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Swing moorings in WA waters

Find out about swing moorings managed by the Department of Transport and how to obtain a mooring licence.

  Swing moorings and fees

What is a swing mooring?

A swing mooring is a vessel storage solution consisting of an anchorage set deep into the seabed to which a chain/rope connects, running to a buoy on the surface. When the direction of wind or tide changes the mooring moves in a circle, hence the name swing mooring.


The Department of Transport administers swing mooring licences in accordance with the Mooring Regulations 1998. A copy of the Regulations can be found at the Department of Justice Western Australian legislation website below.


All mooring site licences will have a set of conditions associated to the class of mooring. Conditions of the licence set out requirements the licensee must adhere to on top of the regulations.

  • Recreational shared use mooring site licence conditions
  • Recreational exclusive use mooring site licence conditions
  • Commercial General mooring site licence conditions
  • Shared Use Mooring System (SUMS) conditions


Find scheduled fees for moorings on the swing mooring licences page.

All licence fees can be paid by calling 1300 655 322 with Mastercard or VISA (24hr service).

Opens in a new window Department of Justice: Mooring Regulations 1998 (WA)

Swing mooring locations

Recreational swing moorings exist in the following Mooring Control Areas:

  • Swan and Canning River (Metro)
  • Rockingham (Mangles Bay)
  • Albany (Oyster Harbour)
  • Peel Region (Dawesville)
  • Carnarvon Fascine
Page last updated: Thu Mar 14 2024 8:30:28 AM