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License a repairable written-off vehicle

Find out how to license a repairable written-off vehicle in Western Australia. A list of authorised written-off inspection service providers is also found here.

Repairable written-off vehicle licence

Vehicles can only be licensed in Western Australia if they are primarily kept in this state.

If you wish to repair a repairable written-off vehicle and drive it on public roads, you will need to apply for a vehicle licence.


All new vehicles must have an immobiliser installed. It is the owner's responsibility to ensure that an approved immobiliser is used. For more information, please go to the Immobilisers page.

Please download the fact sheet below for more information.

  Step 1:Keep good records

You are required to obtain all receipts for major parts purchased and used on the vehicle, receipts for the repair of the vehicle and photographs taken (before, during and after) throughout the repair process. 

If the vehicle has had a repair or replacement air-bag system, a report from an accredited agent/dealer is required to certify that the system is complete and operational.

  Step 2:Get the vehicle inspected: Repairable written-off vehicle (Authorised Providers)

Before applying the final trim, fillers, paint and finishes to the vehicle, you will need to have your vehicle inspected by an authorised written-off inspection service provider.


Fees are charged by the provider and are not regulated by the Department of Transport.

Moving an unlicensed vehicle

You will need to apply for a temporary movement permit to move your vehicle if it is unlicensed.

  Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service providers (Authorised Providers)

Authorised Providers are independent businesses that have been trained and appointed by the Department of Transport to perform inspections on repaired written-off vehicles.


Fees are charged by the provider and are not regulated by the Department of Transport.

Moving an unlicensed vehicle

You will need to apply for a temporary movement permit to move an unlicensed vehicle.

Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service providers

Service Type
Business Name
Phone number
Pre-booking required
Business Hours
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Busselton Busselton Panel and Paint (Written-off inspections) 08 9751 5470 Yes Please call for details. 1/9 Bensted Street, Busselton WA Authorised Agency Light vehicle,
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Bayswater Inspections West (Written-off inspections) (08) 9272 3055 Yes Please call for details. inspecwest@basmash.com.au 224 Collier Road, Bayswater WA 6053 Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Light vehicles only
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Broome Vehicle Modification and Certification Service (Written-off inspections) 0473 215 038 Yes Please call for details. 26 Hunter Street, Broome WA 6725 Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Trailer, Motorcycle,
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Bunbury Novel Smash Repairs (Written-off inspections) (08) 9721 2376 Yes Please call for details. 49 Albert Road, Bunbury WA 6230 Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Trailer, Caravan, Light vehicles, trailers
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Cannington Uneeda Tyre & Smash Repairs (Written-off inspections) (08) 9458 1521 (08) 9350 5645 Yes Please call for details. 36 to 38 Hogarth Street, Cannington WA 6107 Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Trailer, Caravan, Light vehicles, trailers
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Canningvale Panelhaus Accident Repairs Pty Ltd (Written-off inspections) (08) 9455 5549 Yes Please call for details. Unit 2, 9 Martin Place, Canningvale WA 6155 Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Trailer, Caravan, Light Vehicles, Trailers, Caravans only
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Geraldton Obrien Smash Repairs (Written-off inspections) (08) 9921 2288 Yes Please call for details. 14 Box Street, Geraldton WA 6530 Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Trailer, Caravan, Light vehicles, trailers
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Greenfields TNT Motor Mechanics and Spray Painters (Written-off inspections) (08) 9581 7211 Yes Please call for details. 29 Thornborough Road, Greenfields WA Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Trailer, Motorcycle, Light vehicles, Trailers, Motorcycles
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Hamilton Hill Bacich Smash Repairs (Written-off inspections) 9418 1764 Yes Please call for details. 155 Rockingham Road, Hamilton Hill WA 6163 Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Trailer, Light vehicles; including trailers
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Karratha Karratha Smash Repairs Pty Ltd (Written-off inspections) (08) 9185 3333 Yes Please call for details. Unit Lot 1114, Lot 1114 Mooligunn Road, Karratha WA 6714 Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Light vehicles only.
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Kewdale Kewdale Motorcycles (Written-off inspections) (08) 9353 3772 Yes Please call for details. 126 Kewdale Road, Kewdale WA 6105 Authorised Agency Motorcycle, Motorcycles only
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Landsdale Kingsley Smash Repairs (Written-off inspections) (08) 9302 1080 Yes Please call for details. 226 Gnangara Road, Landsdale WA 6065 Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Trailer, Caravan, Light Vehicles, Trailers, Caravans
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Malaga J & M Smash Repairs (Written-off inspections) (08) 9249 3455 Yes Please call for details. 287 Victoria Road, Malaga WA 6090 Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Trailer, Caravan, Light vehicles, Light Trailers, Caravans
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Midvale Steve's Motorcycles (Written-off inspections) 9374 0911 Yes Please call for details. 331 Great Eastern Highway, Midvale WA 6056 Authorised Agency Motorcycle, Motorcycles only
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Northam D Clements Smash Repairs (Written-off inspections) (08) 9622 2778 Yes Please call for details. 16 Oliver Street, NORTHAM WA 6401 Oliver Street, Northam WA 6401 Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Trailer, Caravan, Light Vehicles, Trailers, Caravans
Authorised written-off vehicle inspection service
Osborne Park Bert Bennett Panel Centre (08) 9444 4130 No Please call for details. 12 Ruse Street, Osborne Park WA Authorised Agency Light vehicle, Trailer, Caravan,

