Apply for PTSS
Read this page for information about PTSS eligibility requirements and how to apply.
The Passenger Transport Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) replaces the Taxi User Subsidy Scheme (TUSS) from 1 March 2025.
PTSS is an important part of the Department of Transport’s (DoT’s) commitment to enabling safe, accessible and efficient movement for the economic and social prosperity of Western Australia.
The Passenger Transport Subsidy Scheme Guidelines for Participants outline rules and responsibilities for PTSS participants and applicants.
To be eligible for PTSS, you must:
- be an Australian citizen, or hold Australian permanent resident status;
- reside in WA; and
- have one or more severe or permanent disabilities from the categories below, that will always prevent you from using conventional public transport.
Mobility disability
To be eligible for PTSS under the mobility disability category, you must have a condition that limits physical mobility or impacts your functional capacity to use public transport. This may be determined through assessment of:
- use of walking or mobility aids (such as a wheelchair);
- capacity to navigate vertical steps;
- capacity to transition from sitting to standing, and standing to sitting;
- treatment or rehabilitation being undertaken,
- effect of any disability on your ability to access public transport;
- if the condition is stable, improving or deteriorating;
- medical evidence provided to support your application; and
- other considerations as required.
Vision disability
To be eligible for PTSS under the vision disability category, you are required to have a confirmed diagnosis of legal blindness. Information to assess your eligibility under this category may include:
- Medical evidence:
- an ophthalmologist’s report; or
- documentation of your visual acuity readings using the Snellen scale.
- Information on your condition:
- any treatment or rehabilitation being undertaken; and
- whether the condition is improving or deteriorating.
Cognitive or intellectual disability
A cognitive or intellectual disability may affect your ability to plan a journey and find your way around independently in the community, preventing you from using public transport independently. Information to assess your eligibility under this category may include:
- Medical evidence:
- Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score;
- Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA);
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) report (or section);
- Aged Care Assessment Team report; or
- other relevant report or evidence, as determined by your medical practitioner.
Determination of a person’s eligibility under this category may include:
- Medical evidence such as a:
- Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score;
- Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA);
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) report (or section);
- Aged Care Assessment Team report; or
- Other relevant report / evidence, as determined by the medical practitioner.
- Details of treatment or rehabilitation being undertaken.
- The severity of the condition and detail regarding its effect on your ability to access public transport.
Factors or conditions that are not considered
Factors or conditions that cannot be considered in determining your eligibility are:
- anti-social behaviour;
- vision impairment that is not confirmed as legally blind;
- mobility impairment that is episodic only;
- the lack of availability of, or proximity to, public transport; and
- any issues not related to a person being prevented from using conventional public transport by their disability including:
- the length of journeys;
- having to transfer between services;
- inconvenient timetables;
- social/employment factors;
- climatic/environmental factors;
- personal security concerns in catching public transport;
- income levels;
- eligibility for other subsidies or a pension; and
- temporary impairments.
Passenger Transport Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) Guidelines for Participants | Kb | |
How to apply
Completing the application form
- Fill out Part A of the Passenger Transport Subsidy Scheme application form (ODT47) and sign the declaration.
- Book an appointment with your medical practitioner. Note: you are responsible for any fees or charges associated with this medical assessment.
- Read the Applicant identity documents information further down this page (and on page 2 of the form). Attach copies of one identity document from List 1 and one identity document from List 2. If these do not show your WA residential address, also attach a copy of one document from List 3.
- Attach a colour photograph of yourself that meets the Photograph requirements outlined below (and on page 2 of the form).
- Take your application form and photograph to the appointment with your medical practitioner.
- Your medical practitioner will complete Part B of the form and sign the back of your photograph to certify you are the person they have assessed.
- Ask your medical practitioner if there are any medical documents that you need to submit to support your diagnosis and application. If there are, attach them to this application.
- Submit your form to DoT via email or post:
Mail: On-demand Transport
GPO Box R1290
Photograph requirements
With your application form, you will need to attach a colour photograph of yourself, that has been certified and signed by your medical practitioner.
