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Carnarvon to Shoal Point - Notices to Mariners

Chart 722 - Shoal Point

Notices for mariners

Notice number Notice date Notice description
1 01/05/1994 Advise
There are no current notices for this chart.

Chart 661 - Shark Bay

Notices for mariners

Notice number Notice date Notice description
7 01/08/2024 Insert
Danger circle centred on Ransonnet Rocks in position
26° 09.76' S   113° 13.01' E
Changes are visible on the updated chart available for free download.
6 29/07/2022 Insert
(front, main and Denham Inset)
Minor light with text  F Bu 4.5M  in position
25° 55.67' S   113° 31.97' E
Changes are visible on the updated chart available for free download.
5 27/06/2022 Amend
Lit port beacon text to Fl R 3s 5m 4M in position
25°53.25'S   113°14.93'E
Lit starboard beacon text to Fl G 3s 5m 4M in position
25°53.33'S   113°14.89'E
Lit port beacon text to Fl R 3s 4M in positions
25°53.47'S   113°15.20'E
25°53.68'S   113°15.46'E
Lit starboard beacon text to Fl G 3s 4M in positions
25°53.56'S   113°15.17'E
25°53.73'S   113°15.39'E
Changes are visible on the updated chart available for free download.
4 06/02/2020 Insert
Exposed wreck in position
25° 56.1' S   113° 32.77' E
3 30/08/2018 Insert/Amend
(front and reverse)
Tidal Plane values adjusted
Download this block insert for Shark Bay NTM 3 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart.
2 29/06/2018 Insert
Depth   7   inside enclosed danger circle with text   Wk   in position
25° 57.55' S   113° 20.14' E
1 06/12/2016 Amend
Light range to 11M in position
26° 08.92' S   113° 09.71' E

Chart 976 - Kalbarri

Notices for mariners

Notice number Notice date Notice description
7 01/09/2021 Substitute
(main and inset)
Unlit port spar buoy and topmark with unlit port spar buoy without topmark in position
27°42.4044' S, 114°09.5543' E
Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download.
6 24/08/2021 Advise
(Main and Inset)
Numerous spar buoy navigation aids at the mouth of the Murchison River have had minor positional changes and topmarks added.
Underwater rock in position
27° 42.48' S, 114° 09.66' E
Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download.
5 17/03/2021 Insert
Magenta text   Blue Holes Fish Habitat Protection Area   and dashed line between positions
27° 43.05' S   114° 09.29' E
27° 43.02' S   114° 09.21' E
27° 43.24' S   114° 09.14' E
27° 43.31' S   114° 09.22' E
Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download.
4 13/03/2015 Advise
(main and Inset)
Navigable water regulation boundaries have changed in the Murchison River mouth. Recommended track established with additional navigation aids installed.
Download this block insert for Kalbarri NTM 4 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart.
3 14/12/2011 Advise
Kalbarri land backed wharf has been built in the Murchison River.
Download this block insert for Kalbarri NTM 3 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart.
2 02/04/2007 Insert
Unlit starboard spar buoys with top marks in positions
27° 42.52' S   114° 09.62' E
27° 42.49' S   114° 09.63' E
27° 42.48' S   114° 09.67' E
1 02/04/2007 Insert
Top marks on starboard spar buoys in positions
27° 42.41' S   114° 09.52' E
27° 42.48' S   114° 09.51' E

Chart 982 - Carnarvon

Notices for mariners

Notice number Notice date Notice description
19 04/06/2024 Substitute
(Teggs Channel Inset)
Lit starboard beacon and topmark with lit starboard buoy in positions
24°53.59' S  113°39.02' E
24°53.82' S  113°38.68' E
Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download.
18 22/05/2024 Insert
(Teggs Channel Inset)
Lit port beacon with topmark and text  Fl R 3s 2M  in positions
24°54.50' S  113°38.64' E
24°54.40' S  113°38.65' E
24°54.35' S  113°38.62' E
24°54.31' S  113°38.59' E
24°54.17' S  113°38.58' E
24°54.10' S  113°38.55' E
24°53.98' S  113°38.47' E
24°53.94' S  113°38.48' E
Lit starboard beacon with topmark and text  Fl G 3s 2M in positions
24°54.40' S  113°38.66' E
24°54.34' S  113°38.63' E
24°54.30' S  113°38.60' E
24°54.17' S  113°38.59' E
24°54.09' S  113°38.57' E
24°53.99' S  113°38.49' E
24°53.96' S  113°38.50' E
Lit special beacon and text  Fl Y 3s  without topmark in position
24°54.39' S  113°38.55' E
(Teggs Channel Inset)
Lit port beacon in positions
24°53.96' S  113°38.48' E
24°53.94' S  113°38.49' E
Lit starboard beacon in positions
24°53.97' S  113°38.50' E
Bathymetry has been updated throughout on the main panel and insets with the latest surveys by the Department of Transport.
Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download.
17 27/09/2023 Delete
(Teggs Channel Inset)
Lit special beacon in position
24°54.394' S   113°38.546' E
(Carnarvon, Teggs Channel Inset)
South cardinal buoy text to  Q(6)+LFl 15s 5M  in position
24° 54.39' S  113° 37.71' E
Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download.
16 22/03/2023 Insert
Lit yellow special buoy with topmark and text Fl Y 3s 1M in position
24° 52.87' S  113° 37.00' E

