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PTSS pilot for passengers

This section provides information and guidance for passengers about the PTSS pilot.

The PTSS pilot aims to help the Department of Transport (DoT) test the new PTSS system before it is fully rolled out by 1 March 2025. 

The initial 2-week pilot ran from Monday 2 to Friday 13 December 2024 in the Perth metropolitan area, with a small group of taxi drivers from Black & White Cabs. 

The pilot is expanding to participating drivers and on-demand booking services (ODBSs) in Northam and Albany during February 2025.

For more information about PTSS, you can:

Your PTSS card

Pilot passengers will receive their PTSS card in the post shortly, which can be used straight away with participating drivers. All drivers will be required to begin accepting your PTSS card from 1 March 2025.

You will still need to use your existing TUSS card and vouchers when travelling with drivers who aren’t part of the pilot.

What will happen on a pilot journey

The below steps outline the process on a PTSS pilot journey.

  1. Before the journey begins, present your PTSS card to the taxi driver.
  2. The driver will scan the PTSS card to ensure your subsidy is applied to the journey.
  3. The PTSS mobile app will calculate the subsidy and fare amounts.
  4. At the conclusion of your journey, the driver will scan your PTSS card again.
  5. Finally, you will pay the driver the amount owing.

Your responsibilities

When you use your PTSS card, you agree to:

  • follow the terms and conditions outlined in the PTSS Participant Guidelines;
  • not sell, exchange, lend or give away your PTSS card;
  • be responsible for keeping your PTSS card safe and will not leave it with a taxi driver or other person; and
  • report your PTSS card to DoT if it is lost or stolen.

Note: incorrect use of your PTSS card may lead to administrative or legal consequences.

How to provide feedback

The Department of Transport will contact pilot participants to provide feedback about their overall experiences using the new PTSS system.

You may also call 13 11 56 or email tussupdates@transport.wa.gov.au.

Where to get help

If you require support, please contact the Department of Transport:

FAQs for pilot passengers

What do I do if I am travelling interstate during the pilot?

During the PTSS pilot, subsidised travel while interstate will continue to use the TUSS system. You will still need to request interstate vouchers from DoT, and present these to your taxi driver along with your TUSS card. 

What taxis can I use PTSS in?

Only the taxis involved in the pilot will be able to accept your PTSS pilot card. DoT advises you bring your both your PTSS pilot card, and your TUSS card and vouchers with you, to ensure you are able to claim your subsidy.

I was part of the initial pilot in December – what do I do with my pilot card?

All existing TUSS participants will start receiving their official PTSS card in February 2025. Once you receive your official PTSS card, you should destroy the old pilot card.

Page last updated: Wed Feb 5 2025 3:23:53 PM