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Disability access and inclusion

At the Department of Transport, we are committed to providing accessible and inclusive services (including employment) and infrastructure to Western Australia’s diverse community.

Transport Portfolio Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

The Transport Portfolio Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2022-2027 outlines our commitment to people with disability.  The Transport Portfolio is comprised of the Department of Transport (DoT), Main Roads Western Australia and the Public Transport Authority.

The Plan captures actions from the State Disability Strategy 2020-2030 and is supported by agency specific detailed DAIP implementation plans that have actions to support achievement of the strategies.

You can read the Transport Portfolio DAIP 2023 highlights for updates on the Portfolio’s progress and achievements in implementing the Plan so far.

Our internal Access and Inclusion Committee monitors the implementation of the Plan and achievements are highlighted in our Access and Inclusion Communique as well as in our Annual Report.

If you would like a copy of our DAIP in a different format, or to obtain further information, please email accessandinclusion@transport.wa.gov.au or phone 13 11 56.

Reporting requirements for State Government contractors

Contractors who provide services to the public on behalf of the Department of Transport may have obligations in relation to the Transport Portfolio DAIP, including to:

  • implement the DAIP to the extent practicable
  • report to the Department by 30 June each year on their activities relevant to implementation of the DAIP.

There is no set template for the report, however it should relate to relevant strategies listed in the DAIP.  The DAIP reports are to be submitted to the relevant contact manager, who can also be contacted for further information.

State Disability Strategy

A Western Australia for Everyone: State Disability Strategy 2020-2030 sets the foundation for building a more inclusive Western Australia, empowering people with disability to participate meaningfully in all parts of society.

Australia’s Disability Strategy

Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-31 is Australia’s national disability policy framework. The Strategy aims to drive action at all levels of government to improve the lives of people with disability.

Australian Government Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport

The Australian Government is responsible for the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002, which provide requirements for public transport operators and providers to make their services accessible and remove discrimination against people with disability.

Other ways we’re improving disability access and inclusion

Vehicles for people with disability

There are many ways to make transportation easier for people with disability including modifying the vehicle or utilising a mobility scooter. See our vehicle modifications pages for more information.

Public transport

Visit the Transperth website for information and advice regarding disability assistance for Transperth’s public transport services, including for information about station accessibility and assistance, and free or concession fares that may be available to people with disability.

Mobility aids such as wheelchairs or motorised scooters are welcome on Transperth services. Visit the Transperth website for maximum dimensions and other essential information.

Assistance animals

In Western Australia, passenger transport drivers (including taxi, charter and rideshare services) must not refuse to carry an assistance animal or assistance animal in training. Refusal to carry an animal is an offence.

You can find out more on the Australian Human Rights Commission website.

Approved assistance dogs are welcome on any Transperth service.

On-demand transport

On-demand rank or hail (taxi) wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAVs) are specially equipped to transport people with disability and their mobility aids, including wheelchairs. Refer to Transport for people with disability for information about how to book a WAV and passenger responsibilities.  

The Taxi User Subsidy Scheme (TUSS) is a subsidy available to eligible people with disability travelling in on-demand rank or hail (taxi) vehicles. TUSS participants can receive up to 75% off eligible taxi fares.

Active travel 

Active travel includes walking, bike riding, using a wheelchair, scooting, skating, running, paddling or using other assisted devices (such as an e-bike). Expanding our active transport network and making sure itis fair and inclusive is one of the key motivations behind the development of WA’s first active travel strategy. Read more about the strategy in-development on the WA Active Travel Strategy webpage.

WA’s active transport network is developed and maintained by different agencies and levels of government. Find out how to report a hazard to help make sure issues are addressed as quickly as possible.

Contact us

We are always looking for opportunities to improve our services and are keen to hear from you if you have suggestions or have identified any access or inclusion barriers.

Please contact us by email at accessandinclusion@transport.wa.gov.au or phone 13 11 56.

You can also contact us if you would like a copy of our DAIP in a different format.

Page last updated: Fri May 10 2024 2:25:00 PM