Depth text 2.3 in position
24° 52.83' S  113° 37.07' E

Magenta text
Submerged hazards may exist in this area. Mariners are advised
to traverse with caution.
in position
24° 53.02' S  113° 36.36' E

Dashed magenta line between positions
24° 52.65' S  113° 37.39' E
24° 52.79' S  113° 37.02' E
24° 52.89' S  113° 36.93' E
24° 52.94' S  113° 37.00' E
24° 52.86' S  113° 37.07' E
24° 52.70' S  113° 37.49' E

Depth text 3.4 in position
24° 52.87' S  113° 37.00' E
Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download.
15 16/02/2022 Insert
Depth text 3.4 in position
24° 52.87' S  113° 37.00' E
Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download.
14 24/01/2022 Advise
(Carnarvon and Teggs Channel Inset)
Removal of the damaged section of Carnarvon Jetty has been completed.
Navigable waters regulation boundaries have changed.
The 8 knot speed restriction for waters between the Gascoyne River mouth and Massey Bay has been removed. An 8 knot speed restriction is in place at the entrance to The Fascine.
Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download.
13 20/12/2021 Delete
(Carnarvon and Teggs Channel Inset)
Lit south cardinal beacon in position
24° 54.389' S   113° 37.7129' E
(Teggs Channel Inset)
Unlit rear lead in position
24° 54.0713' S   113° 38.3762' E
Unlit front lead and associated lead line in position
24° 54.0463' S   113° 38.403' E
(Main and Teggs Channel Inset)
Lit south cardinal spar buoy in position
24° 54.389' S   113° 37.7129' E
(Teggs Channel Inset)
Lit starboard buoy with text Fl G 3s 3M in position
24° 54.4279' S   113° 38.1175' E
Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download.
12 24/05/2021 Advise
(Carnarvon and Teggs Channel Inset)
Carnarvon Jetty has suffered cyclone damage. Floating debris may exist.
Waters within 50 metres of the jetty are closed waters to all vessels.
An 8 knot speed restriction applies to waters between the Gascoyne River mouth southwards to Massey Bay.
Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download.
Major light and associated text at Carnarvon Jetty in position
24° 52.86' S   113° 37.01' E
11 17/03/2021 Insert
Magenta text   Miaboolya Beach Fish Habitat Protection Area   and dashed line between positions
24° 51.58' S   113° 37.09' E
24° 51.74' S   113° 37.07' E
24° 51.74' S   113° 34.00' E
24° 44.70' S   113° 34.00' E
Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download.
10 14/07/2020 Delete
Lighthouse, all associated light sectors and text in position
24° 52.56' S   113° 37.87' E
Major light and text   Fl WR 5s 28m 16/5M   in position
24° 52.56' S   113° 37.87' E
5M RED light sector   345.8° to 031.7°   toward major light
16M WHITE light sector   031.7° to 139.7°   toward major light
5M RED light sector   139.7° to 165.8°   toward major light
Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download.
9 22/05/2019 Delete
(Carnarvon and Teggs Channel Inset)
Major light beacon and text   Fl G 2M   in position
24° 53.04' S   113° 37.81' E
Text   (ru)   in position
24° 53.04' S   113° 37.80' E
8 15/11/2018 Delete
(Teggs Channel Inset)
Lit starboard beacon and associated text in position
24° 54.43' S   113° 38.12' E
7 14/02/2018 Delete
Unlit beacons in positions
24° 55.01' S   113° 39.42' E
24° 55.07' S   113° 39.33' E
24° 55.19' S   113° 39.72' E
24° 55.24' S   113° 39.67' E
(Teggs Channel Inset)
Lit starboard spar buoy with lit starboard beacon and top mark in position
24° 53.57' S   113° 39.19' E
Light character is unchanged.
6 06/06/2017 Advise
(Teggs Channel Inset)
Navigation aid locations and soundings have changed at The Fascine entrance.
Download this block insert for Carnarvon NTM 6 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart.
5 22/10/2015 Advise
(Teggs Channel Inset)
Navigation aids have changed in The Fascine entrance and navigable channel.
Download this block insert for Carnarvon NTM 5 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart.
4 10/07/2015 Advise
This supersedes NTM 2 and NTM 3.
Changes to navigable waters regulations, soundings and navigational aids have occurred in The Fascine and Teggs Channel.
Babbage Island Lighthouse details added and Carnarvon Boat Harbour Infrastructure amended.
Download this block insert for Carnarvon NTM 4 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart.
Legend panel text in position
24° 47.37' S   113° 36.11' E   to read
From the latest information available to Department for Planning and Infrastructure (DPI) 2003, and the Department of Transport (DoT) 2014.
3 18/10/2011 Advise
This notice is cancelled by NTM 4.
Babbage Island Lighthouse arc of visibility added.
2 18/10/2011 Advise
This notice is cancelled by NTM 4.
Changes to the navigable waters regulations have occurred in The Fascine and Teggs Channel. Additional channel markers with synchronised lighting are now in place.
1 22/11/2006 Advise
This notice is cancelled by NTM 2.
Page last updated: Fri Oct 27 2023 9:37:22 AM