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Planning and designing for active transport

We collaborate with and guide state and local government and industry partners to plan, design and develop active transport solutions to help make it an easy choice for people of all ages and abilities to walk, wheel and ride.

Active Transport Infrastructure Policy

The Active Transport Infrastructure Policy guides the provision of active transport infrastructure along state-controlled roads and rail corridors.

The policy ensures Western Australia’s Transport Portfolio agencies (Department of Transport, Main Roads Western Australia and the Public Transport Authority) consider active transport infrastructure in the design and scope of works recognising that bike riding, walking and other forms of micromobility are integral to the State’s transport system.

Some of the key objectives are:

  • to ensure integration of new active transport infrastructure within other transport infrastructure projects
  • to support collaborative development and delivery of projects and help coordinate priority across transport modes
  • to provide consistent and suitable outcomes for people of all ages and abilities.

The Policy Statement and Supplement are endorsed by the Transport Portfolio Governance Council.

Planning and designing guidance

We are developing a suite of guidance to provide better information to local governments (LGs) and other practitioners involved in planning and designing for active transport in Western Australia. The guidance documents reflect current industry best practice so that active transport solutions are designed for people of all ages and abilities.

The latest guidance documents to be released are the Local Bike Planning Guidance and Safe Active Street Interim Design Guidance.

These documents complement previously published information about planning and designing all ages and abilities bicycle facilities, shared and separated paths, and local area traffic management (LATM) schemes.

Additional information in development includes guidelines pertaining to bicycle lanes, active transport amenity and wayfinding, as well as updated guidance on safe active streets.

All guidelines are open to feedback and will be continuously updated and improved. Please send your feedback to active.transport@transport.wa.gov.au

Planning and Designing for Active Transport in WA Glossary

This glossary offers an alphabetical list of terms commonly used in active transport planning and design in WA. It serves as a reference for practitioners to ensure a shared understanding of key terminology used in the planning, design and implementation of active transport projects.

All ages and abilities contextual guidance

The All Ages and Abilities Contextual Guidance: Selecting and Designing High-Comfort Bicycle Facilities aims to help practitioners make informed decisions relating to the selection, design and delivery of bicycle facilities that appeal to the broadest spectrum of bike riders. It focuses on the needs of novice and less confident riders to support the vision for a low stress, high comfort network that is suitable for all ages and abilities.

Local bike planning

This comprehensive local bike planning guidance, based on a scalable vision-driven approach, replaces the Interim Guidance for Local Bike Planning previously provided to LGs starting their bike plans. It is intended for use by LGs in developing local bike plans, active transport plans, and other relevant transport planning processes.

Shared and separated paths

The Shared and Separated Paths document offers guidance on planning and designing shared and separated paths in Western Australia to ensure safe and efficient movement for bike riders. It serves as a practical reference for practitioners of all experience levels.

Local area traffic management schemes

The Local Area Traffic management (LATM) document provides advice and guidance to practitioners to incorporate the safe and efficient movement of people riding bikes into the planning and design of LATM schemes. It provides key principles and best practice for design to ensure people riding bikes are not negatively impacted or put at risk by LATM schemes and associated devices.

Safe active street interim design guidance

This document provides interim guidance for designing safe active streets in WA, focusing on creating routes where vehicle speeds are reduced to 30 km/h to ensure safe and comfortable shared use. It will be updated based on findings from the Safe Active Streets Pilot Program Evaluation.

Inter-modal hierarchical prioritisation

We encourage the application of inter-modal hierarchical prioritisation (I’M-HiP) to active transport infrastructure, such as footpaths, shared paths, and bicycle paths where these intersect with minor roads.

Page last updated: Fri Sep 6 2024 9:46:34 AM