Welcome to DoTBot, an AI chatbot that the Department of Transport (DoT) is trialling.

DoTBot is designed to answer your questions and help you find information on our website.

Its answers are not legal advice or substitutes for professional advice.

By opening the chatbot you are agreeing to these terms:

  1. DoT cannot guarantee that the information provided by the AI chatbot is error free, complete, and appropriate for your purposes.

  2. You will verify any responses it provides before relying on it.

  3. DoT accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any person's use of the chatbot or reliance on its information.

  4. The chatbot may collect personal information for improving the user experience (see DoT's Privacy Policy). Please avoid sharing Personally Identifiable Information when using this chatbot.

Open DoTBot

DoT Alert Us

Reporting suspicious, unethical or corrupt behaviour actively helps the DoT improve business practices and provides valuable information to help reduce unlawful and suspicious activity.

The DoT Alert Us phone and email contact has been established to provide an avenue for customers and members of the community to report suspicious, unethical or corrupt behaviour relating to any DoT services and business activities. 

  About DoT Alert Us

The DoT Alert Us phone and email contact has been established to provide an avenue for DoT customers and members of the community to report suspicious, unethical or corrupt behaviour relating to a: 

  • driver
  • vehicle, 
  • person's identity
  • person employed by DoT 
  • business, employer or organisation DoT undertakes business with; and/or,
  • DoT service or business activity.

Issues relating to Motor Vehicle Dealers and fraud, traffic offences or criminal activities should not be reported through DoT Alert Us - please see section below What DoT does with the information you provide - and refer to Information that should be provided to other authorities.

Reporting suspicious, unethical or corrupt behaviour actively helps DoT improve business practices and provides valuable information to help reduce unlawful and suspicious activity.

You can report suspicious, unethical or corrupt behaviour using the 'DoT Alert Us' email address, telephone number or mail. You may remain anonymous.

If your enquiry does not relate to suspicious, unethical or corrupt behaviour, use our online enquiry form.

  Submitting a report

Before making your report please consider the below points.

  • Whether you want to remain anonymous.
  • Types of offences in which DoT is interested.
  • Information relating to the incident which DoT will find useful.
  • Whether you have supporting documents and/or photographs.
  • If any of the information is best provided to another authority.
  • What DoT will do with the information you report.

You can submit a report through the following methods:

Street address Postal address Telephone Fax Email

DoT Alert Us
Department of Transport
GPO Box R1290
Perth WA 6844

1300 040 456   Email

Information to provide in your report

DoT requires a certain amount of information before being able to commence an investigation, so it is important the department is provided with as much information as possible. Useful information depends on the nature of the suspicious activity. You can add supporting documents and/or photographs as an attachment to the 'DoT Alert Us' email. (above)

Reporting an individual

If your allegation relates to an individual you will need to supply as much information as possible. The list below provides the types of details to provide about the individual.

  • Name (including any aliases or nicknames).
  • Age or date of birth.
  • Gender (Male or Female).
  • Nationality.
  • Telephone numbers (home, work and mobile).
  • Home address.
  • Work address or where they work.
  • Email address.
  • Social media accounts (Facebook and Twitter for example).
  • The reason why you believe the person is acting suspiciously or unlawfully - includes details of any incidents.
  • Supporting documents and/or photographs.

Reporting a business, employer or organisation

If your allegation relates to a business, employer or organisation you need to supply as much information as possible. The list below provides the types of details to provide about the business, employer or organisation.

  • Business name (registered and trading).
  • The name of the business owner, employer.
  • Type of business.
  • Street address and phone number.
  • Email and website addresses.
  • Social media user accounts (Facebook and Twitter for example).
  • The reason why you think the business/employer/organisation is of concern.
  • Supporting documents and/or photographs. 

  What DoT does with the information you provide

All reports we receive are acted on, so there is no need to send us further copies of the same report. For privacy reasons, no information can be provided to you on the progress or outcome of our investigations.

Sometimes the information we are provided is too general to investigate, however it can still help us to identify fraud trends, high-risk activities and issues that should be monitored.

We only collect information relevant for the investigation of matters relating to Western Australian legislation dealing with DoT services.

Information that should be provided to other authorities

If the information you are reporting does not relate to DoT Services, other authorities exist that might be able to investigate the matter you want to report. 

Issues relating to Motor Vehicle Dealers

These matters should be reported to the Department of Commerce at:

Street address Postal address Telephone Fax Email
  Department of Commerce
Locked Bag 14
Cloisters Square WA 6850
1300 304 054   Email

Issues relating to fraud, traffic offences or criminal activities

These matters should be reported to Western Australia Police at:

Street address Postal address Telephone Fax Email
    131 444    
Opens in a new window Western Australia Police Force
Page last updated: Wed Jan 10 2024 2:37:44 PM