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Onslow Beadon Creek Maritime Facility

Aerial image of Onslow Maritime Facility

Onslow Beadon Creek Maritime Facility is located approximately 550 metres south of the entrance to Beadon Creek.
The main users of the facility are the resources sector and recreational, fishing and charter vessels. There has been extensive growth of oil and gas projects in the region and the facility has become a supply base for offshore operations.

The facility comprises of 8 pile mooring pens, a service wharf, dual public boat ramp, fuelling facility, as well as a fish cleaning table and public car park.

Find out more about the development of the Onslow Community Boating Precinct at the Onslow Beadon Creek Maritime Facility.


Service wharf

The 50 metre service wharf provides single and three phase power, water and a fuelling facility.

Wharf load limits
  • Berth load: 50 tonne displacement vessel berthing at a maximum of 0.3 m/s at a maximum approach angle of 15°
  • Stack load: 750 kg/m²
  • Vehicle load: M9 standard load

Fuelling facility

Fuel is available from the service wharf. This service is provided by Baileys Marine Fuels and a fuel card is required.
Phone: 1300 224 539
Email: baileys@ampol.com.au

Boat ramp

The Onslow Community Boating Precinct provides users with a dual lane boat ramp, all tide access floating jetty with more than 40 metres of berthing space on both sides.

Fish cleaning facilities

There is a fish cleaning table located near the boat ramp.


There is a public car and boat trailer park next to the boat ramp with solar lighting 

Waterway entrance channel

Latitude: -21.646 S Longitude: 115.131 E 

The entrance to the Onslow Beadon Creek Maritime Facility requires regular dredging. 

Refer to the Cyclone Community Information Sheet – Onslow Beadon Creek below for more information on the dredged depths.

Boat pens

Number of pens Lengths
8 pile moorings
(The Sticks)

8x cyclone rated for up to 20 metre length

Fees and charges (2024/2025)

See below for current fees at Onslow Beadon Creek Maritime Facility.

Moorings, berths and service wharf use fees are charged per metre of the vessel length.

All fees quoted are inclusive of GST and should be paid in advance.

Recreational, tourism, government and fishing vessels - pile moorings

Fee type Fee
12 months $286.60
3 months or more per month $26.15
1 month $42.95
1 week $12.85

Recreational, tourism, government and fishing vessels - fixed alongside berth

Fee type Fee
1 month $85.95
1 week $25.75

Service vessels - pile moorings

Fee type Fee
12 months $501.55
3 months or more per month $45.75
1 month $75.20
1 week $22.55
1 day $11.70

User installed and maintained harbour swing mooring

Fee type Fee
12 months $143.30
3 months or more per month $13.05
1 month $21.50
1 week $6.45
1 day $2.85

Service vessel use of service wharf

Fee type Fee
Use of service wharf, per 6 consecutive hours or part thereof - per metre of the vessel length $10.10

Other facility fees

Fee type Fee
Electricity supply - metered COST
Water supply - metered COST
Rubbish removal - including any not placed in supplied bins or containers not removed; waste oil in excess of 150 litres; or rubbish from source other than fee paying vessel. COST

Apply for a boat pen

DoT’s vessel accommodation is offered on a casual, short term and long term basis and is always in high demand. Submit the enquiry form to find out if a pen is available. 


Ready to apply?

Once you have spoken with one of our Harbour Officers to confirm availability, fill in either the waitlist or vessel accommodation application form below and familiarise yourself with important terms and conditions.

Useful resources

DoT has several resources to help you stay safe when out on the water.

Cyclone community information sheet

This information sheet provides important information to help users of Onslow Beadon Creek Maritime Facility during the lead up, impact and recovery from a tropical cyclone.


Deckee is a free app to help you plan your next boating trip. The app helps you keep informed with location-based data, safety alerts, access to the coast cams, weather forecasts and other information while you're on your boat. Download Deckee before you go.

Boating safety

We provide a range of boating safety information on safety equipment, boating rules and marine radios and distress calls.

Nautical charts

DoT publishes nautical charts of the WA coastline for use by recreational and commercial vessels.

Boating guides

Our boating guides provide local marine safety information, including boating hazards, speed restrictions, personal watercraft, water ski and closed water areas. Download a guide below or visit the boating guides page for more resources.

Contact us

To find out more, contact the Beadon Creek harbour office on 0467 811 543 on weekdays or 0424 212 845 on Saturdays, or email BeadonCreek@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Thu Dec 5 2024 2:14:12 PM