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Tide data (real time)

Find and compare real time tide data from sites along the WA coast.

We collect tide data from a network of tide stations along the coast of Western Australia, from Bremer Bay in the south to Wyndham in the north.

The data is a valuable resource for many recreational and commercial maritime activities and provides information such as real-time tide levels, storm surge monitoring, and mean sea level studies and tide predictions.

  Interactive real time tide data map

Click a location on the map below to view near real time data from the tide stations. You can also compare tidal residuals for locations around the state.

The real-time information has been recovered directly from automatic recording equipment and has not been quality controlled by the Department of Transport (DoT).

All times are recorded in Australian Western Standard Time (UTC+8:00).

Historical quality controlled data is available to download.

All data provided is subject to DoT's disclaimer, conditions of use and copyright policy.

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 Albany tide

Find out about storm surge data at Albany.

 Augusta tide

Find out about storm surge data at Augusta.

 Bremer Bay tide

Find out about storm surge data at Bremer Bay.

 Bunbury Inner Harbour tide

Find out about storm surge data at the inner harbour at Bunbury.

 Bunbury storm surge barrier tide

Find out about storm surge data at the inner and outer storm surge barriers in Bunbury.

 Busselton - Port Geographe tide

Find out about storm surge data at Busselton and Port Geographe.

 Caddadup tide

Find out about storm surge data at Caddadup.

 Cape Bouvard tide

Find out about storm surge data at Cape Bouvard.

 Carnarvon tide

Find out about storm surge data at Carnarvon.

 Exmouth tide

Find out about storm surge data at Exmouth.

 Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour tide

Find out about storm surge data at the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour.

 Geraldton Port tide

Find out about storm surge data at Geraldton Port.

 Geraldton Fishing Boat Harbour tide

Find out about storm surge data at Geraldton Fishing Boat Harbour.

 Harvey tide

Find out about storm surge data at Harvey Estuary.

 Jurien Bay tide

Find out about storm surge data at Jurien Bay.

 Mandurah tide

Find out about storm surge data at Mandurah.

 Onslow Salt tide

Find out about storm surge data for Onslow Salt.

 Onslow tide

Find out about storm surge data at Onslow.

 Peel Inlet tide

Find out about storm surge data at the Peel Inlet.

 Perth (Barrack St) tide

Find out about storm surge data at the Barrack Street Jetty in Perth.

 Port Hedland tide

Find out about storm surge data at Port Hedland.

 Two Rocks tide

Find out about storm surge data at Two Rocks.

 Useless Loop tide

Find out about storm surge data at Useless Loop.

 Wyndham tide

Find out about storm surge data at Wyndham.

 Storm surge comparison chart

Find out about the residual storm surge data at various coastal locations in Western Australia.

 Mosquito management tide monitoring

Department of Health WA – Mosquito Management Tide Monitoring Stations

  Technical information

Tides are the periodic rise and fall of sea level resulting from the gravitational interaction and motion of the Sun, Moon and Earth acting on ocean waters. Apart from astronomical factors, tidal patterns are modified by many other non-astronomical influences such as the shape and depth of oceans, and the weather. The combination of factors influencing local tides is complex and varies greatly from one site to another.

Tides are often distinguished by their cyclic patterns. One tidal cycle is the sequence from one high tide to the next high tide. Tides that go through one cycle during a single Earth rotation are described as diurnal tides. Those that go through two cycles are described as semidiurnal tides. A third common category is mixed tides. Mixed tides cycles are a combination of the other two and usually are characterised by two unequal high waters and two unequal low waters each day. In the northern part of the state (Carnarvon - north) the tidal cycle is semidiurnal. In the southern part of the state the tidal pattern is considered as mixed tides consisting of part semidiurnal, but predominantly diurnal tide cycles

The Western Australian coastline is renowned for its diverse range of tides. The difference between the height of the tide at high water and the height at low water is called the range of the tide. The tide range on the Western Australian coastline varies from approximately 12 metres at Collier Bay in the Kimberley to about 0.7 metres in Fremantle.

DoT tide stations measure sea levels at various location along the WA coast. The sea level can be simplified as comprising of tide prediction and residuals:

Sea level = Tide Prediction + Residuals or, Residuals = Sea level - Tide Prediction

Residuals are the difference between sea level and the tide predictions. They are due to non-tidal effects (weather) and they are a combination of short and long-term effects.

Short term water level changes can vary on a timescale from minutes to months. The main influence is weather or meteorological effects. For example, high atmospheric pressure reduces water level heights. Low atmospheric pressure raises water level heights. Onshore winds raise water levels while offshore winds depress water levels. Other short-term effects include seiches, tsunamis, Proudman resonance (meteo-tsunamis) and shelf waves.

Long term effects are of the order of years, decades, or even millennia. They comprise of long-term meteorological effects such as El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), eustatic changes due glaciation and tectonic movements and sea level rise due to global warming. Depending on timescales under consideration, some of the components can be ignored.

Although tides are influenced by astronomical and non-astronomical factors, local tides can be predicted with a high degree of accuracy from the analysis of long-term tide records. The tide predictions provide the time and height of high and low water for a particular day at a particular place. Find out more about the tide predictions for locations around Western Australia.

Further information about tides and sea level measurements can be obtained from the following sites:

Australian Tides Manual
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA
Global Sea Level Observing System, United Nations
Permanent Committee on Tides and Mean Sea Level, Australia
Tides - Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
AusTides - Royal Australian Navy
Page last updated: Tue Jul 25 2023 9:11:41 AM