Storm surge comparison chart
Find out about the residual storm surge data at various coastal locations in Western Australia.
Storm surge is the difference between the actual observed sea level and the predicted sea level.
The regular rise and fall of the sea level is continuously effected by the weather. Wind stresses on the sea surface and a reduction in atmospheric pressure are the two main causes of storm surge.
Changes in sea level generated by extreme meteorological events, such as winter storms and cyclones, may be positive or negative depending on whether the sea level is higher or lower than predicted.
The effect of storm surge is most severe when these extreme meteorological events occur with high tide.
Storm surge comparison charts
The graphs below show residual storm surge data from various coastal locations in Western Australia, arranged from north to south.

Port Hedland


Onslow Salt



Geraldton Port
Geraldton Fishing Boat Harbour
Jurien Bay

Two Rocks

Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour

Mandurah Ocean Marina

Peel Inlet


Harvey Estuary

Cape Bouvard

Bunbury Inner Harbour

Bunbury Storm Surge Barrier (outer)

Busselton - Port Geographe



Bremer Bay