Marine geospatial data

Find out about marine geospatial data from various locations in Western Australia.

The Department of Transport (DoT) collect, manage and maintain a range of marine geospatial data from various locations in Western Australia.

Our data range features bathymetric surveys, marine LiDAR, marine infrastructure and boating regulation areas.

These datasets can be viewed in specialised software, PDFs, on the Deckee App, or on Data WA.

Bathymetric surveys and marine LiDAR

The WA Bathymetry Portal is a self-service downloadable toolset for accessing bathymetric surveys in Western Australia. Lidar, singlebeam, laser and multibeam surveys are available for download in Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) format.

Bathymetric data is also available from Data WA and AusSeabed.

Marine infrastructure

The following datasets are available at Data WA and on the Deckee app. 

Marine boundaries

The following datasets are available at Data WA and on the Deckee app. 

Coastal process data

The following datasets are available at Data WA.

Geotechnical data, historical plans and drawings

Boreholes, probes, pile driving records, survey and construction drawings of DoT maritime facilities and infrastructure, from past to present are available.

To access these datasets, email

Page last updated: Tue Jun 25 2024 5:04:27 PM