Get an extraordinary licence

Extraordinary licence applications can be made for any court imposed disqualification.

  Extraordinary licence

If you have been disqualified by a Western Australian court from driving, you can apply for an extraordinary licence.

Extraordinary licence applications for a court-imposed disqualification are lodged directly with the Courts.

An application for an extraordinary licence cannot be made while subject to:

  • An immediate disqualification notice for an alcohol offence.
  • A disqualification period related to service of a demerit point notice.
  • A licence suspension order imposed by the Department of Justice’s Fines Enforcement Registry (FER).
  • A disqualification period imposed by a Court in another state or territory.
  • The CEO refusing to grant, cancelling or suspending your driver’s licence, unless you are subject to another eligible disqualification.

Waiting periods

There are minimum wait periods before any extraordinary licence application can be made or heard by a Court. This is determined by the number and nature of the offence(s).

Requirement to carry extraordinary licence

Extraordinary driver’s licence holders must carry their extraordinary licence whilst driving. An extraordinary licence consists of two documents - the plastic extraordinary licence card and the paper licence which details the extraordinary licence. Both documents must be presented if requested.

Visit the Magistrates Court of Western Australia website for more information.

Extraordinary driver's licence fees

Fee type Fee
Extraordinary driver's licence: Original application 1 year $183.05
Extraordinary driver's licence: Original application 6 months $91.55
Extraordinary driver's licence: Renewal 1 year $42.90
Extraordinary driver's licence: Renewal 6 months $21.45
Extraordinary driver's licence: Replacement $33.30
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Page last updated: Wed Oct 11 2023 11:27:28 AM