Welcome to DoTBot, an AI chatbot that the Department of Transport (DoT) is trialling.

DoTBot is designed to answer your questions and help you find information on our website.

Its answers are not legal advice or substitutes for professional advice.

By opening the chatbot you are agreeing to these terms:

  1. DoT cannot guarantee that the information provided by the AI chatbot is error free, complete, and appropriate for your purposes.

  2. You will verify any responses it provides before relying on it.

  3. DoT accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any person's use of the chatbot or reliance on its information.

  4. The chatbot may collect personal information for improving the user experience (see DoT's Privacy Policy). Please avoid sharing Personally Identifiable Information when using this chatbot.

Open DoTBot

Payment options

Find out how you can pay your driver and vehicle licence transactions in Western Australia.

Go paperless with digital billing

You can now receive your invoices and notices from us by email or BPay View. Find out how to sign up for digital billing.

Spread the cost of your vehicle licensing into monthly payments

The one month renewal direct debit scheme is a bill smoothing service that spreads the cost of your vehicle licensing into monthly payments, so it’s better suited to your budget. Find out how to sign up for the one month renewal direct debit option at www.transport.wa.gov.au/monthlyrenewals and how payments are processed.

  DoTDirect online account and paying online

Pay online

If your renewal account is current, you can pay online by credit card using our online payment facility.

You will need your account number to make online payments for your driver's licence or vehicle licence (registration). If you have misplaced your account number, you can find it using our online account number enquiry tool.

Pay your account (online)
Account lookup (online)


Pay through your DoTDirect online account

You can pay your renewals through your DoTDirect online account. Driver and vehicle licence payments that are due can be paid through your to-do list without the need for an account number.

You can also view your boat registration, vehicle and driver's licence information in one convenient location from a single login.

For more information and frequently asked questions visit the DoTDirect FAQs.

Register for DoTDirect Log in to your online account


About using DoTDirect

  • Our online payment service is unavailable between 8:00 pm Sunday - 1:00 am Monday WST due to routine maintenance.
  • All information on the system is secure to prevent any other party intercepting your credit card details.
  • If you have a pension concession card, please refer to your vehicle licence renewal notice to find out if you need to present your card at a DVS centre or regional agent before renewing.
  • You need to notify DoT within 21 days if you have changed address. Find out how to change your address online.

  How to pay your account

Payment method Comments
Credit card, EFTPOS, or BasicsCard Bankcard, Mastercard, Visa and BasicsCard payments are accepted by all Department of Transport offices
BPay You may make payment using BPay by using your phone or Internet banking service
Cash Cash payments are accepted at all Department of Transport offices
Cheque or Money Order Please make cheques or Money Orders payable to 'Department of Transport'
In person (metropolitan area) Payments may be made at all Driver and Vehicle Services licensing centres in the metropolitan area, as well as participating post offices
In person (regional area) Boat owners in regional areas paying in person can do so at our maritime facilities and regional offices, as well as participating local government offices and post offices
Telephone Please call 13 11 56 and follow the prompts

  How to pay your account by phone

If your renewal account is current, you can pay the following bills (accounts) via phone using your MasterCard or Visa card.

Please call 1300 655 322 (24-hour service) and follow the prompts. An operator assisted telephone payment service is available 7:00 am to 6:00 pm WST, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). Only credit card payments may be accepted.

Accounts payable with a credit card

  • Boat licence renewal.
  • Driver licence renewal. *
  • Vehicle licence renewals (light and heavy). **
  • Vehicle licence transfer.
  • Vehicle licence transfer infringement.
  • Vehicle licence transfer final demand.
  • Vehicle failure to return plates infringement.
  • Vehicle failure to return plates final demand.
  • Boat registration.
  • Debit advice notice.

* When a photograph is not required.
** Also referred to as 'registration' or 'rego'.

Other phone payments

Visit the page below for information on how to pay by phone for:

BPAY payments via phone

If you have registered for phone banking through your financial institution (bank) you can pay your account via BPAY. To find out more refer to the fact sheet below.

  What can I pay by credit card and BPAY?

