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Maintenance of swing moorings

Swing moorings require maintenance and are regularly inspected. View our list of approved contractors to find one in your area.

Swing mooring maintenance and inspections

Inspections reports are an important licensee obligation required by law to ensure the mooring is safe and fit for purpose for the vessel that occupies it.

Approved contractors, conducting inspections on behalf of DoT swing mooring licensees, must be engaged to complete an inspection report:

  • when installed;
  • every 2 years from the date of the last inspection report; and
  • any time as requested by DoT to assist with mooring management.

Inspection reports are a condition of licence and an obligation of the licensee. It is the licensee’s responsibility to ensure we receive the inspection report by email to maritime.licensing@transport.wa.gov.au before the due date. Vessels must not be moored on a swing mooring if an inspection report has not been received or processed. 

Swing mooring general maintenance

To maintain your mooring:

  • Clean it regularly by removing marine growth and debris from the apparatus. This will help to identify the mooring and can prolong the life of the apparatus.
  • Ensure the DoT number is always clearly displayed on the mooring buoy. This will help you find the correct mooring and prevent unauthorised use.
  • Check for cracks and wear and tear and make sure your lines are the suitable length for securing the vessel appropriately. If in doubt about the requirements, call an approved contractor for further advice.
Excess growth on swing mooring buoy contributes to poor buoyancy and becomes a hazard to other water way users and is non-compliant with Swing Mooring Regulations.
Excess growth on swing mooring buoy contributes to poor buoyancy and becomes a hazard to other water way users and is non-compliant with Swing Mooring Regulations.

Swing mooring buoy with excess growth

Excess growth on swing mooring buoy contributes to poor buoyancy and becomes a hazard to other water way users and is non-compliant with Swing Mooring Regulations.

Clean buoy with good buoyancy providing a secure storage solution for vessel, compliant with Swing Mooring Regulations.
Clean buoy with good buoyancy providing a secure storage solution for vessel, compliant with Swing Mooring Regulations.

Clean buoy

Clean buoy with good buoyancy providing a secure storage solution for vessel, compliant with Swing Mooring Regulations.

Undertaking inspections

DoT inspections: Approved Contractors that undertake DoT Mooring Inspections must use the forms listed below.

DBCA inspections: For Approve Contractors undertaking inspections and maintenance on behalf of DBCA Licensees, please complete the DBCA inspection report form.

  Approved mooring contractors

Mooring contractors on the approved mooring contractors list provide services to both DoT and DBCA swing mooring licensees Statewide. These contractors are recognised as being registered businesses that:

  • carry adequate liability, indemnity and property insurance;
  • are compliant with commercial vessel survey manning and safety standards; and
  • adhere to commercial diving standards while undertaking their duties.

Designs, systems of work and works carried out by contractors are solely the responsibility of the contractor and cannot be approved or endorsed by the Department.

Please ensure due diligence and consumer discretion when choosing your contractor.

Please discuss insurance liability with your chosen mooring contractor. The mooring owner is responsible for mooring buoy replacement and/or any loss or damage that may be caused.

The following is a list of approved mooring contractors, as of September 2023.