Make sure you bring this application form and your photo to your medical practitioner appointment.
Where possible, your photo should:
- Be approximately 45mm x 35mm in size.
- Show a front on view of your face and shoulders (not looking over your shoulder, with the
- edges of your face visible).
- Show you looking directly at the camera (head not tilted).
- Be taken with a neutral expression and your mouth closed (not smiling, laughing or frowning).
Please note:
- Head coverings may not be worn, unless for religious or health reasons (veils covering the face are not acceptable).
- Photos showing a reflection of a camera flash or other light may be rejected.
- Your photo must not be creased or damaged – do not glue, tape, or staple.
Applicant identity documents
When you apply for PTSS, you will need to attach a copy of one identity document from List 1 and one identity document from List 2 in the table below.
If the identity documents you have provided do not show your WA residential address, you must also attach a copy of one document from List 3 (as evidence that you reside in WA).
List 1
- WA Photo Card or the equivalent issued in another Australian state or territory.
- Passport (Australian or foreign).
- WA driver’s licence or a driver’s licence issued in another Australian state or territory.
- ImmiCard issued by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
- Birth certificate (and evidence of a change of name, such as a marriage certificate).
- Australian citizenship or naturalisation document or immigration papers issued by the Department of Home Affairs.
List 2
- Centrelink or Department of Veteran Affairs pension card or health care card.
- Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.
- Department of Veteran Affairs Veteran Card.
- WA Seniors Card.
- Medicare card.
List 3
- Confirmation of address on official letterhead or email from your residential care facility.
- Telephone, gas or electricity account not more than 6 months old.
- Passbook or account statement from a financial institution not more than 12 months old.
- Water or local rates notice, or land valuation notice not more than 2 years old.
- Evidence of electoral enrolment not more than 2 years old.
- Current residential tenancy agreement.
- Current vehicle licence.
- Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Tax File Number letter.
- ATO Notice of Assessment letter.
If you have difficulty providing the documents listed above, please contact DoT.
Passenger Transport Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) application form (ODT47) | Kb | |
Passenger Transport Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) Guidelines for Participants | Kb | |
Applications for PTSS are assessed by an independent occupational therapist (OT).
De-identified health information will be disclosed to the OT, to determine eligibility for PTSS. The OT provides a recommendation to DoT regarding an applicant’s suitability for PTSS.
You will be notified of the outcome of your application via post. Successful applicants will receive their PTSS card with this notification letter.
If your application is approved, you may be granted:
- permanent access to PTSS – ongoing access to the scheme due to evidence of a permanent disability; or
- temporary access to PTSS – for a specified period of 12 months or more, after which re-assessment of their eligibility will be required.
What am I entitled to?
Standard subsidy (50%)
For people who don’t use a wheelchair.
- 50% of the fare (up to a maximum subsidy of $25) when travelling in a conventional taxi.
Wheelchair subsidy (50% or 75%)
For people who have demonstrated they require a wheelchair.
- 50% of the fare (up to a maximum subsidy of $25) when travelling in a conventional taxi.
- 75% of the fare (up to a maximum subsidy of $35) when travelling in a wheelchair in a wheelchair accessible taxi.
Are there any age restrictions on accessing PTSS?
No, there are no age restrictions on who can access PTSS.
My application was refused – what do I do?
If your PTSS application is unsuccessful, DoT will notify you via mail. The letter will contain:
- an explanation for why your application was refused, which may include;
- your PTSS application being incorrectly completed; or
- reasons you are ineligible.
- information on other transportation subsidies you may be eligible for;
- details of next steps, including how to reapply; and
- if you decide to reapply for PTSS, your responsibilities for any fees and charges associated with medical assessments.
I submitted an application for TUSS – what will happen now that PTSS is replacing TUSS?
Your application for TUSS will be processed by DoT. We will contact you directly if we require any further information to assess your application under PTSS.
You can contact us if you would like an update on your application:
- call 13 11 56; or
- email