Payment type Credit card BPay
Boat registration renewal Yes Yes
Debit advice notice Yes Yes
Driver licence renewal * Yes Yes
Jetty renewal licence Yes  
Seasonal vehicle licence renewal   Yes
Vehicle expired defect notice final demand   Yes
Vehicle expired defect notice infringement   Yes
Vehicle failure to return plates final demand Yes Yes
Vehicle failure to return plates infringement Yes Yes
Vehicle licence renewal (light and heavy) ** Yes Yes
Vehicle licence transfer Yes Yes
Vehicle licence transfer final demand Yes Yes
Vehicle licence transfer infringement Yes Yes

* When a photograph is not required.
** Also referred to as 'registration' or 'rego'.

  How to pay your account by post

Detach the payment advice and mail with cheque or money order to:

Street address Postal address Telephone Fax Email
  Department of Transport
GPO Box K777
Perth WA 6842

Please make payable to 'Department of Transport'.

Accounts payable by post

  • Boat licence renewal.
  • Driver's licence renewal. *
  • Heavy vehicle licence renewal.
  • Light vehicle licence renewal.
  • Off-road vehicle licence.
  • Seasonal vehicle licence renewal.
  • Vehicle expired defect notice final demand.
  • Vehicle expired defect notice infringement.
  • Vehicle failure to return plates final demand.
  • Vehicle failure to return plates infringement.
  • Vehicle licence transfer.
  • Vehicle licence transfer final demand.
  • Vehicle licence transfer infringement.

* If a new photograph is required on your driver's licence you will need to attend a Driver and Vehicle Services Centre or Agent. To find out more go to renew your driver's licence or learner's permit.

  Where to pay in person

You can pay licensing bills in person at any Driver and Vehicle Services centre or regional agent, but we recommend you choose another payment option where possible.

Accepted payment methods (attending in person)

  • Driver and Vehicle Services Centres (cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS, BasicsCard, Visa or Mastercard).
  • Driver and Vehicle Services Agents (cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS*, BasicsCard*, Visa* or Mastercard *).
  • Australia Post offices based in Western Australia (cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS, BasicsCard, Visa or Mastercard). Provided:
    • Your payment is accompanied by an invoice.
    • The driver's licence renewal notice and the details on the notice are correct
    • The vehicle licence renewal invoice.
    • The vehicle and owner details are correct.
    • The transfer of vehicle ownership invoice and details are correct.

* Participating regional agents only


  • Bring your bill (account) intact.
  • If paying by cheque, please make payable to 'Department of Transport'. If the cheque is dishonoured, the licence will be cancelled.
  • If a photograph is required on your driver's licence you will need to bring proof of identity with you (examples of acceptable proof of identity documents are provided in the fact sheet below).
  • The three month payment for light motor vehicles can only be paid through IVR, Internet or BPAY®.
  • If a third party is renewing your driver’s or vehicle licence or completing a plate transaction on your behalf, they will need their proof of identity confirming their name, address and date of birth, your driver’s licence, learner’s permit or vehicle plate number, as well as your name address and date of birth.

You will need a personal identification number (PIN) for most card transactions at DoT centres and Agents.

  Important notes regarding payments

Payment receipts

DoT does not issue physical receipts for light vehicle licence renewal payments made online or by BPay®. We recommend that you print the receipt that is generated when paying online or by BPay®.

If you need proof of payment of your vehicle licence, you can order and pay for a copy of the current vehicle licence:

If paying by DoTDirect, a PDF copy is available for immediate printing and a copy is automatically emailed to your nominated email address.

Note: A duplicate copy is not available for a vehicle that is de-licensed, has a licence sanction or where the licence has expired.

Payment errors

If you believe a payment has been made in error by you or someone else, call the Customer Contact Centre on 13 11 56 and they will investigate your payment query.

Depending on the circumstances of the payment error, you may be asked to provide a variety of information which may include:

  • Licence details
  • Payment number
  • Account holders name
  • Name of the bank
  • BSB and account number
  • Copy of the bank statement showing payment withdrawn from the account
  • Cheque number
  • Copy of any receipts

Note: BPAY and Australia Post payments generally take 3-4 days to appear on your record and cheque payments can take 4-5 days. Please wait until such time has passed before contacting us.

Log in to your online account Register for DoTDirect


Credit cards

Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) does not accept American Express or Diners Club credit cards.

Firearms licences

DoT no longer accepts firearms payments on behalf of the Western Australia Police Force. Refer to the WA Police Force website or your Firearms Licence Payment Invoice for information about payment options.

Opens in a new window Western Australia Police Force
Page last updated: Wed Oct 9 2024 12:19:29 PM