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On-demand rank or hail (taxi) fares

Maximum rank or hail fares have increased

The WA Government has approved a 4.59% increase to maximum metered on-demand rank or hail (taxi) fares. On-demand booking services (ODBSs) providing taxi services can choose to apply this increase to all regulated fare components from Friday 3 May 2024.

The metropolitan and regional fare schedules outlined below on this page have been updated to reflect the increase.

ODBSs that choose to increase their fares must update the printed fare schedules, booking apps, websites and fare estimators that they display and apply from Friday 3 May 2024.

This increase is in line with the review of maximum metered taxi fares undertaken in 2022, recommending annual fare reviews based on indexation by the ‘private motoring’ sub-group of Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). See Outcomes of the review of maximum metered taxi fares below for more information.

I’m an ODBS – what do I need to do?

If you are an ODBS that provides rank or hail (taxi) services, you can choose whether to implement the fare increase or not. The regulated fares are maximums – you can apply all, some, or none of the increase. 

If you increase your fares, you will need to update:

  • fare calculation devices (meters);
  • printed fare schedules displayed inside and outside the vehicle;
  • booking apps;
  • websites; and 
  • fare estimators. 

It is important that passengers can access accurate information about the fares that apply to their trips. 

I’m a driver – what do I need to do?

If you are a taxi driver, it’s important that you keep in contact with your ODBS to get the latest information about how they are responding to the fare increase.

  Maximum fares, meters and fare schedules for rank or hail (taxi) services

The Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018 and associated regulations outline responsibilities for how rank or hail (taxi) fares can be charged, including:

  • requirement to install and use a fare calculation device (meter);
  • requirement to display fare schedules; and
  • limits on the maximum fares that can be charged.

ODBSs that provide taxi services are responsible for setting rank or hail fares up to or below the maximum regulated fare amounts. Rank or hail fares must be consistent with the relevant Schedule outlined in the Regulations – either:

  • Schedule 4 for the metropolitan region; or 
  • Schedule 5 for one of nine country regions.

Rank or hail fares must not exceed the maximum amounts as outlined in these schedules. The maximum amounts and fare structures in these schedules are shown below on this page.

All fares and charges that are set by the ODBS must be reflected in the fare schedule, and accurately calculated by the meter. For this to occur, taxi drivers must always use their meter when operating for hire at taxi ranks, or when hailed on the street.

Failure to comply with the above requirements can result in an infringement or prosecution against the driver, vehicle provider or ODBS. 

Opens in a new window Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018
Transport (Road Passenger Services) Regulations 2020

What does the fare schedule include?

Under the legislation, the fare schedule must be displayed in the approved form. This means it must:

  • include the name of the ODBS provider;
  • detail the rates and amounts to be paid for the trip;
  • be printed in a format that is legible;
  • not be handwritten;
  • display all text in the English language; and
  • display all figures in Australian currency, with cents rounded to two decimal places.

It is the joint responsibility of the ODBS, vehicle provider and driver to ensure that the fare schedule is displayed in the approved form.

Where is the fare schedule displayed?

Fare schedules in the approved form must be located in a position that is clearly visible to:

  • prospective passengers from outside the front passenger window; and 
  • passengers inside the vehicle. 

Summary fare schedules

If the design of the vehicle makes it impractical to display the full fare schedule on the outside of the vehicle, then a summary fare schedule can be attached to the outside of the front passenger door. The full fare schedule must be displayed inside the vehicle, visible to passengers.

The summary fare schedule must contain at least the following information:

  • any flag fall that applies and the times and/or circumstances in which it applies; and 
  • the distance rates for each tariff and the times and/or circumstances in which they apply.

The summary fare schedule must be in the approved form – this means it must:

  • be printed in a format that is legible;
  • not be handwritten;
  • display all text in the English language; and
  • display all figures in Australian currency, with cents rounded to two decimal places.
Opens in a new window Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018
Transport (Road Passenger Services) Regulations 2020

  Taxi surcharges

The State Government has capped surcharges imposed on taxi passengers who pay their fare with non-cash methods to a maximum of 5%.

