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License a seasonal vehicle

Find out how to get a seasonal vehicle licence for an eligible heavy vehicle that is engaged in seasonal work during part of the year. You will not have to pay for a full licence if your vehicle is unused during the rest of the year.

  What is a seasonal vehicle licence?

If you own a heavy vehicle that is used for seasonal work only, you have the option to pay the licence for the time the vehicle is in use. With a seasonal vehicle licence, you can let the licence lapse during the off-season and renew it when you need to use the vehicle for the next season.

Eligible vehicles with a gross mass of more than 4,500 kg that are genuinely used for seasonal work may apply for a seasonal licence.

Seasonal work is defined as work which goes into hiatus for one or more periods of the year, due to weather or economic factors.

Examples include:

  • Seeding.
  • Harvesting.
  • Crayfishing.

Caravans, plant machinery and Interstate heavy vehicle operators vehicles are not eligible to apply for a seasonal licence.


Concession rates do not apply to seasonal licences. If your vehicle has a licence concession, you may need to check if a seasonal licence is best for you.

  Step 1:Is the vehicle currently licensed?

If your vehicle has a current licence, you can apply for a seasonal licence at any time. However, if you decide to apply before your existing licence expires, you will not receive a refund on the remainder of your current vehicle licence.

  Step 2:Get the vehicle inspected: Unlicensed seasonal vehicle

If your vehicle is new or does not have a current vehicle licence, you will need to get the vehicle inspected for roadworthiness before you can apply for a seasonal licence.

Please go to Get my vehicle inspected or moved for more information on new vehicle inspections.

  Step 3:Complete an application (Form VL194)

Once the vehicle has successfully passed the inspection, you can complete an application to license the vehicle using form VL194.


You will be able to nominate the dates you require the licence periods to be applied for on the form.

Vehicle licence duty

Vehicle licence duty is payable on the dutiable value of the vehicle, including the value of any trade-in, unless evidence is produced that the vehicle was previously licensed in your name. More information is available on the application form.

To find out how much duty is payable, please use our vehicle licence duty calculator. Where vehicle licence duty is applicable, it is payable at the time of licensing.

Some persons and vehicles types may be eligible to receive an exemption on the payment of the duty.

Please refer to the Concessions page for more information.

  Step 4:Provide proof of identity

Only one person can be nominated as the licence holder. Form VL186 is to be used where the vehicle is jointly owned to nominate a licence holder. This form must accompany the new vehicle licence application form in order to verify the applicant's particulars.

Please go to Proof of identity for more information.

  Step 5:Submit the application in person (Form VL194)

Applications for a new vehicle licence must be submitted in person at a Driver and Vehicle Services centre or regional agent.

You will need to provide:

  • Completed vehicle licence application form VL194 
  • Completed proof of vehicle ownership form VL186.

You may also need to present a weighbridge certificate if the tare/mass weight of the vehicle cannot be established from the manufacturer's specifications, previous licence documents or licensing records.

If your application is approved you will receive a set of colour-coded seasonal plates. If you have an existing licence on the vehicle, you will need to surrender the existing number plates before receiving the seasonal plates.

Opens in a new window Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources: Public weighbridge list

  Renew or extend your seasonal vehicle licence

There is no need to renew a seasonal vehicle licence the moment it expires, as long as you are not using the vehicle. You can leave the special seasonal number plates attached and renew the licence when you start using the vehicle again.


You must leave a gap of two months between seasonal licence periods.

DoT will send you a renewal notice six weeks before the date you nominate the licence to expire. This will be sent by post or you can elect to receive your notice electronically.

When you choose to renew a seasonal vehicle licence, you can do so for a minimum of three months.

Page last updated: Wed Jun 19 2024 9:43:43 AM