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Its answers are not legal advice or substitutes for professional advice.

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Deceased estates

The following information is offered regarding licences, vehicles and vessels a deceased person may have held.

Information about surrendering a driver’s licence document for a deceased estate can be found on the Driver’s licence refunds page.

  Surrender of driver's licence document

You can return your Driver's licence document at any Driver and Vehicle Services centre, regional DoT office or agent.

Deceased estate

The Department of Transport recognises that the death of a relative or friend is a difficult time. Births, Deaths and Marriages WA periodically notify the Department of recorded deaths in WA. A certified copy of the death certificate can also be presented at a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) centre, regional Department of Transport office or authorised agent.

  • The deceased person's driver's licence will be updated so that no correspondence is sent to the deceased person.
  • The driver's licence document may be surrendered by the next of kin or executor of the estate.

Further information

Please refer to Driver licence fees and payments.

For information about transferring of Vehicle licences that are part of a deceased estate please refer to our page on Transfer by court order or deceased estate (vehicles)

Transfer of vehicle licence: Deceased estate

Find out what you need to do to transfer a vehicle licence from a deceased estate.

  Transfer of vessel by court order

A vessel can transferred to a new owner by court order.

The court order must specify the vessel.

To complete the transfer:

  1. The current owner must complete the seller’s copy of the Boat transfer form: Notification of change of ownership. 
  2. The new owner must complete the purchaser’s copy of the Boat transfer form: Notification of change of ownership.
  3. The new owner must submit the completed from with the court order and proof of identify at a Department of Transport office.

Alternatively, the completed form and a certified copy of the court order can be submitted by mail. 

  Transfer a vessel when the owner is deceased

Deceased owner with a will

You may need to make an application to the Supreme Court for a Grant of Probate before a vessel can be transferred from the name of a deceased owner.

When the application is granted, you will be provided with the reference number to complete the Statutory Declaration form to transfer the vessel.  

To transfer a vessel from a deceased estate, you will need to submit a:

  • Boat transfer form: Notification of change of ownership that is signed by the executor or administrator of the estate.
  • Statutory Declaration - Deceased Estate Transfer of Vessel form.

The executor of the will must record the seller's details as 'Estate of (insert full name)' on the boat transfer form. 

You can submit the documents to DoT via mail or in person at a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) centre, DoT regional centre or authorised agent. 

Deceased owner without a will (intestate)

If the deceased owner of the vessel has not left a will, you will need to make an application to the Supreme Court for a Letter of Administration before a vessel can be transferred.

 When the application is granted, you will be provided with the reference number needed to complete the Statutory Declaration form to transfer the vessel.  

Transfer to next of kin / de facto partner
To transfer a vessel from the deceased owner to next of kin or de facto partner, you will need to submit a:

  • Boat transfer form: Notification of change of ownership that is signed by the executor or administrator of the estate.
  • Statutory Declaration - Deceased Estate Transfer of Vessel form.

Transfer to someone other than next of kin/ de facto partner
If a vessel registration holder dies intestate and the next of kin/de facto partner wants to give away or sell the vessel, the person who acquires the vessel must submit:

  • Boat transfer form: Notification of change of ownership that is signed by the executor or administrator of the estate.
  • Statutory Declaration - Deceased Estate Transfer of Vessel form.

Both forms must be completed by the next of kin/de facto partner. 

The next of kin or de facto partner must record the seller's details as 'Estate of (insert full name)' on the Boat Transfer Form and write 'Next of Kin' or 'De Facto Partner' above their signature in the seller's signature box.

The person who acquires the vessel must pay the transfer fee. 

Page last updated: Wed Jul 3 2024 2:17:29 PM