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License an off-road vehicle

Find out how to license an off-road vehicle in Western Australia, including farm vehicles. An off-road vehicle can be licensed only if there is a legitimate need to access one or more public roads (even if it is only for the purpose of crossing).

  Licensing an off-road vehicle

Off road vehicles may be registered or licensed depending on the use of the vehicle. The following summarises the difference between the two methods:


An off road vehicle is registered and off road plates issued when the vehicle will not be used on a road. Please refer to our Register an off-road vehicle page for more information.

Off-road vehicles are prohibited from crossing or travelling along public roads without a licence issued by the Department of Transport.


An off-road vehicle can be licensed only if there is a legitimate need to access one or more public roads (even if it is only for the purpose of crossing).

If there is a genuine reason for your off-road vehicle to access public roads, please submit an application to the Department's Driver and Vehicle Services, Vehicle Safety and Standards branch.

A conditional (restricted use) vehicle licence will only be issued to an off-road vehicle if all the following criteria are met:

  • There is a legitimate need to access one or more public roads (even if it is only for the purpose of crossing).
  • Access can be performed safely.

Please provide as much information in your application as possible, to allow us to assess your need.

Street address Postal address Telephone Fax Email
  Vehicle Safety and Standards,
Department of Transport,
34 Gillam Drive,
Kelmscott WA 6111
  (08) 9216 3899 Email

  Licensing heavy farming vehicles

Heavy farm vehicles (over 4,500 kg) that are only used for seasonal work, such as seeding or harvesting, can apply for a seasonal vehicle licence.

For more information, please download information bulletin IB-122H below.

  Quad bikes and utility vehicles on farms

The Department of Transport introduced a mandatory requirement for riders of conditionally licensed quad bikes used on Western Australian public roads to wear approved motorcycle helmets.

A new condition code 400 'Rider must wear an approved motorcycle helmet when operating vehicle on a road' is added to quad bike licences from this date.

For information on the use of quad bikes on farms, please download the fact sheet below.

  Step 1:Get a roadworthiness inspection

Off-road vehicles will need to pass a roadworthiness inspection before a conditional (restricted use) vehicle licence can be issued.

Please go to Get my vehicle inspected for more information on new vehicle inspections.

  Step 2:Complete an application (Form VL17)

Once the vehicle has successfully passed the examination, you can complete an application to license a vehicle using form VL17 below.

Farm vehicles

For off-road vehicles used only on a farm, please use the VL39 application form instead of the VL17 form.

Vehicle licence duty

Vehicle licence duty is payable on the dutiable value of the vehicle, including the value of any trade-in, unless evidence is produced that the vehicle was previously licensed in your name. More information is available in Form VL17.

To find out how much duty is payable, please use our vehicle licence duty calculator. Where vehicle licence duty is applicable, it is payable at the time of licensing.

Some persons and vehicles types may be eligible for an exemption on the payment of duty.

Please refer to the Concessions page for more information.

  Step 3:Provide proof of identity

Only one person can be nominated as vehicle licence holder.

Form VL186 (below) is to be used where the vehicle is jointly owned to nominate licence holder. This form must accompany the new vehicle licence application form in order to verify the applicant's particulars.

For more information on proof of identity requirements, please also download the information sheet.

  Step 4:Submit the application in person (Form VL17)

Applications for a new vehicle licence must be submitted in person at a Driver and Vehicle Services centre or regional agent.

You will need to provide:

  • Completed vehicle licence application forms VL17 or VL39.
  • Proof of vehicle ownership.

You may also need to present a weighbridge certificate if the tare/mass weight of the vehicle cannot be established from the manufacturer's specifications, previous licence documents or licensing records.

Once the vehicle is licensed a new set of number plates will be issued.

Opens in a new window Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources: Public weighbridge list

  Driver and Vehicle enquiries (online)

The Driver and Vehicle (licensing) enquiry form is for Western Australian driver and vehicle licensing enquiries only. You can also contact us via email at contact.centre@transport.wa.gov.au.

For all other matters please visit the feedback, compliments and complaints page.

Please note we will not respond to any feedback which contains sexist, racist or any other anti-social or inappropriate comments.

Page last updated: Fri Jun 14 2024 9:00:00 AM