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Apply for a vehicle licence refund

There are many reasons why you may wish to apply for a refund. Find out how to apply for vehicle licence refund in Western Australia.

Refunds are only payable to the WA licensed vehicle owner(s), except in the case of a deceased estate.

Types of vehicle refunds

Refunds you can apply for include:

  • Plate application fee.
  • Temporary movement permit fee.
  • Vehicle examination (inspection) fee.
  • Vehicle licence (registration) fee, surrendered plates, concession, payment error.
  • Motor Injury Insurance (MII) refunds to vehicle owners on behalf of the Insurance Commission of Western Australia on a pro-rata basis if the vehicle is de-licensed or the insurance class has changed, and a lower premium applies.

Reasons you may want to request a refund:

Accident: The refund will be effective from the date the number plates are returned unless there is a copy of the accident report or a letter from the insurer confirming the accident date submitted with the application. Where the plates are lost, stolen or destroyed the vehicle owner will need to complete a 'Lost/stolen number plates (Form VL14)' before a refund can be considered.

Cancelled deal: Only applies when a vehicle is not delivered to a client by a vehicle dealer.

Concession: A refund may be payable where the vehicle owner is entitled to a concession on their vehicle licence (such as a seniors, veteran, and pensioner concession), where they have paid the renewal at full rates. Proof of eligibility must be produced at the time of application.

Payment error: Proof of payment or a statutory declaration is required. *

Stolen vehicle: The refund will be effective from the date the vehicle was reported stolen to the Police.

Surrender of plates: The refund of the vehicle licence fee will be effective from the date the number plates are returned. Where the plates are lost, stolen or destroyed the vehicle owner will need to complete a 'Lost/stolen number plates (Form VL14)' before a refund can be considered. **

Optional plate order cancellation: You can only cancel your optional plate order whilst the plate is ordered, or if your plate combination has been refused. Once the plate order has been sent to the manufacturer it cannot be cancelled. 

Sale of a vehicle to an interstate purchaser: If you are the WA vehicle licence holder you will need to de-license the vehicle by returning the plates to the department to claim a refund of any remaining portion of the WA licence. This must be done prior to sale to an interstate purchaser.

*The period for which a vehicle licence is granted is the period elected by you for the grant or renewal up to one year at the time of renewal. A lesser period cannot be selected once the period has begun and therefore a refund cannot be granted in this circumstance.

**You are not entitled to a refund of the unused portion of vehicle licence fees where the plates are returned after a vehicle licence has been cancelled due to non - compliance with a Defect Notice (yellow sticker). You are only entitled to a pro-rata refund of the Motor Injury Insurance (MII).

WA licensed vehicles transferred interstate

  • If you have a WA licensed vehicle and you no longer reside in WA, you must return the number plates to the WA Department of Transport within three months of the current expiry date. Number plates must be returned within the prescribed period to avoid penalty.
  • If you have transferred the WA licensed vehicle to another State/Territory and subsequently surrendered the number plates, you will be issued with a plate receipt. You are required to send a copy of this plate receipt to the WA Department of Transport by fax or post.
  • An interstate purchaser of a WA licensed vehicle cannot claim a refund of the remaining portion of a WA vehicle licence. Once a vehicle is re-licensed in another state or territory the WA licence is cancelled and no refund is payable to either the WA owner/seller or the interstate purchaser.


Street address Postal address Telephone Fax Email
  Department of Transport,
GPO Box R1290,
Perth WA 6844

1300 669 995

Fax from outside Australia: 
+61 8 6551 7021


  How to apply for a refund

Individuals: If you have an individual DoTDirect account, you can apply for a refund for certain eligible vehicle licence credits via DoTDirect. All eligible credits will appear in your DoTDirect account. If you are entitled to a credit that does not appear in your DoTDirect account, you will have to make application using the Application for refund (Form C2).

Where a refund is not available via DoTDirect, ‘No credits to be refunded found’ is shown.

You can apply for a refund by submitting an Application for Refund (Form C2) below (instructions are provided on the form).

Organisations: C2 applications received from organisations applying for a refund to be issued by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) must provide photocopies of Primary and Secondary Identification and a letter on company letterhead advising the person who has signed the Form C2 is authorised to act on behalf of the organisation. If this is not provided the refund will be issued to the organisation by cheque.

The letter must also include the nominated bank accounts BSB and Account number completed on the application. 

Lists of acceptable identification documents can be found in My Identity.

Seniors, veterans and pensioner concession holders: You can apply for a refund by submitting an Application for Refund (Form C2) below (instructions are provided on the form). You will also need to complete a Concession Application (C1) form. The refund can only be claimed for payments where you were entitled to the concession prior to the start date of the vehicle licence renewal period. If you become eligible for a concession for your vehicle after the start date of the vehicle renewal period, you need to complete a Concession Application (C1) form and your future renewal reminders will be calculated and issued with the fee concession however no refund will apply.

Note: Concession applies to only one vehicle at a time. You may choose to transfer the concession to another eligible vehicle licensed in your name however the existing vehicle licensed with the concession must be restored to full rates before making application for a concession on another vehicle. You must be the current vehicle licence holder.

Page last updated: Tue Jan 7 2025 2:26:49 PM