Long-term cycle network
We work with local governments to forward plan and deliver safe, connected and comfortable cycling networks for Perth and Peel and regional Western Australia.
About the long-term cycle network
The long-term cycle network (LTCN) identifies an aspirational blueprint for all ages and abilities cycling infrastructure. It seeks to make sure state and local governments (LGs) work together to deliver continuous bicycle networks throughout Western Australia that will:
- provide additional transport options
- contribute to recreational opportunities
- support tourism and commercial activity.
The LTCN is made up of 12 strategies: one for the Perth and Peel region and 11 strategies for Western Australian regional areas.
If you have questions about the development of any of the strategies, please email activetransport@transport.wa.gov.au
Perth and Peel cycle network
We worked with 33 LGs across Perth and Peel to develop the LTCN, incorporating feedback from stakeholder groups and the community.
You can view the LTCN using the interactive long-term cycle network for Perth and Peel map.
The map shows the current status of the network, including existing infrastructure and network gaps. The map allows you to turn catchment area layers on and off around key destination types, such as activity centres, schools and train stations.
Making changes to the LTCN
Ongoing collaboration between agencies and levels of government is essential for maintaining an up-to-date LTCN for Perth and Peel.
LGs can modify LTCN routes as local circumstances change, such as through new bike plans, structure and precinct planning, and masterplan development.
Modifications are facilitated by the Department of Transport as custodian of the LTCN. Appropriate agreement will be sought prior to LTCN amendments being made. The LTCN change management process (see document below) contains the relevant information and can be used to guide LGs through the process. All proposed amendments, whether minor or major, are considered once an LTCN change enquiry form is submitted.
A range of activities can influence current LTCN alignments, leading to refinements and adaption over time. Change requests need to consider the strategic implications of the route(s) including cross-boundary impacts and asset ownership.
LTCN change management process | 144 Kb | |
To submit a LTCN Change enquiry please submit the form below, supporting documents must be provided via email to activetransport@transport.wa.gov.au
Regional cycle networks
A key action of the Western Australia Bicycle Network Plan (WABN Plan) is to improve bike riding in the regions.
The regional cycling strategies seek to identify central themes and opportunities for enabling bike riding across the region, and produce strategic and operational cycle network plans for regional centres and surrounding areas.
The regional long-term cycle networks map illustrates the status of strategies in development and, where published, shows the LTCN that has been identified in the strategy.
Each strategy is developed in partnership with the respective LGs and emphasis is placed on seeking community and stakeholder feedback to inform development.
The networks identified in the strategies are not intended to be static and will be reviewed over time. The change management process will be updated in the future to consider the approach to changes regarding regional LTCNs.
Strategies in development
One regional cycling strategy is currently in development.
The Kimberley 2050 Cycling Strategy is being developed in collaboration with the shires of Broome, Derby-West Kimberley, Wyndham-East Kimberley and Halls Creek.
Completed strategies
Ten regional strategies are published.
The Avon Central Coast 2050 Cycling Strategy was developed in collaboration with the shires of Beverley, Chittering, Dandaragan, Gingin, Northam, Toodyay and York.
The Bunbury-Wellington 2050 Cycling Strategy was developed in partnership with the South West Development Commission, the City of Bunbury and the Shires of Capel, Collie, Dardanup, Donnybrook-Balingup and Harvey.
The Esperance 2050 Cycling Strategy was developed in partnership with the Shire of Esperance.
The Gascoyne 2050 Cycling Strategy was developed in collaboration with the shires of Carnarvon, Exmouth, Shark Bay and Upper Gascoyne.
The Geraldton 2050 Cycling Strategy was developed in partnership with City of Greater Geraldton.
The Great Southern 2050 Cycling Strategy was developed in collaboration with the City of Albany and the shires of Broomehill-Tambellup, Cranbrook, Denmark, Gnowangerup, Jerramungup, Katanning, Kent, Kojonup, Plantagenet and Woodanilling.
The Kalgoorlie 2050 Cycling Strategy was developed in collaboration with the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
The Leeuwin-Naturaliste 2050 Cycling Strategy was developed in partnership with the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River and the City of Busselton.
The Pilbara 2050 Cycling Strategy was developed in partnership with City of Karratha, Town of Port Hedland, and the shires of Ashburton and East Pilbara.
The Warren-Blackwood 2050 Cycling Strategy was developed in partnership with South West Development Commission and the shires of Boyup Brook, Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Manjimup and Nannup.
Avon Central 2050 Cycling Strategy | 22450 Kb | |
Bunbury-Wellington 2050 Cycling Strategy | 24965 Kb | |
Esperance 2050 Cycling Strategy | 8074 Kb | |
Gascoyne 2050 Cycling Strategy | 8651 Kb | |
Geraldton 2050 Cycling Strategy | 11088 Kb | |
Great Southern 2050 Cycling Strategy | 27731 Kb | |
Kalgoorlie 2050 Cycling Strategy | 7783 Kb | |
Leeuwin-Naturaliste 2050 Cycling Strategy | 10195 Kb | |
Pilbara 2050 Cycling Strategy | 9091 Kb | |
Warren-Blackwood 2050 Cycling Strategy | 5841 Kb | |
Cycling network hierarchy
The cycle networks identify routes according to the WA Cycling Network Hierarchy; routes are designated by function rather than built form:
- Primary routes are high demand corridors connecting major destinations and are the backbone of cycle networks. Primary routes are often located next to major roads and railways.
- Secondary routes have a moderate level of demand and connect primary routes and major activity centres such as shopping precincts, industrial areas, as well as health, education and sporting facilities.
- Local routes experience a lower level of demand than primary and secondary routes, and provide access to other routes, local amenities and recreational spaces.
Road cycling routes and transport trails form part of the complementary network, supporting more select user groups, primarily for recreational, sport and/or tourism purposes.
- Road cycling routes are designated routes for bike riders undertaking long distance rides in (predominantly) on-road environments, for training, sport or recreational purposes.
- Transport trails provide long-distance, off-road (predominantly unsealed) riding experiences through natural settings, away from motorised traffic. They often support recreational and tourism trips between towns and regions.
WA cycling network hierarchy | 221 Kb | |