License an overseas rally vehicle
Find out how to license a rally vehicle that has not been registered in the applicant's country of origin for use in Western Australia.
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Overview: License an overseas rally vehicle
Imported unlicensed rally vehicles may be registered in Western Australia.
If the vehicle is currently licensed in its country of origin, an overseas visitor's vehicle licence may be issued instead.
Step 1:Get the vehicle inspected: Overseas rally vehicle
Overseas rally vehicles must be inspected by the Department of Transport. Please contact Vehicle Operations on 1300 765 106.
Overseas rally vehicles cannot be examined at Authorised Inspection Stations.
Please go to Get a vehicle inspected for more information on inspections.
Step 2:Complete an application (Form VL17)
Once the vehicle has successfully passed the inspection, you can complete an application to license a vehicle using form VL17.
If the vehicle was previously licensed under another name, a declaration of the seller must be completed on Form VL17.
For more information, please go to Buy a vehicle (transfer licence)
Application to license a vehicle (Form VL17) | 267 Kb | |
Step 3:Provide proof of identity
Only one person can be nominated as the licence holder. Form VL186 is to be used where an owner is required to be nominated as the licence holder. This form must accompany the new vehicle license application form in order to verify the applicant's details.
Please go to Proof of identity for more information.
Proof of identity: Nominated owner - vehicle licence holder (Form VL186) | 303 Kb | |
Step 4:Provide a customs declaration: Overseas rally vehicle
Before you can licence your overseas rally vehicle in Western Australia, you will need to provide a copy of the guarantee to Australian Customs that the vehicle will be taken out of Australia.
This guarantee can take the form of one of the following documents:
- Carnet de passages en douane.
- Triptyque.
- Customs bond.
- Carnet: (pronounced kar-nay): official pass or permit, used when crossing national boundaries.
- Carnet de passages en douane: permit for passing through customs.
- Triptyque: (pronounced trip-ti-k): customs permit serving as a passport for a motor vehicle.
Step 5:Submit the application in person: Overseas rally vehicle
Applications for a new vehicle licence must be submitted in person at a Driver and Vehicle Services centre or regional agent.
You will need to provide:
- Certificate of inspection completed by the vehicle examiner.
- Copy of the carnet de passages en douane, triptyque or customs bond.
- Other documentation as required.
Once approved the vehicle will be licensed for a 6-month period, and a new set of state/district series number plates will be issued.
Motor Injury Insurance (MII) will be included as part of your application fee, covering the period of the licence.
- Carnet: (pronounced kar-nay): official pass or permit, used when crossing national boundaries.
- Carnet de passages en douane: permit for passing through customs.
- Triptyque: (pronounced trip-ti-k) customs permit serving as a passport for a motor vehicle.