DoT customer charter
Read about our commitment to you in our Customer Charter
What you should expect from us
We will attend to your needs as quickly as possible, in a professional and welcoming manner.
We will answer your call courteously, professionally and identify ourselves by name. We will ask specific questions to establish your identity and protect your privacy if your call is regarding a transaction with us.
Our DoTDirect online service is a secure portal where you can complete transactions and access your personal information at any time. We endeavour to keep it operational 24/7 (with the exception of a weekly maintenance window). We will keep you updated of any changes to the service.
We will provide current, helpful and relevant information on our website.
Social media
We share helpful and interesting information and encourage community interaction and learning via our social media channels:
Facebook - Transport WA
Facebook - Marine Safety WA
LinkedIn - Transport WA
Twitter - Transport WA
Instagram - Driving Test Success WA
Please note: Response times on our social media channels varies and is not always possible. For urgent enquiries please call our Customer Contact Centre on 13 11 56, email or visit a Driver and Vehicle Service Centre.
In writing
(Via email to and via letter by post P.O. Box C102, Perth 6839 WA).
When we receive your correspondence, we will confirm receipt of it as soon as possible. We will respond in a clear, concise manner within 10 business days of receiving your written query.

Who we are
Working alongside Main Roads Western Australia and the Public Transport Authority, DoT recognises that transport is about people - connecting the community and ensuring everyone is able to safely get to where they need to be.
Our goods and services extend through an intricate system of roads, railways, airports, ports and waterways, where we educate and regulate the public in the use of these networks.
We also coordinate and prioritise the transport-related infrastructure which allows our economy to grow.

What we do
We are committed to providing you the best transport services we can.
This includes:
- Enabling safe drivers, vehicles and delivering licensing services including protecting your personal information and providing your driver's licence.
- Working with local government to enable services for people that choose to walk, cycle or take public transport.
- Delivering effective and inviting maritime amenities (such as harbours and jetties) to a variety of people for different purposes.
- Delivering maritime operations, enabling safe use of our rivers and ocean.
- Ensuring WA's freight, ports and regional aviation services work for everyone that uses them.
- Enabling safe and reliable taxi, ride share and charter vehicle services.
We are driven by our values: collaboration, wellbeing, adaptability and accountability.

So we can deliver the best possible service:
- Provide us with accurate, complete information and documents (where relevant)
- Let us know ASAP when you change address
- Let us know what we can do to improve and enhance our services
- Be respectful in the dealings with our staff at all times
Privacy and security
The Department takes the matter of collection and management of customer information very seriously. We strive to maintain optimum security and strict confidentiality around any information we collect in the course of delivering our services to customers.
Contact us
You can contact us: 24/7 through our online form, or call 13 11 56, Monday – Friday from 8.00am - 5.00pm