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Government/Commercial plates

Special identification plates are issued by Transport to vehicles licensed to carry passengers for a fare or hire fee, such as taxis and tourist buses (excludes Transperth and Transwa passenger service buses).

  Commonwealth plates

Vehicles licensed to the Commonwealth Government of Australia are issued with special number plates.

These plates are black on a white background with the letter 'Z' in red as the prefix of the plate.

  • An example of a Commonwealth vehicle number plate is: ZAN123.

Since the year 2000 when the Commonwealth Vehicle Registry closed, the responsibility for the issue of Commonwealth Government of Australia number plates was passed on to the states and territories for issue.

These vehicles can only be licensed at the West Perth Driver and Vehicle Services Centre by a private vehicle leasing company.

  Government plates

Government plates are issued by Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) to light commercial motor vehicles trailers, and motorcycles licensed in the name of Government Agencies. The WA Government Fleet Policy and Guidelines does not apply to heavy vehicles.

The plates are issued for general use on government vehicles and are manufactured on demand in large quantities in an ascending alpha/numeric series.

In certain circumstances a government agency will inform DVS that approval has been given for some of their vehicles to be licensed with a state series plate.

Government plates have a blue background with white reflectorised characters.

Examples of government plates are:

  • Vehicle plates: 1QAA123
  • Trailer plates: 1QTA123
  • Motorcycle plates: 1QA123

  Hire and drive plates

Hire and drive plates are issued in the following format.

  • 6Y@ ###
  • 7Y@ ###
  • 8Y@ ###
  • 9Y@ ###
  • 1Y@@ ###

@ = alpha character
# = numeric character

It is not compulsory for hire and drive to display special identifying number plates.

  • If a hire and drive vehicle displaying special identifying plates is sold for private use, the plates must be changed before the vehicle is transferred.
  • Vehicles with seating for more than eight people that are available for Hire and Drive it yourself purposes must have an inspection prior to licensing and annually thereafter before the licence expires.
  • Vehicles with seating for less than eight people do not require annual inspection.
  • The correct rate of Motor Injury Insurance (MII) must be paid.

  Plates issued to passenger transport vehicles (PTV)

On 2 July 2019, passenger transport vehicle (PTV) authorisations were introduced under the Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018. 

PTV authorisations replaced owned and leased taxi plates, country taxi-car, regular passenger transport omnibus and charter vehicle licences. 

The PTV authorisation is a single authorisation with four categories of service:

  • On-demand rank or hail (OD-RH) (taxi)
  • On-demand charter (OD-C);
  • Tourism passenger transport (TPT); and
  • Regular passenger transport (RPT).

Please refer to On-demand Transport for information on PTVs.

Plate types on passenger transport vehicles (PTVs) 

A vehicle authorised as an on-demand rank or hail PTV (taxi) is required to display taxi plates. 

Vehicles authorised as on-demand charter (OD-C), tourism passenger transport (TPT) or regular passenger transport (RPT) are not required to display specific plates – vehicles can display ordinary state or custom plates. 

Existing plate type Remake available  Able to change to new style TAXI Plate Able to change to CVL Plate

A PTV authorisation holder may change the category of their authorisation from OD-RH to OD-C.

Please see the PTV section for further details.

  Transperth and Transwa bus plates

Buses operated by Transperth are issued with 'TP' series plates (TP NNN) and buses operated by Transwa are issued with Government series plates (UQB NNN).

  Fitting plates to your vehicle

Screws are not supplied with plates issued by DoT.

Standard plates are made of aluminium and have the following dimensions:

  • Motor vehicle plate 372 mm x 134 mm.
  • Motorcycle plate 254 mm x 100 mm.
  • Auxiliary plate 253 mm x 99 mm.

Optional plates are made of aluminium or acrylic and the sizes of the various plate series can be found by visiting PlatesWA, or on the first page of the Optional Plates Application Form.

If optional plates are ordered and the application approved, the plates will not be released until they can be affixed to a licensed vehicle.

You will need to organise the removal of the old plates and attach the new plates or arrange for them to be fitted by a car dealership or garage.

WA number plates are issued to identify licensed vehicles. If you are responsible for a vehicle, you must ensure that any plate or plates issued are kept rigidly fixed to the vehicle and displayed in line with the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 (WA). WA number plates must not be used for decorative purposes or kept for sentimental reasons. If the plates are no longer in use, they must be returned to the DoT. Failure to do so, may lead to a penalty.

You will need to buy and affix an auxiliary plate if a bike rack or mobility device is attached to your vehicle and obstructs the view of your rear number plate. Refer to auxiliary plates

If the existing vehicle number plates have been lost, stolen or damaged then standard replacement processes apply. Refer to Replace lost/stolen or damaged number plates

Page last updated: Fri Dec 8 2023 10:10:54 AM