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Motor Injury Insurance

Vehicle owners pay a motor injury insurance premium to cover the cost of injury that they or their vehicles may cause in a crash.

  Motor Injury Insurance coverage

Motor Injury Insurance covers

  1. The cost of personal injury and death caused to others in Australia by any driver of this vehicle, which includes compensation for:
    • Pain and suffering.
    • Past and future economic loss.
    • Claims management expenses.
    • Care and support (including medical treatment and rehabilitation).
  2. The cost of necessary and reasonable care and support (including medical treatment and rehabilitation) for catastrophic injuries incurred by:
    • You - if no other driver in the crash is negligent; and
    • Others - if no driver in the crash is negligent,
    • Resulting from a motor vehicle crash in Western Australia involving this vehicle after the introduction of the expanded motor injury insurance cover.

Motor Injury Insurance does not cover

  1. The cost of damage caused to vehicles or other property from a motor vehicle crash.
  2. The cost of non-catastrophic injuries where no other driver is negligent in the crash. The above cover is subject to the provisions of the relevant legislation.

Full details of the insurance policy and conditions are available on the Insurance Commission of Western Australia's website.

Your obligations

You must report all motor vehicle crashes causing injury or death to the Insurance Commission and Western Australia Police via the Online Crash Reporting Facility.

You or any driver of your vehicle must not:

  • Use the vehicle for any other purpose not stated in your vehicle licence application.
  • Drive the vehicle in an unsafe or damaged condition.
  • Drive the vehicle if under the influence of intoxicating liquor or illegal drugs.
  • Drive the vehicle without the appropriate driver's licence.

If you breach these obligations, the Insurance Commission may pursue you for repayment of the total compensation costs paid to an injured third party as a result of your negligence.

Make an insurance claim / insurance policy enquiry

If you are injured in a motor vehicle crash and wish to make an insurance claim or an insurance policy enquiry, contact the Insurance Commission of Western Australia via their website.

Please refer to The FAQs provided below for further information on the scheme.

Opens in a new window Insurance Commission of Western Australia

  Motor Injury Insurance (MII) fees (2024/2025)

Motor Injury Insurance (MII) fees

Vehicle owners pay a motor injury insurance premium to cover the cost of injury that they or their vehicles may cause in a crash. Unless otherwise specified, all charges are for a 12 month period. The 10% Goods and Services Tax has been included for all classes.
Fee type
1A Motor car: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$491.40 [1]
1B Ambulance, Fire and emergency services, Undertakers, etc: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$241.45 [2]
2 Goods vehicle: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$456.95 [3]
3. Any motor vehicle operating for hire or reward or, hire-and-drive-yourself vehicles. This class also includes buses used on a not for profit basis, i.e. where only a contribution towards ordinary running costs is received by the owner.
3 (a) Charter within 40 km: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$2,388.95 [4]
3 (b) Charter outside 40 km: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$396.45 [5]
3 (c) On-demand Rank or Hail (Taxi) within 40 km: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$671.40 [6]
3 (d) On-demand Rank or Hail (Taxi) outside 40 km: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$671.40 [7]
3 (e) Any bus not used as a Passenger Transport Vehicle for hire or reward: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$396.45 [8]
3 (f) Other hire vehicles: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$671.40 [9]
3 (g) Hire-and-Drive-Yourself vehicle (other than motorcycles included in Class 7(a)): Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$671.40 [10]
4 Motorcycle (other than motorcycles included in Classes 5(b) and 7(a)): Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$326.50 [11]
5. Motor vehicle dealers Motor Trade Vehicle (motor car manufacturing, garage proprietor, vendor of and/or dealer in motor cars).
5 (a) Motor vehicle trade plate: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$118.80 [12]
5 (b) Motorcycle trade plate: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$174.05 [13]
5 (c) Tow truck Motor Injury Insurance: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$663.20 [14]
6 Trailer, caravan, invalid wheelchair: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$17.05 [15]
7 (a) Veteran vehicles, farm firefighting, motorcycles not exceeding 75 cc, etc: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$67.55 [16]
7 (b) Forklift, tow motor, self-propelled headers, tractors, tractor plant: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$83.05 [17]
8 (a) Tractor plant, etc: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$292.05 [18]
8 (b) Motor cranes: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$1,068.90 [19]
GST rate: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
10% [20]
Insurance duty
Short term fee: Motor Injury Insurance (MII)
$4.83 [21]

[1] Class 1A - Motor vehicle: Any motor vehicle used for private or business purposes and constructed principally for the conveyance of persons not included in Classes 2 to 8, inclusive. This class includes Station Wagons which have a designed seating capacity for four or more persons. (Any vehicle licensed under Regulation 70 of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 and issued with number plates in accordance with those regulations as a farm vehicle shall be entitled to a rebate of 50 percent of this premium).

[2] Class 1B - Ambulance vehicle, Fire and Emergency Services vehicle, undertakers' vehicle, motor vehicle owned and used by the Australian Red Cross Society or a vehicle owned and used by the Cerebral Palsy Association of WA Ltd, not included in Class 6. Ambulance Vehicle: Any motor vehicle constructed and used for the conveyance of sick or injured persons. Fire and Emergency Services Vehicle: Any motor vehicle owned by or under the control of the Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia. Any business owned vehicles, specifically adapted for the sole purpose of firefighting and fire prevention, licensed under a limited vehicle license, limiting it exclusively to use on a road for firefighting purposes. Undertakers' Vehicles: Any motor vehicle used solely as an undertakers' hearse or mourning coach.

