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Recidivist drivers

Repeat driving offenders may be required to satisfy DoT that they are a suitable person to hold a driver's licence.

  CEO cancellation, suspension or refusal to grant a WA driver’s licence

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Department of Transport (DoT) has the power to refuse to grant, cancel or suspend a WA driver's licence in certain circumstances, which includes the number or nature of a person's road law offences.

  Who is a recidivist driver?

A person who has demonstrated repeated non-compliance with the road rules and poor driver behaviour is a recidivist driver. 

Recidivist drivers will be notified in writing that their suitability to hold a driver’s licence will be assessed. 

To assist in determining whether you should hold a driver’s licence, you may be asked to provide information you consider relevant to the decision. This may include: 

  • Your understanding of the offending behaviour, safe driver behaviour and the impact on safe roads;
  • Change in your personal circumstances that indicate the factors giving rise to the offending have reduced or been eliminated;
  • Demonstrated good character since the offending, including lack of further offending, increased maturity, family support and work; and
  • Other relevant matters (such as the successful completion of behavioural courses or treatment).

Information about safe driver behaviour is available from the Road Safety Commission website.

Road Safety Commission - Behaviours

  Review of CEO decisions

A decision made by the CEO to cancel, suspend or refuse the to grant of a driver’s licence is reviewable.

Internal review

If you are affected by a reviewable decision, you can request the CEO reconsider the decision. The request must be received within 28 days of the date you receive a decision notice. It must outline the decision you want the CEO to make and why the CEO should make that decision.

Your request must be made in writing and addressed to the Internal Review Officer at the address below.

Street address Postal address Telephone Fax Email
  GPO Box R1290 Perth WA 6844      

Review by the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT)

You also have the right to apply to the SAT for a review of a decision by the CEO. Information regarding the application process is available from the SAT website.

State Administrative Tribunal

  Extraordinary licence

If the CEO refuses to grant, cancels or suspends your driver’s licence, you are not eligible to apply for an extraordinary licence, unless you are subject to another eligible disqualification. Read about how to get an extraordinary licence.

Page last updated: Mon Jun 10 2024 10:45:11 AM