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Swing mooring licences

Find out how to apply for a swing mooring licence and the different classifications.

  Apply for a mooring site licence

To apply for a mooring site licence, you will need to complete the Mooring Site Licence Application form and submit it to maritime.licensing@transport.wa.gov.au.

You will also need to pay the scheduled application fee.

We will contact you and guide you through the process and advise if a waitlist exists.

Due to the demand in some mooring control areas (MCA) such as the Swan Canning Riverpark and Mangles Bay at Rockingham, you may be placed on a waitlist until a suitable mooring site becomes available. A non-refundable application fee is required before your application is added to the waitlist.


Mooring Control Areas

Fee type Fee
Annual licence fees - Mooring Regulations 1998
Annual mooring licence for recreational mooring site - exclusive use $697.65
Annual mooring licence for recreational mooring site - shared use $359.45
Annual mooring licence for commercial general mooring site $898.65
Annual mooring licence late payment $124.50
Shared-use mooring authorisation for 12 months $111.70
Rental mooring site authorisation for each day of rental period $35.10
Application fees
Application for mooring licence (Waiting list/ New mooring) $124.50
Substitution of licensed vessel $124.50
Application to register additional vessel (Authorised user) $124.50
Exchange of registered mooring sites $124.50
Commercial mooring fees
Annual mooring licence for commercial resources mooring site $2921.40

  Mooring classifications



[DoT Image]
[DoT Image]


Recreational moorings are for recreationally registered vessels and may be used for storage of the licensee’s nominated vessel or that of their approved additional user. They are yellow in colour and display the mooring registration number on the buoy.

Recreational moorings may be classified as an exclusive use or shared use mooring. All recreational moorings will display a coloured disc indicating if they are for exclusive use (red disc) or shared use with the colour indicating the maximum size a SUMS authorised vessel can be to use it.

[DoT Image]
[DoT Image]

Commercial General

Commercial General moorings are for use by commercial vessels primarily associated with the tourism and fishing industries. They are yellow in colour and display the mooring registration number on the buoy. Commercial General moorings will display a red disc indicating they are not to be used by other vessels.

Commercial Resource

Commercial Resource moorings are typically located in the North West of WA and associated with vessels used in the resources industry. They are typically larger than Recreational or Commercial General moorings, yellow in colour and display the mooring registration number on the buoy.

Emergency mooring
Emergency mooring


Emergency moorings are owned and maintained by DoT. They are white in colour and may be used free of charge by vessel skippers only in emergency situations such as vessel breakdowns or issues with their licensed mooring site. Size limits apply and are marked on the mooring buoys.

Please advise DoT by contacting the moorings team via email or on 13 11 56 should you require the use of an emergency mooring. Penalties apply for misuse.

Public mooring
Public mooring


Courtesy moorings are owned and maintained by DoT. They are red in colour and free to use by the general public. Usage limitation apply including maximum vessel length and duration of use. Please refer to markings on buoy. Penalties apply for misuse.

Further information 

For the convenience of all vessel users, further information on the location of all Department of Transport swing moorings can be viewed via the free Deckee App, which provides location-based mooring information.

Changes to licences

A licensee can apply for licence changes. You can:

  • Add an additional user to a mooring licence (for up to 9 months within a renewal period). This requires a formal application and fees apply.
  • Substitute a primary vessel should the primary be sold. This requires a formal application and fees apply.

Please be advised that once a site has been granted, relocations and increases / decreases in radius are not permitted. The Department of Transport retains the right to direct a client to relocate a mooring apparatus in the event of potential navigational hazards. 

Relinquish a swing mooring licence

If you no longer wish to hold a swing mooring licence, you can relinquish the licence back to DoT. Following the recently updated and gazetted Mooring Regulations 1998, transfer of licences are no longer permitted.

When a licensee relinquishes their licence, it may be offered to the next waitlist applicant for that Mooring Control Area.

There may also be an opportunity to ‘on-sell’ the mooring apparatus from the licensee to the new mooring licence applicant through negotiation. For more information on this process, please contact the moorings team on 13 11 56.

Page last updated: Thu Aug 1 2024 3:46:52 PM