Welcome to DoTBot, an AI chatbot that the Department of Transport (DoT) is trialling.

DoTBot is designed to answer your questions and help you find information on our website.

Its answers are not legal advice or substitutes for professional advice.

By opening the chatbot you are agreeing to these terms:

  1. DoT cannot guarantee that the information provided by the AI chatbot is error free, complete, and appropriate for your purposes.

  2. You will verify any responses it provides before relying on it.

  3. DoT accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any person's use of the chatbot or reliance on its information.

  4. The chatbot may collect personal information for improving the user experience (see DoT's Privacy Policy). Please avoid sharing Personally Identifiable Information when using this chatbot.

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Freedom of information

The Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992 (FOI Act) gives you the right to apply for access to documents held by the Department.

If you wish to find out how to apply under the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act to be given access to information held within the Department and what the fees involved are, these are the steps that you need to take. Under section 12 of the FOI Act all these points must be satisfied to make the application valid.

  Freedom of information: Introduction

The Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI Act) gives you the right to apply for access to documents held by the Department.

We will help you to obtain access to documents at the lowest reasonable cost, and ensure that personal information we hold is accurate, complete, up-to-date and not misleading.

Your right to apply is not affected by any reasons you have for wishing to obtain access. The kinds of documents to which you may request access include paper files, computer records, maps, plans, photographs, tape recordings, films, video tapes and electronically stored information.

  Freedom of information: Frequently Asked Questions

Find out answers to frequently asked questions about freedom of information including:

  • What to do if my personal information held by DoT is wrong.
  • Restrictions on third party access to personal details.
  • Getting copies of telephone calls, CCTV, or documents held by the DoT.

  Freedom of information: Information statement

To assist you in finding the information you need, the Department has prepared an information statement. The statement describes:

  • The structure and functions of the Department.
  • The ways in which the functions of the Department affect members of the public.
  • Any arrangements that exist to enable members of the public to participate in the formulation of the Department's policy and the performance of the Department's functions.
  • The types of documents that are usually found at the Department.
  • The Department's arrangements for giving members of the public access to documents including details of library facilities.

You can download the information statement below.

  Step 1:Find out what is involved in applying for access to information

An application must comply with the requirements of Section 12 of the FOI Act as follows:

  • Be in writing (we prefer if you use our application form)
  • Give enough information to enable the requested documents to be identified.
  • Give an address in Australia to which notices under the Act can be sent.
  • Give any other information or details required under the regulations.
  • Be lodged at an office with any application fee payable under the regulations (see Step 3: Fees and charges).

TIP: If you ask for all documents on a particular subject, it is likely you will be asked to narrow the scope of your application to reduce the work involved in dealing with it. Be specific on what information you are seeking relating to a specific topic, this will ensure we conduct the appropriate searches to find the right documents for you.

Personal versus Non-Personal applications

There are two types of applications that can be made using the Freedom of Information process;

  1. Personal applications and;
  2. Non-Personal applications.

Determining if your application is Personal or Non-Personal

Personal applications: Documents relating to yourself (e.g. driver's licence record, address history, details of employment) or you can request amendment of your personal record.

An applicant seeking access to personal information about him/herself must also provide documentary proof to establish their identity before the information will be released (e.g. a passport or drivers licence).

No FOI application fee applies for access to personal information or amendment of personal information about yourself (e.g. drivers licence details, address history, details of employment etc.), but proof of identity must be supplied.

Non-Personal applications: Documents that are not about yourself (e.g. details relating to motor vehicles including transfer papers, policy documents, briefing notes etc).

An applicant seeking access to non-personal information is required to pay the FOI application fee (see Step 3: Fees and charges).

Note: If your application is on behalf of a third party or an Organisation, you must provide written authorisation as evidence to act on their behalf.

What type of documents can be provided?

You can request access to copies of documents including by way of hard copies, audio, maps and plans, photographs and electronic records including emails.

Where the agency is unable to grant access to documents in the form requested, access may be given in a different form. You must specify what access you require on the application form.

What will a Notice of Decision contain?

We will provide a Notice of Decision which will contain the following information:

  • the date of the decision;
  • the name of the decision maker;
  • full details of the decision to either give or deny access;
  • any reasons for deleting exempt matter and claiming exemptions including the applicable clause in the Act that relates to that exemption;
  • if deferring access, state the reasons why the matter is being deferred;
  • rights of review and procedures to be followed.

How long will the Freedom of Information application take to process?

The Freedom of Information Act 1992 requires an agency to deal with an access application as soon as possible; and in any event, within:

  • 45 days after the access application is received; or
  • Such other period as is agreed between the agency and the access applicant; or
  • Such other period as is allowed by the Information Commissioner.

  Step 2:Complete the Freedom of Information application form

Although it is not a requirement to use the Freedom of Information application form to submit your access application; this is our preferred method. The Freedom of Information application form can be found below. You may also obtain a paper copy of the form from any of our offices, or by contacting the FOI Coordinator (please see Step 4 below).

  Step 3:Fees, charges and payment methods

Fees and charges

Fees and charges fall into the following categories:


  • Personal applications: no application fee required.
  • Non-Personal applications: require an application fee to be paid when the application is lodged.


Processing fees which include decision-making, any consultation (with third parties), preparing a notice of decision and if necessary photocopying. A fee per hour may be charged for staff time taken to deal with each application. In addition a charge for photocopying may be charged.

Actual costs to the Department for postage, special arrangements for access and for specialised access such as reproductions may also be charged.

Note: You will be notified if there are any additional charges to be included.

There is a 25% reduction of charges for financially disadvantaged applicants, or those in receipt of Health Benefits. The 25% reduction does NOT apply to the application fee.

Freedom of Information (FoI) fees

Fee type Fee
Freedom of information (FOI): Personal information about applicant No fee
Freedom of information (FOI): Application fee, for non-personal information $30.00
Freedom of information (FOI): Charge for time taken dealing with the application $30.00 [1]
Freedom of information (FOI): Charge for access time supervised by staff $30.00 [1]
Freedom of information (FOI): Charges for photocopying $30.00 [2]

[1] Per hour

[2] Per hour for staff time and 20 cents per copy


How to pay online with BPoint

  • BPoint payments may be made online using a valid credit card.
  • When paying with BPoint, please ensure that you include the receipt number in your FOI application form. The receipt number is your proof of payment.
Freedom of Information BPoint payment


How to pay by cheque or money order

  • Cheques or Money Orders must be made payable to the 'Department of Transport'.
  • Please attach the cheque to your completed FOI application form and send to the postal address shown in Step 4.

Cases when fees do not apply

No fees are applicable for:

  • Internal or external reviews.
  • Personal information or amendment of personal information about yourself (e.g. address history, your details of employment etc.).

  Step 4:Submit your Freedom of Information application form

When you are ready to submit your application (ensuring that you have included supporting documentation as required and payment if required), it can be submitted through the below points of contact.

Information and advice on the FOI process is also available by contacting us using the below details.

For information and advice on the FOI process please contact:

Street address Email Postal address
FOI Coordinator,
Department of Transport,
140 William Street,
Perth WA 6000
Email FOI Coordinator,
Department of Transport,
GPO Box C102,
Perth WA 6839
Page last updated: Mon Jan 6 2025 4:47:50 PM