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Make a difference lifejacket program

Attend our free clinics to learn how to maintain and service your lifejackets.

The Make a difference lifejacket program promotes the importance of wearing a lifejacket and how to maintain your lifejacket.  

As part of the program, we hold regular lifejacket clinics where you can:

  • learn how to maintain, when to service, store and wear your lifejackets
  • receive vouchers to buy lifejacket servicing kits or a new lifejacket if your current lifejacket is deemed unserviceable. 

The $30 vouchers can only be used at participating retailers and are valid for 30 days from being issued.

The free lifejacket clinics run for around 45 minutes and are held at metropolitan and regional boat ramps throughout the year.

Sign up for our Boating Communities newsletter, join us on Facebook or download the Deckee app to find out the date and location of next lifejacket clinic. 

Lifejacket clinic times and locations


New safety equipment changes

The following life jacket clinics will be preceded by an educational presentation covering the new safety equipment rules for recreational boaters

Drop by with your lifejacket at any of the following clinics: 

Date  Location  Time 
Friday 28 February  Two Rocks Marina 9am - 10am

Participating retailers

Location Retailer
Albany Anaconda
Albany BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Albany GB Marine
Albany Rusty's Marine
Albany Westerberg Marine
Albany Watercraft Marine
Augusta Augusta X-treme Outdoor Sports and Camping
Australind Whitey's Tackle & Camping
Balcatta BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Balcatta Getaway Outdoors
Belmont BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Broome Broome Boat Shop
Bunbury Anaconda Bunbury
Bunbury BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Bunbury  Bluewater Marine
Bunbury Millard Marine
Bunbury Sportsmarine Boat Centre
Busselton Anaconda Busselton
Busselton BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Butler Anaconda Butler
Butler BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Cannington Anaconda Cannington
Cannington BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Carnarvon Tel-O-Mac Tackle Shop
Cockburn BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Cockburn Getaway Outdoors
Coral Bay Coral Bay Supermarket
Dunsborough Bosun Marine
Esperance Jolley's Fishing World
Esperance Moby Marine Services
Esperance Southern Sports and Tackle
Exmouth Exmouth Tackle and Camping
Exmouth Tackle World Exmouth
Falcon Tackle World Miami
Forrestdale Anaconda
Fremantle Yacht Grot 1985
Geraldton BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Geraldton Getaway Outdoors
Geraldton Max Marine
Innaloo Anaconda Innaloo
Joondalup Anaconda Joondalup
Joondalup BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Jurien Bay Jurien Bay Marine Supplies
Kalgoorlie BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Karratha Karratha Adventure Sports
Kelmscott Getaway Outdoors
Kununurra East Kimberley Marine
Malaga BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Malaga Searano Marine
Mandurah Anaconda
Mandurah BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Mandurah Bluewater Tackle
Melville Anaconda Melville
Mt Claremont Royal Life Saving WA
Midland Anaconda Midland
Midland BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Myaree BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
North Fremantle Monkey Fist Marine
O'Connor West Offshore Products
Osborne Park BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Osborne Park Perth Marine Centre
Port Hedland Pilbara Boats N Bikes
Rockingham Anaconda Rockingham
Rockingham BCF (Boating, Camping and Fishing Store)
Rockingham Rockingham Boating
Wangara Hi Tech Marine

Retailers wishing to be part of the Make a difference program should contact edboat@transport.wa.gov.au

Frequently asked questions

How does the voucher system work?

If your lifejacket is deemed unserviceable or the clinic does not have the parts to service your lifejacket you will receive a $30 voucher that can be redeemed at a participating retailer. 
To receive a $30 voucher, you must attend a clinic with your lifejacket(s). 
Families can receive a maximum of 4 vouchers to buy new lifejackets. 
Vouchers are valid for 30 days after being issued.

Can I use a voucher to purchase other items, such as flares or an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)? 

No. The vouchers can only be used for buying lifejacket maintenance kits or a new replacement lifejacket.

Do I have to bring a lifejacket to the clinic?

No, the lifejacket clinics are designed to educate you on how to maintain a lifejacket. However, without a lifejacket you will not be eligible to receive a voucher for parts or a replacement lifejacket.

Can I keep my old lifejacket and receive a voucher?

No. If your lifejacket is deemed unserviceable you must surrender it to receive a voucher.

Can I redeem the voucher online through one of the retail partners? 

No. You will need to visit a store to redeem your voucher.

I am a not a recreational boater, but I wear a lifejacket when sailing, windsurfing, kiteboarding, canoeing or kayaking. Can I attend? 

Yes. We welcome all recreational water users to  attend a clinic.

I am a commercial operator. Am I eligible to receive a voucher? 

Commercial operators are welcome to attend a clinic but are not eligible to receive a voucher.

Is the Old4New lifejacket upgrade program still available? 

Yes. The Royal Lifesaving Society of Western Australia will continue to run Old4New events. 
Find out more about the Royal Lifesaving WA OLD4New program. 

Page last updated: Wed Feb 26 2025 9:53:13 AM