If the vehicle has more than one Point of Sale machine the driver must use the device with the lowest surcharge.

  Contract fares

This is the agreed amount payable for the hire of a taxi (or charter vehicle), which must be agreed before the journey starts, between:

  • the hirer and the driver; or 
  • the hirer and the driver's on-demand booking service.

Contract fares must be recorded in writing – this includes electronic formats like SMS or email.

Written confirmation of a contract fare must include:

  • enough detail to identify the driver, the vehicle/s used, the person who booked the service, and at least one passenger; 
  • the start and end locations of the proposed journey; 
  • the day and time of the proposed journey; 
  • the amount agreed to pay for the contract fare (including any amount for GST); and
  • a statement declaring that additional fees may be payable (like parking fees, cleaning fees, payment surcharges and/or airport fees).

Written confirmation of contract fares is required to meet record keeping obligations under the Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018. Visit Record keeping for ODBSs for more information.

Contract fares cannot be arranged if the passenger is engaging the driver at a taxi rank, or hailing the vehicle on the street – drivers must use their meters in these situations.

For a pre-booked taxi journey, you cannot charge above the relevant regulated maximum fares or include any components not approved in the Transport (Road Passenger Services) Regulations 2020 if:

  • a meter is used; and 
  • a contract fare has not been agreed between the hirer and driver/on-demand booking service before the journey starts.

Taxi User Subsidy Scheme contract fares

The Taxi User Subsidy Scheme (TUSS) can be used where a passenger agrees to a contract fare. However, if a TUSS voucher is to be used for the payment or part-payment of the contract fare, the amount agreed must not exceed the metered fare that would otherwise have been payable for the hire of the taxi.

  Unauthorised tip charges

Under Australian Consumer Law, drivers should not charge a service tip without the passenger's knowledge, offer or express authority.

To make an inquiry or to lodge a complaint, please contact the relevant on-demand booking service provider directly.

Complaints can also be referred to the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Consumer Protection Division for further assistance.

Opens in a new window Department of Commerce: Consumer Protection Division

Fares for other on-demand transport services (including charter and rideshare)

There are no regulated minimum or maximum fares for other forms of on-demand transport, such as charter services (including rideshare). 

These drivers and passengers must agree to a pre-agreed or "contract" fare prior to travel commencing, which must be recorded in writing – this includes electronic formats like SMS or email. 

Read the Contract fares section below for more information.

  Schedule 4: Fares – metropolitan region

Metropolitan region fares – Schedule 4

Tariff Flagfall [1] Distance rate [2] Detention [3]
Tariff 1 
Monday to Friday 6:00 am to 6:00 pm
$5.40 $2.13/km $61.00/hour
Tariff 2
Monday to Friday 6:00 pm to 6:00 am
Friday 6:00 pm to Monday 6:00 am
All day Public Holidays
$7.70 $2.13/km $61.00/hour
Tariff 3
When carrying 5 or more passengers, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair)
$7.70 $3.19/km $95.00/hour

Other amounts (maximums)

Call out fee 
(but only if a guaranteed booking fee is not payable for the same hire)
Ultra Peak - between midnight Friday to 3:00 am Saturday or midnight Saturday to 3:00 am Sunday $4.50
Christmas Day - midnight to midnight $6.40
New Year's Eve - 6:00 pm New Year's Eve to 6:00 am New Year's Day $7.40


[1] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey.

[2] Rate per kilometre travelled.

[3] Waiting time rate per hour. 

All vehicles are fitted with taxi meters that charge fares and charges (set by the relevant ODBS) to passengers, though drivers and passengers can enter into a pre-agreement as to the fare amount without the use of a taxi meter.

Contract fares cannot be arranged if the passenger is engaging the driver at a taxi rank, or hailing the vehicle on the street – drivers must use their meters in these situations. Read the Contract fares section above for more information.