Service Type Suburb Business Name Phone number Phone number (secondary) Fax Pre-booking required Business Hours Email Street address Postal address Business Type Comments
Approved mooring contractor Bibra Lake Divewest Marine Pty Ltd (Mooring contractor) 0408 104 568 0408 914 033 No Please call for details. divewestmarine@gmail.com Bibra Lake P.O. Box Unit 1, 46 Fraser St, East Fremantle WA 6158 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, Gascoyne, Mid West, Great Southern, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Cottesloe Offshore Moorings Pty Ltd (Mooring contractor) 0408 083 635 (08) 9384 0437 No Please call for details. offshoremoorings@outlook.com 4 Stanhope Street, Cottesloe WA 6011 P.O. Box 4 Albs Rise, Ocean Reef WA 6027 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Dongara Bass Marine Pty Ltd (Mooring contractor) 0408 930 365 No Please call for details. George@bassmarine.com.au Dongara WA P.O. Box 598, Dongara WA 6525 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Mid-West. Services offered: Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Dunsborough Empress Marine Pty Ltd (Mooring contractor) 0428 404 400 No Please call for details. john@empressmarine.com.au Dunsborough P.O. Box 1333, Dunsborough WA 6281 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, Gascoyne, Mid West, Great Southern, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Dunsborough South West Subsea (Mooring contractor) 0404 229 084 No Please call for details. southwestsubsea@gmail.com 63 Schooner Crescent, Dunsborough WA 6281 P.O. Box 19 Davies Way, Broadwater, Busselton WA 6280 Authorised Agency Regions Serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, Gascoyne, Mid West, Great Southern, South West. Services Provided: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, design.
Approved mooring contractor Fremantle Total AMS (Mooring contractor) 0400 716 266 No Please call for details. adamf@tamsgroup.com.au 4 Mews Road, Fremantle WA 6160 P.O. Box PO Box 210, North Fremantle WA 6159 Other Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, Gascoyne, Mid West, Great Southern, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Hamilton Hill Indianic Diving Services (Mooring contractor) (08) 9412 9000 0417 953 312 (08) 9412 9001 No Please call for details. moorings@indianic.com.au Hamilton Hill P.O. Box 4 Jessie Lee Street, Henderson WA 6166 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, Gascoyne, Great Southern, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Henderson Franmarine Underwater Services Pty Ltd (Mooring contractor) (08) 9437 3900 0427 430 001 (08) 9437 3933 No Please call for details. reception@franmarine.com.au 13 Possner Way, Henderson WA 6166 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, Gascoyne, Mid West, Great Southern, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Karratha Oceanic Offshore Pty Ltd (Mooring contractor) (08) 9183 6777 0439 431 336 No Please call for details. oceanic@oceanicoffshore.com.au Karratha P.O. Box 912, Karratha WA 6714 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, Gascoyne, Great Southern, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Landsdale Smart Subsea (Mooring contractor) 08 9302 1484 No Please call for details. moorings@smartsubsea.com.au Unit 7, 77 Christable Way, Landsdale WA 6065 P.O. Box Units 7 and 8, 77 Christable Way, Landsdale WA 6065 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, Gascoyne, Mid West, Great Southern, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Mandurah Aqualib Marine Diving Co. (Mooring contractor) (08) 9535 6553 0417 055 553 (08) 9535 8386 No Please call for details. moorings@aqualibdiving.com.au Mandurah P.O. Box 495, Mandurah WA 6210 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Nedlands Jetwave Marine Services (Mooring contractor) 08 9430 4237 No Please call for details. divesuper1@jwms.com.au 124 Stirling Hwy, Nedlands WA 6009 P.O. Box Unit 2, 6 Cao D'Orlando Drive, South Fremantle WA 6162 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, Gascoyne, Mid West, Great Southern, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, SUMS Disc available, removals.
Approved mooring contractor Neerabup Commercial Maritime (Mooring contractor) 0417 099 923 No Please call for details. commercialmaritime@bigpond.com 1834 Wanneroo Road, Neerabup WA 6031 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Padbury Offshore Diving Services (Mooring contractor) (08) 9402 5009 0419 048 670 (08) 9402 5009 No Please call for details. offshoredivingservices@bigpond.com 7 Leichhardt Avenue, Padbury WA 6025 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, SUMS Disc available, removals.
Approved mooring contractor Perth Bhagwan Marine 08 9424 2300 No Please call for details. ross.mcdonald@bhagwanmarine.com Unit 3, 251 St Georges Tce Perth WA 6000 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.
Approved mooring contractor Shoalwater K&I Diving Solutions (Mooring contractor) 0408 883 118 No Please call for details. kidivingsolutions@gmail.com 26 Oceanrunner Boulevard, Shoalwater WA 6169 P.O. Box 118 Foreshore Drive, Singleton WA 6175 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, inspections, SUMS Disc available.
Approved mooring contractor South Townsville Pacific Marine Group Pty Ltd 0448 202 847 No Please call for details. EnriqueM@pacificmarinegroup.com.au 11-15 Sandspit Drive, South Townsville QLD P.O. Box PO Box 1155, Townsville QLD 4810 Authorised Agency Regions serviced: Metropolitan, Peel, South West. Services offered: Maintenance, installations, inspections, removals, SUMS Disc available, design, all services.

  Moorings and biosecurity

Moorings and mooring components pose a biosecurity risk to Western Australia's aquatic environment, as they can be a stepping stone for invasive marine species (IMS) to reach new locations where they do not naturally occur.

Follow these 2 simple steps to prevent the spread of aquatic pests:

  1. Regularly check your mooring and mooring components for any unusual species.
  2. Report any unusual species found by contacting FishWatch on 1800 815 507, or through the free WA PestWatch app, which can be downloaded from the App Store and Google play store.

Further information visit:

  • Aquatic pests and diseases, visit Department of Fisheries - Aquatic biosecurity.
  • Biofouling and ballast water, refer to WA marine pest management guidelines.
Opens in a new window Department of Fisheries: Aquatic biosecurity
Opens in a new window Department of Fisheries: Marine pest management guidelines
Page last updated: Wed Jan 31 2024 1:46:53 PM