer)
22° 17.1660 S, 114° 7.8120 E Bay of Rest (outer)
Each of the above receivers is attached to a subsurface rope and equipped with a yellow surface float.
Recovery date: 01/08/2025
Mariners are advised to navigate with Caution when transiting the area
Advice: Compulsory pilotage requirements, Port of Carnarvon
Have a LOA of 35 meters or greater; or
Are engaged in towing operations where the total length of the tow (measured from the bow of the towing vessel to the stern of the towed vessel) is 35 metres or greater.
Are required to engage the services of a suitably licensed marine pilot or the vessel Master must be the holder of a current Port of Carnarvon Pilot Exemption Certificate.
Vessels, vessel Masters or operators of vessels affected by this requirement are invited to approach the Department of Transport Harbour Masters office at to apply for a Pilot Exemption Certificate to be issued.
Authorised by: Captain Steven Wenban, Harbour Master, Port of Carnarvon, Marine Safety Department of Transport.