There are no regulated minimum or maximum fares for other forms of on-demand transport, such as charter services (including rideshare). These drivers and passengers must agree to a pre-agreed or "contract" fare prior to travel commencing, which must be recorded in writing – this includes electronic formats like SMS or email. 

For further information about operating at Perth Airport, visit the Perth Airport website.

  Schedule 5 Division 1: Gascoyne region taxi fares

Schedule 5 Division 1: Gascoyne region taxi fares

Fee type Fee
Carnarvon, Denham and Exmouth
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Tariff 1 flagfall $5.40 [1]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Tariff 1 per km $2.87 [2]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Tariff 1 detention per hour $61.00 [3]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Tariff 2 flagfall $7.70 [4]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Tariff 2 per km $2.87 [5]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Tariff 2 detention per hour $61.00 [6]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Tariff 3 flagfall $7.70 [7]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Tariff 3 per km $4.24 [8]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Tariff 3 detention per hour $95.00 [9]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Ultra-peak surcharge $3.40 [10]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Christmas Day surcharge $6.40 [11]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): New Year's Eve surcharge $7.30 [12]
Taxi passenger fares Gascoyne (Schedule 5 Division 1): Call out fee $1.90

[1] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[2] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[3] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[4] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[5] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[6] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[7] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[8] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[9] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[10] Applies from midnight Friday to 5.00 am Saturday or midnight Saturday to 5.00 am Sunday.

[11] Applies midnight to midnight, Christmas Day.

[12] Applies between 6.00 pm, New Year’s Eve to 6.00 am, New Year’s Day.

  Schedule 5 Division 2: Goldfields/Esperance region taxi fares

Schedule 5 Division 2: Goldfields/Esperance region taxi fares

Fee type Fee
Coolgardie, Esperance, Hopetoun, Kalgoorlie/Boulder and Kambalda
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Tariff 1 flagfall $5.40 [1]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Tariff 1 per km $2.24 [2]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Tariff 1 detention per hour $61.00 [3]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Tariff 2 flagfall $7.70 [4]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Tariff 2 per km $2.24 [5]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Tariff 2 detention per hour $61.00 [6]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Tariff 3 flagfall $7.70 [7]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Tariff 3 per km $3.19 [8]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Tariff 3 detention per hour $95.00 [9]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Ultra-peak surcharge $3.40 [10]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Christmas Day surcharge $6.40 [11]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): New Year's Eve surcharge $7.30 [12]
Taxi passenger fares Goldfields/Esperance (Schedule 5 Division 2): Call out fee $1.90

[1] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[2] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[3] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[4] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[5] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[6] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[7] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[8] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[9] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[10] Applies from midnight Friday to 5.00 am Saturday or midnight Saturday to 5.00 am Sunday.

[11] Applies midnight to midnight, Christmas Day.

[12] Applies between 6.00 pm, New Year’s Eve to 6.00 am, New Year’s Day.

  Schedule 5 Division 3: Great Southern region taxi fares

Schedule 5 Division 3: Great Southern region taxi fares

Fee type Fee
Albany, Denmark, Katanning and Mount Barker
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Tariff 1 flagfall $5.40 [1]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Tariff 1 per km $2.17 [2]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Tariff 1 detention per hour $61.00 [3]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Tariff 2 flagfall $7.70 [4]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Tariff 2 per km $2.17 [5]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Tariff 2 detention per hour $61.00 [6]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Tariff 3 flagfall $7.70 [7]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Tariff 3 per km $3.23 [8]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Tariff 3 detention per hour $95.00 [9]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Ultra-peak surcharge $3.40 [10]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Christmas Day surcharge $6.40 [11]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): New Year's Eve surcharge $7.30 [12]
Taxi passenger fares Great Southern (Schedule 5 Division 3): Call out fee $1.90

[1] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[2] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[3] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[4] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[5] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[6] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[7] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[8] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[9] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[10] Applies from midnight Friday to 5.00 am Saturday or midnight Saturday to 5.00 am Sunday.

