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New Woodman Point Ammo Jetty

The Department of Transport is replacing Woodman Point Ammo Jetty to provide users with a safer, new recreational facility.

In October 2020 as part of the $5.5 billion WA Recovery Plan, the Department of Transport (DoT) was allocated $9.69 million to replace Woodman Point Ammo Jetty.

The Woodman Point Ammo Jetty is popular for swimming, fishing, snorkelling and scuba diving but has deteriorated and is at risk of collapse.

The existing jetty will be demolished but its piles, installed in 1939, will be retained due to their heritage value and popularity as a dive site.

A new, safer jetty will be constructed and provide:

  • a T-head that more than doubles the fishing space in deep water;
  • the opportunity for greater separation between divers and fishers with a much wider main deck that creates a safer environment;
  • improved access to the water from the jetty for swimmers and divers via a dedicated ramp and low-level platform; and,
  • increased protection for the marine biota on the existing jetty piles.

The jetty will also provide improved lighting, rubbish bins, emergency access ladders, shelter, seating and shade. 

The areas immediately surrounding the jetty will remain closed to motorised vessels to ensure the safety of those diving and snorkelling around the new jetty.

A working group comprising DoT; Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA); Fremantle Port Authority; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development; the City of Cockburn; Fishability and Recfishwest has been formed to provide input and guide the project.

  Project background

The Woodman Point Jetty, also known as the Ammo Jetty, was originally constructed in 1903 for loading and unloading explosives. The jetty was opened for public access when the explosive magazines were closed in 1984.

Located within the Woodman Point Regional Park, approximately 9 kilometres south of Fremantle within the City of Cockburn, the jetty is one of the most used jetties in the Perth metropolitan area and is an important part of the coastal landscape south of Perth.

Sadly, the jetty is well beyond its intended life. The age and deterioration of the structure over time has reduced the allowable load weight on the deck.

Woodman Point Ammo Jetty

Woodman Point Ammo Jetty

  Project status

A specialist engineering and architecture consultant has been engaged and the detailed design phase of the final concept is now underway.

Final concept of the new Woodman Point Ammo Jetty

Community consultation

DoT conducted extensive community and environmental consultation to develop the design concepts for the new jetty. 

During 2021, the project team got the views of fishing, scuba diving, and local coastal community groups on how the jetty should be redeveloped. This consultation directly informed three jetty design concepts that were published for public comment in late 2021.

More than 1,000 responses were received from the broader community during the public comment period on the three concepts, which were used to develop the final concept for the new jetty.


Will the new jetty be as long as the current one?

Yes. The new jetty will be as long as the current jetty with an additional T-head at the end to provide more than double the space for fishing in deep water.

The main deck of the jetty will also be wider allowing more space for all the recreational activities. A longer jetty was ruled out after it was confirmed the seabed at the location does not get deeper as you go further out to sea.

The footprint of the final concept also reduces the impact on undisturbed areas compared with a longer jetty.

Has the local environment been considered?

The environmental impact of the project is expected to be relatively small. However, there are sensitive environmental factors that have been considered in the development of the final concept. 

The marine biota surrounding the existing piles is highly valued and the final jetty concept includes shading over the piles to provide protection. Seagrass next to the jetty will be protected as much as possible during construction, and the continued restriction of motorised vessels operating in the area will help to maintain the existing marine environment.

Some clearing of the coastal strip will be required to deliver the project, however significant effort is being made to minimise this. 

Will the new jetty cater for boats?

No. The area immediately surrounding the jetty will remain closed to motorised vessels. Kayaks and small unpowered dinghies may use the jetty for landing.

Will the jetty be closed during construction?

Yes, the jetty will need to be closed during construction for the safety of contractors and the public.

Feedback on this issue during the public consultation was that it was better to retain the existing piles and have a new, larger jetty even though partial deconstruction of the old jetty and construction of the new would mean no access to the jetty for a period of up to 12 months.

Will there be further opportunity to comment on the design?

Detailed design of the final concept has commenced. However, there will be specific workshops held during detailed design on key aspects. DoT will assemble key stakeholders to work through these elements to ensure the best outcomes.

If you have specific suggestions during this final design phase of the project please email: NewAmmoJetty@transport.wa.gov.au

When will the jetty be built?

Construction will commence following completion of the detailed design approvals and a tender process.

How long will construction take?

Construction is expected to take approximately 12 months.

What approvals are required?

A Development Application is required and will be assessed by the City of Cockburn. Environmental and heritage approvals are also required.

Will the central shaded area of the new jetty be available for diving?

Yes. The new jetty will provide even more shade over the old jetty piles than the existing structure.

The new jetty will have a wider main deck in comparison to the existing old jetty. The existing piles, which are covered in marine growth and will be retained, will be more shaded than they are currently.

The deck will be continuous and provide better protection to divers from fishing lines. A ramp and steps will allow access for swimmers and divers to lower platforms, and to and from the water.

Will the new jetty be wide enough to walk around?

Yes. The new, wider jetty provides plenty of space to walk around the edge or through the middle and not impact on other users.

Why does the new jetty include a T-head?

There was originally a 26 metre wide T-head on the old jetty which was removed in 2012 when its condition deteriorated and became unsafe.

The previous T-head was very popular as it accommodated fishing in varying wind directions, particulary to target mackerel during summer easterly winds for which the jetty is famous.

The final concept replicates the old T-head but will be double the length.

How will diving, snorkelling and swimming be separated from fishing?

Fishing will be possible from the outside of the main deck and from the T-head. Divers and snorkellers will be protected under the main deck away from fishing lines. Swimmers can also swim under the main deck or shoreward either side where the jetty meets the shore.


If you would like to contact the project team, please email NewAmmoJetty@transport.wa.gov.au 

  Project links and documents

Media statement - Final design unveiled for new Woodman Point Ammo Jetty
Page last updated: Thu Sep 28 2023 2:18:05 PM