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About the Transport Portfolio

Find out about the Transport Portfolio agencies, our Ministers and strategic framework.

About us

The Transport Portfolio isn't just about roads, boats, planes or trains.

It's about people.

People who need to get to work, home and everywhere in between and businesses that rely on road, rail, air and sea to deliver billions of dollars in goods and services each year.

An integrated and optimised transport network will give the Western Australian community more choice and improve the quality of our lives and our environment.

Since 2010, Western Australia's 3 transport agencies – the Department of Transport, Main Roads Western Australia and the Public Transport Authority – have worked together to enhance the coordination of operations and develop unified policies and regulatory functions.

Each agency has different responsibilities, and together strive to provide world-class outcomes for the community through integrated transport systems and services. 

Our specialist teams

Several cross-agency teams have been established in areas of common interest to ensure a consistent approach, improve performance and support achievement of the Transport Portfolio vision in key specialist areas.

Sustainability and Strategic Projects

Connecting people and places for the medium to long term requires the Transport Portfolio agencies to work together to plan sustainable transport systems and solutions. Collaboration will help us to achieve the best outcomes for the community as our State and cities expand.

The Sustainability and Strategic Projects (SSP) team helps facilitate a collaborative effort between the portfolio agencies on targeted sustainability and strategic priorities.

The Portfolio Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Framework helps shape and guide the strategic direction and achievement of our key objectives, particularly for a sustainable transport system.

Transport Portfolio Sustainable Infrastructure Policy

The Transport Portfolio Sustainable Infrastructure Policy was endorsed by the Transport Portfolio Governance Council in December 2024

Developed with key internal and external stakeholders, the Policy commits the Transport Portfolio to strengthen sustainable resource use and decarbonisation of life cycle impacts from energy, water and materials across transport infrastructure and assets. The Policy supports priorities under the Infrastructure and Transport Ministers Meeting (ITMM) and the National Infrastructure Policy Statement released in December 2023 which includes the following three strategic themes to assess new infrastructure over $250M:

  • Productivity and Resilience
  • Liveability
  • Sustainability

The sustainability strategic theme includes improving circular economy outcomes by utilising more recycled and reuse materials, and decarbonising infrastructure by reducing material demand, using low carbon and zero emissions products and materials. The Policy will build on existing sustainability initiatives across the Transport Portfolio. A new sustainability knowledge hub called CircleZero will be launched early 2025 to support the Policy's implementation. 

It is intended to be integrated into Agency Strategic Asset Plans, procurement processes and templates, business case and options analysis through to design, construction, operation, maintenance and end of life.

Portfolio Lands and Property Services

The Portfolio Lands and Property Services (PLPS) team provides high-capacity and effective land administration services, commercial leasing activities and management of corporate buildings and facilities. 

The branch works strategically to deliver integrated, best practice services for transport planning and projects, as well as optimising outcomes from portfolio land and property assets.

Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Engagement

Our dedicated Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Engagement (TPAE) team supports the achievement of State Government Aboriginal business and employment targets on the State’s major transport infrastructure program.

The TPAE builds on the strengths and past successes of Aboriginal engagement across the portfolio agencies. It manages Aboriginal engagement and participation strategies for portfolio infrastructure projects, creates new employment pathways and business opportunities, and rationalises systems and reporting processes to better align strategic direction and increase efficiencies.

Building for Tomorrow

Building for Tomorrow provides information and updates on major infrastructure projects across the Transport Portfolio.

We're building METRONET, improving roads, adding hundreds of kilometres of shared paths and enhancing marine infrastructure, for a more connected Western Australia.

Significant investment is being made in major transport infrastructure projects across our state, to keep pace with the growing population, provide more transport choice, and deliver thousands of jobs for Western Australians.

To find out more about major projects in-planning, under construction or those recently completed, visit the Building for Tomorrow website.

Our Ministers

Honourable Rita Saffioti BBus MLA 
Deputy Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Transport; Sport and Recreation

Hon Jessica Stojkovski Bachelor Planning DipEvent MLA 
Minister for Child Protection; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Minister Assisting the Minister for Transport; Peel

Hon Stephen Dawson MLC 
Minister for Regional Development; Ports; Science and Innovation; Medical Research; Kimberley

Page last updated: Mon Mar 24 2025 4:08:53 PM