[11] Applies midnight to midnight, Christmas Day.

[12] Applies between 6.00 pm, New Year’s Eve to 6.00 am, New Year’s Day.

  Schedule 5 Division 4: Kimberley region taxi fares

Schedule 5 Division 4: Kimberley region taxi fares

Fee type Fee
Broome, Derby, Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek, Kununurra and Wyndham
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Tariff 1 flagfall $5.40 [1]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Tariff 1 per km $2.82 [2]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Tariff 1 detention per hour $61.00 [3]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Tariff 2 flagfall $7.70 [4]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Tariff 2 per km $2.82 [5]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Tariff 2 detention per hour $61.00 [6]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Tariff 3 flagfall $7.70 [7]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Tariff 3 per km $4.15 [8]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Tariff 3 detention per hour $95.00 [9]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Ultra-peak surcharge $3.40 [10]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Christmas Day surcharge $6.40 [11]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): New Year's Eve surcharge $7.30 [12]
Taxi passenger fares Kimberley (Schedule 5 Division 4): Call out fee $1.90

[1] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[2] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[3] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[4] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[5] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[6] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[7] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair)

[8] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[9] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[10] Applies from midnight Friday to 5.00 am Saturday or midnight Saturday to 5.00 am Sunday.

[11] Applies midnight to midnight, Christmas Day.

[12] Applies between 6.00 pm, New Year’s Eve to 6.00 am, New Year’s Day.

  Schedule 5 Division 5: Mid West region taxi fares

Schedule 5 Division 5: Mid West region taxi fares

Fee type Fee
Dongara, Geraldton, Kalbarri and Meekatharra
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Tariff 1 flagfall $5.50 [1]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Tariff 1 per km $2.19 [2]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Tariff 1 detention per hour $61.50 [3]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Tariff 2 flagfall $7.80 [4]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Tariff 2 per km $2.19 [5]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Tariff 2 detention per hour $61.50 [6]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Tariff 3 flagfall $7.80 [7]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Tariff 3 per km $3.23 [8]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Tariff 3 detention per hour $96.00 [9]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Ultra-peak surcharge $3.40 [10]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Christmas Day surcharge $6.40 [11]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): New Year's Eve surcharge $7.40 [12]
Taxi passenger fares Mid West (Schedule 5 Division 5): Call out fee $1.90

[1] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[2] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[3] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[4] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[5] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[6] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[7] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[8] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[9] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[10] Applies from midnight Friday to 5.00 am Saturday or midnight Saturday to 5.00 am Sunday.

[11] Applies midnight to midnight, Christmas Day.

[12] Applies between 6.00 pm, New Year’s Eve to 6.00 am, New Year’s Day.

  Schedule 5 Division 6: Peel region taxi fares

Schedule 5 Division 6: Peel region taxi fares

Fee type Fee
Mandurah, Pinjarra and Waroona
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Tariff 1 flagfall $5.40 [1]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Tariff 1 per km $2.17 [2]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Tariff 1 detention per hour $61.00 [3]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Tariff 2 flagfall $7.70 [4]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Tariff 2 per km $2.17 [5]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Tariff 2 detention per hour $61.00 [6]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Tariff 3 flagfall $7.70 [7]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Tariff 3 per km $3.23 [8]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Tariff 3 detention per hour $95.00 [9]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Ultra-peak surcharge $3.40 [10]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Christmas Day surcharge $6.40 [11]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): New Year's Eve surcharge $7.30 [12]
Taxi passenger fares Peel (Schedule 5 Division 6): Call out fee $1.90

[1] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[2] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[3] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[4] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[5] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[6] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[7] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[8] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[9] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[10] Applies from midnight Friday to 5.00 am Saturday or midnight Saturday to 5.00 am Sunday.

[11] Applies midnight to midnight, Christmas Day.

[12] Applies between 6.00 pm, New Year’s Eve to 6.00 am, New Year’s Day.