[3] Class 2 - Goods vehicle: Any motor vehicle not included in Classes 3 to 8, both inclusive, constructed principally for the conveyance of goods and used for private or business purposes. This class includes a wagon, utility, tractor (prime mover type). (Any wagon licensed under Regulation 70 of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 and issued with number plates in accordance with those Regulations as a farm vehicle shall be entitled to a rebate of 50 per cent of this premium on the understanding that such vehicle will not be entitled to a further rebate under Class 2(f) and vice versa). (f) Effective for policies commencing from 01/01/2004, any vehicle within this class with tare weight of 2,500 kilos or more owned by a farmer and used solely or principally for carrying the products of, or requisites for, the owners' farming business, shall be entitled to a rebate of 50 percent of this premium.

[4] Class 3(a) - Any motor vehicle, licensed under the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 and used as a Passenger Transport Vehicle for hire or reward, having more than nine seating positions including that of the driver, principally operating within a 40-kilometre radius of the GPO Perth. This excludes passenger car vehicles originally designed with nine seats or less, including driver, that have been subsequently modified to have more than nine seats (e.g. stretch limousines).

[5] Class 3(b) - Any motor vehicle licensed under the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 and used as a Passenger Transport Vehicle for hire or reward, having more than nine seating positions, including driver, principally operating outside a 40-kilometre radius of the GPO Perth. This excludes motor vehicles originally designed with nine seats or less, including driver, that have been subsequently modified to have more than nine seats (e.g. stretch limousines).

[6] Class 3(c) - Any motor vehicle licensed under the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 and used as an On-demand Rank or Hail (taxi) Passenger Transport Vehicle, as defined in the Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018, principally operating within a 40-kilometre radius of the GPO Perth.

[7] Class 3(d) - Any motor vehicle licensed under the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 and used as an On-demand Rank or Hail (taxi) Passenger Transport Vehicle, as defined in the Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018, principally operating outside a 40-kilometre radius of the GPO Perth.

[8] Class 3(e) - Any bus that is not used as a Passenger Transport Vehicle for hire or reward. This includes school buses used exclusively for the carriage of children to and from school.

[9] Class 3(f) - Any motor vehicle used as a Passenger Transport Vehicle for hire or reward not included in Classes 3 (a) to 3 (e) inclusive.

[10] Class 3(g) - Hire-and-Drive-Yourself vehicle (other than motor cycles included in Class 7 (a).

[11] Class 4 - Motorcycle used for private or business purposes. Other than motorcycle included in Classes 5 (b) and 7 (a). (Any motorcycle licensed under Regulation 70 of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 and issued with number plates in accordance with those Regulations as a farm vehicle shall be entitled to a rebate of 50 per cent of this premium).

[12] Class 5(a) - Motor vehicles not included in Classes 5 (b) and 5 (c) used by the above with trade plate attached issued under the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014, rate per trade plate issued.

[13] Class 5(b) - Motorcycle used by the above, with Trade plate attached issued under the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014, rate per Trade plate issued.

[14] Class 5(c) - Tow truck as defined in the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 or with Trade plate whilst being used in accordance with section 27 of the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act 1973.

[15] Class 6 - Trailer, caravan, invalid wheelchair: This class includes all vehicles issued with trailer plates, but does not include tractor (prime mover type), which is issued separately under Class 2.

[16] Class 7(a) - Motor vehicles - receiving an exemption or reduction in vehicle licence charges under regulation 71A or 84A of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014; Class (b), (c) or (i) vehicle that is not a road vehicle, as defined under S.5B of the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 (Commonwealth) or S5 of the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 as applicable to that vehicle; OR - licensed as a B class vehicle under the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014, and the use of the vehicle on public roads is limited in the manner directed by the CEO and only while being used in conformity with any conditions to which that approval is subject. Farm fire fighting vehicles - Any vehicle that is owned by a person engaged in the business of farming or grazing and that is fitted or adapted for the purpose of firefighting, licensed under a limited vehicle licence, limiting it exclusively to use on a road for firefighting purposes. Motorcycles - Not exceeding 75 cc including such motorcycles that are used as a hire vehicle. Any other vehicle being a motor vehicle within the meaning of the Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Act 1943 not otherwise classified.

[17] Class 7(b) - Forklifts, agricultural machines, and Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) licensed as a B class vehicle under the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014.

[18] Class 8(a) - A Special Purpose Vehicle that — (a) is, or has permanently attached to it, an excavator, road roller, road grader, bulldozer, mechanical shovel, plough, rotary hoe or similar plant; and (b) is designed to be driven or controlled by a person carried in or on the vehicle; and (c) is not suitable for the carriage of any load other than accessories necessary for the operation of the vehicle; and is licensed as a C class vehicle under the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014.

[19] Class 8(b) - A self-propelled Special Purpose Vehicle that: (a) is designed solely or principally for lifting objects using a boom with lifting gear; and (b) only carries loads that are necessary for its own propulsion or equipment; but does not include a goods vehicle fitted with a crane apparatus or a tow truck.

[20] GST rate of 10% is charged on all premiums for policies.

[21] Short term fee (i.e. any period less than 12 months) subject to GST.

Page last updated: Wed Jun 26 2024 4:10:11 PM