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Apply for recognition of your non-WA PTD authorisation

To drive passengers for hire or reward in WA, you will need to hold a passenger transport driver (PTD) authorisation. Find out how to apply for mutual recognition of your interstate or New Zealand equivalent PTD authorisation in WA.

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  What is mutual recognition?

If you hold the equivalent of a PTD authorisation from another Australian state, territory or New Zealand, you can apply for the mutual recognition of your authorisation in WA.

The mutual recognition of occupational licences and authorisations allows a person who holds an occupational licence or authorisation in one Australian jurisdiction or in New Zealand to receive the equivalent licence or authorisation in another jurisdiction. The Department of Transport (DoT) must consider applications to recognise commercial passenger driving authorisations issued in other Australian jurisdictions and New Zealand and, if considered to be equivalent, issue you with a WA authorisation for the same activity.

The Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018 also allows interstate PTD authorisation holders to drive passengers for hire or reward in WA for a continuous period of three months from the date they enter WA. After this period you must hold a WA PTD authorisation to drive passengers for hire or reward, so it is advised that you apply for the mutual recognition of your interstate authorisation before the three month period ends. 

Opens in a new window Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018

What is Automatic Mutual Recognition?

The Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) scheme is an Australian Government-led initiative (JobPass) and now applies in all Australian states and territories excluding Queensland. 

The AMR scheme makes it easier for workers who need to be licensed or registered for their job to work in other states and territories. Those eligible for AMR will not be required pay for a second licence if they are already licensed to perform the same activities in their home state. You may only work under AMR in Western Australia if your home state is participating (and vice versa).

How will AMR work in WA?

The Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018 allows interstate PTD authorisation holders to transport passengers for hire or reward in WA for a continuous period of three months from the date they enter WA.  Please see the “Notifying the Department of Transport of your intent to operate under automatic mutual recognition” section below.
During this period, interstate PTD authorisation holders must notify DoT of their intent to operate under AMR by attending in-person at a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) Centre, regional DoT centre or agent. If not, AMR will not apply. 

WALW - Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 2020

  Applying for a PTD authorisation through mutual recognition

Are you eligible?

You are eligible to apply for mutual recognition if you:

  • hold an equivalent PTD authorisation from another Australian state or territory, or in New Zealand that is current, valid and unrestricted; and 
  • you have not yet transferred your driver’s licence to Western Australia.

If you have already been issued a WA driver’s licence, you must apply for a regular PTD authorisation. Visit How to apply for a PTD authorisation for more information.

How to apply

You must apply for mutual recognition of your interstate or New Zealand PTD authorisation in-person at a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) Centre, regional DoT centre or agent. You must:

  • provide the required proof of identity document for the initial issue of a WA driver’s licence – see Proof of identity;
  • present your interstate or New Zealand driver’s licence;
  • present your current and valid interstate or New Zealand equivalent PTD authorisation;
  • complete the E33: Mutual Recognition Registration form;
  • complete the DLA1 Driver’s Licence Application form; and
  • pay the PTD authorisation application fee.

Your DoTDirect account is where you will receive communications and account notices for your PTD authorisation.

Remember – if you have already been issued a WA driver’s licence, you must apply for a regular PTD authorisation.

Notifying the Department of Transport of your intent to operate under automatic mutual recognition (AMR)

Are you eligible?

The automatic mutual recognition scheme is not available to people who:

  • are subject to disciplinary proceedings (including any preliminary investigations or action that might lead to disciplinary proceedings) in relation to the occupation and, in respect to the AMR scheme, activities covered by that occupation. In the case of AMR, disciplinary proceedings also include preliminary investigations or action that might lead to criminal, civil or disciplinary proceedings.
  • preliminary investigations or action would reach the relevant threshold when there is a realistic possibility (not necessarily likelihood) the investigations or action will lead to criminal, civil or disciplinary proceedings. 
  • have conditions on their registration as a result of disciplinary, civil or criminal proceedings. 
  • are personally prohibited from carrying on the occupation and (in respect to the AMR scheme) activities.
  • have a suspended or cancelled registration (including interim deemed registration or automatic deemed registration).

If you are not subject to any of the above, you are eligible to apply for automatic mutual recognition if you:

  • are not resident in Western Australia;
  • hold an equivalent PTD authorisation from another Australian (excluding Queensland) state or territory that is current, valid and unrestricted; and 
  • you have not yet transferred your driver’s licence to Western Australia.

If you have already been issued a WA driver’s licence, you must apply for a regular PTD authorisation. Visit How to apply for a PTD authorisation for more information.

How to apply

You must notify DoT of your intent to operate under AMR by showing your interstate equivalent PTD authorisation in-person at a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) Centre, regional DoT centre or agent. You must:

  • present your interstate driver’s licence (excluding Queensland);
  • present your current and valid interstate equivalent PTD authorisation; and
  • complete the E33: Mutual Recognition Registration form;

Remember – if you have already been issued a WA driver’s licence, you must apply for a regular PTD authorisation.

Requirements under AMR

Registered persons have a responsibility to be aware of, and understand and comply with, laws where they are working or where they are providing a service. A person who does not comply with the laws where they are working may be subject to disciplinary measures prescribed in those laws.

DoT shares information with other Australian jurisdictions under AMR. 

For more information on the legislation governing the passenger transport industry please see: Passenger transport driver responsibilities.

On-demand Booking Service (ODBS) providers have a safety duty to ensure the health and safety of their passengers and drivers. A chain of accountability framework, establishes that ODBSs have an obligation to ensure they meet their safety duties. In addition to their general safety duty, ODBSs must ensure that all drivers and vehicles they dispatch work to, or have association agreements with, meet the applicable safety standards outlined in the Act and associated regulations.  

  How your application is assessed

When you attend a DVS Centre, regional DoT centre or agent to submit your application for mutual recognition, your application may be assessed and approved immediately. Once it’s approved you must pay the PTD authorisation fee before you can drive passengers for hire or reward. 

If your application cannot be approved immediately, we will notify you of the outcome via email within 30 days. You may be asked to provide further documentation before an outcome can be reached. Please remember to check your emails, including junk folders, for messages related to your application.

If your application is approved, you will receive an account notice for the PTD authorisation fee via email which must be paid before you can drive passengers for hire or reward. The payment can be made:

Page last updated: Wed Dec 11 2024 10:22:01 AM