  Schedule 5 Division 7: Pilbara region taxi fares

Schedule 5 Division 7: Pilbara region taxi fares

Fee type Fee
Dampier, Karratha, Newman, Onslow, Port Hedland, Roebourne, Wickham and Tom Price
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Tariff 1 flagfall $5.40 [1]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Tariff 1 per km $2.87 [2]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Tariff 1 detention per hour $61.00 [3]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Tariff 2 flagfall $7.70 [4]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Tariff 2 per km $2.87 [5]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Tariff 2 detention per hour $61.00 [6]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Tariff 3 flagfall $7.70 [7]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Tariff 3 per km $4.24 [8]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Tariff 3 detention per hour $95.00 [9]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Ultra-peak surcharge $3.40 [10]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Christmas Day surcharge $6.40 [11]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): New Year's Eve surcharge $7.30 [12]
Taxi passenger fares Pilbara (Schedule 5 Division 7): Call out fee $1.90

[1] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[2] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[3] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[4] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[5] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[6] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[7] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[8] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[9] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[10] Applies from midnight Friday to 5.00 am Saturday or midnight Saturday to 5.00 am Sunday.

[11] Applies midnight to midnight, Christmas Day.

[12] Applies between 6.00 pm, New Year’s Eve to 6.00 am, New Year’s Day.

  Schedule 5 Division 8: South West region taxi fares

Schedule 5 Division 8: South West region taxi fares

Fee type Fee
Augusta, Bridgetown, Bunbury, Busselton, Collie, Dunsborough, Harvey, Manjimup and Margaret River
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Tariff 1 flagfall $5.40 [1]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Tariff 1 per km $2.17 [2]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Tariff 1 detention per hour $61.00 [3]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Tariff 2 flagfall $7.70 [4]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Tariff 2 per km $2.17 [5]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Tariff 2 detention per hour $61.00 [6]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Tariff 3 flagfall $7.70 [7]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Tariff 3 per km $3.23 [8]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Tariff 3 detention per hour $95.00 [9]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Ultra-peak surcharge $3.40 [10]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Christmas Day surcharge $6.40 [11]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): New Year's Eve surcharge $7.30 [12]
Taxi passenger fares South West (Schedule 5 Division 8): Call out fee $1.90

[1] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[2] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[3] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[4] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[5] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[6] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[7] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[8] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[9] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[10] Applies from midnight Friday to 5.00 am Saturday or midnight Saturday to 5.00 am Sunday.

[11] Applies midnight to midnight, Christmas Day.

[12] Applies between 6.00 pm, New Year’s Eve to 6.00 am, New Year’s Day.

  Schedule 5 Division 9: Wheatbelt region taxi fares

Schedule 5 Division 9: Wheatbelt region taxi fares

Fee type Fee
Jurien, Merredin, Narrogin, Northam, Toodyay, Wongan Hills and York
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Tariff 1 flagfall $5.40 [1]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Tariff 1 per km $2.24 [2]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Tariff 1 detention per hour $61.00 [3]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Tariff 2 flagfall $7.70 [4]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Tariff 2 per km $2.24 [5]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Tariff 2 detention per hour $61.00 [6]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Tariff 3 flagfall $7.70 [7]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Tariff 3 per km $3.19 [8]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Tariff 3 detention per hour $95.00 [9]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Ultra-peak surcharge $3.40 [10]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Christmas Day surcharge $6.40 [11]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): New Year's Eve surcharge $7.30 [12]
Taxi passenger fares Wheatbelt (Schedule 5 Division 9): Call out fee $1.90

[1] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[2] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[3] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

[4] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[5] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[6] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies Monday to Friday, 6.00 pm to 6.00 am; Friday 6.00 pm to Monday 6.00 am; all day public holidays.

[7] Initial charge incurred at the start of a taxi journey. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[8] Rate per kilometre travelled. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[9] Waiting time rate per hour. Applies whenever five (5) or more passengers are carried, or when a large vehicle (equipped to seat more than 5 adults, including the driver of the vehicle) is requested (other than to carry a wheelchair).

[10] Applies from midnight Friday to 5.00 am Saturday or midnight Saturday to 5.00 am Sunday.

[11] Applies midnight to midnight, Christmas Day.

[12] Applies between 6.00 pm, New Year’s Eve to 6.00 am, New Year’s Day.

Outcomes of the review of maximum metered taxi fares

About the review

An independent review of the way maximum metered taxi fares are regulated in WA, commissioned by the Department of Transport, was completed in June 2022. 

A range of authorised on-demand booking services (ODBSs) in Perth and regional areas participated in the review, providing insights to the nature of their business costs and their views on regulating various fare components.

DoT will continue to engage with industry to ensure the fare regulation model meets the needs of ODBSs, drivers and the travelling public.


The review outlined several key recommendations for the Government’s consideration. The recommendations, and DoT’s response, are summarised here.

The full report of the Review of Regulated Maximum Taxi Fares is available below.

1. Adopt the deregulation of rank or hail fares as the preferred approach in the medium to long term and develop a ‘roadmap to deregulation’ to progress the preferred approach

The review recommends the deregulation of taxi fares to allow ODBSs to have greater flexibility and autonomy to set fare prices that respond to their specific economic environments and commercial challenges. 

The review highlighted several key challenges associated with this recommendation, and the Government does not support the deregulation of taxi fares at this time.

2. In the interim, until deregulation can be practically achieved, retain regulated maximum metered fares

Taxi fare modelling undertaken in the review found that current fare settings are appropriate, and until deregulation is practical, DoT should retain regulated maximum metered fares.

DoT is considering how current fare-setting mechanisms can be enhanced to help ODBSs respond flexibly to their operating environment.

3. Implement annual fare reviews based on indexation by the ‘private motoring’ sub-group of Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

The report acknowledges that regular formal reviews of maximum metered taxi fares were paused in 2017 due to the on-demand transport industry reform, and that over the years, different indexation methods have been used to review fares. The review highlights a need to adopt a preferred approach to indexation based on a reliable dataset that is regularly updated.

A simple, transparent approach to indexation was recommended, which can be easily communicated and understood by industry.

On this basis, it was recommended that DoT indexes all regulated maximum metered taxi fare components annually, based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) figure for the Perth ‘private motoring’ sub-group. 

The Australian Bureau of Statistics published a CPI percentage change of 11.18% for the Perth ‘private motoring’ CPI sub-group from September 2021 to June 2022. 

To bring the total maximum metered fares in line with this change, a 2% increase to maximum metered fares was applied from 1 August 2022, with a further 9.18% increase implemented in December 2022. 

Any changes to maximum metered fares are proposed to be implemented around September of each year, reflecting the previous financial year’s CPI percentage change.

4. Consider establishing regular in-depth fare reviews on a five-yearly basis to ensure annual indexation has aligned with changes to taxi industry costs for each region across Western Australia

More in-depth fare reviews were recommended to be considered on a five-yearly basis.

This aims to ensure that annual indexation aligns with taxi industry cost movements in each fare region across WA. 

Based on this timing, the next in-depth fare review would be scheduled during 2027.

5. Consider the potential for out of cycle fare reviews to enable temporary increases to be applied to maximum metered fares to respond to sudden, short term changes in cost

The review found that several ODBSs expressed support for having out of cycle fare reviews. These could be triggered when there were substantial changes in costs, even if regular fare reviews were scheduled.

The review recommends that, as well as annual indexation of fares, DoT considers out of cycle reviews to allow the taxi industry to respond to sudden changes in the economic environment that impact them.

DoT will consider this process as part of future regulation amendments in 2023.

  More information and contacts

For more information on the above metropolitan or country fare schedules, please contact your on-demand booking service directly.

For fare information related to the dedicated wheelchair accessible taxi booking service in the Perth metropolitan area, please contact Black & White Cabs (WA).

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Page last updated: Wed Mar 19 2025 2:04:02 PM