  Step 3:Get the vehicle inspected: Repairable written-off vehicle

Once your vehicle has been passed by the authorised written-off vehicle inspection service provider, it must then undertake an identity and roadworthy inspection. This is done at an Authorised Inspection Station once the final trim, fillers, paint and finishes to your vehicle have been applied.

Moving an unlicensed vehicle

You will need to apply for a Temporary Movement Permit to move your vehicle if it is unlicensed. 

  Step 4:Complete an application (Form VL17)

Once your vehicle has successfully passed both inspections, you can complete an application to license your vehicle using form VL17.

If your vehicle was previously licensed in another name, you will need to provide proof of vehicle ownership. Where the seller is a dealer a declaration from the dealer must also be completed on the form VL17. 

For more information, please go to Buy a vehicle (transfer licence)

Vehicle licence duty

Vehicle licence duty is payable on the dutiable value of your vehicle, including the value of any trade-in, unless evidence is produced that the vehicle was previously licensed in your name. More information is available in Form VL17.

To find out how much duty is payable, please use our vehicle licence duty calculator. Where vehicle licence duty is applicable, it is payable at the time of licensing.

Please refer to the Concessions page for more information.

  Step 5:Provide proof of identity

Only one person can be nominated as a vehicle licence holder. The Proof of identity; nominated owner/vehicle licence holder Form VL186 is to be used where your vehicle is jointly owned to nominate a licence holder.

This form must accompany your completed Form Vl17 to verify your particulars.

Please go to Proof of identity for more information.

  Step 6:Submit the application in person (Form VL17)

Applications for a new vehicle licence must be submitted in person at a Driver and Vehicle Services centre or regional agent.

You will need to provide:

  • Completed vehicle licence application Form VL17
  • Completed proof of vehicle ownership Form VL186 (Proof of vehicle ownership if the vehicle has not been previously licensed in your name)

If the vehicle has not been previously licensed in your name, please bring along the original copy of one of the following documents:

  • A receipt showing purchase price, date of sale, vehicle details (including VIN, plate number or engine number), seller's and purchaser's name and seller's signature. Receipts and tax invoices must show 'paid in full' to be accepted as proof of vehicle ownership.
  • A contract of sale/purchase with receipt attached to show the purchase has been finalised. The purchase price, date of sale, vehicle details (including VIN, plate number or engine number), seller's and purchaser's name and seller's signature must be shown on the contract and/or receipt. Receipts and tax invoices must show 'paid in full' in order to be accepted as proof of vehicle ownership.
  • Where the seller is deceased, a letter from the Executor or Administrator must be provided showing purchase price, date of sale, new owner's details, vehicle details, deceased's name, the executor's, or administrator's signature, and whether the vehicle has an immobiliser fitted.
  • Your copy of the Notification of change of ownership vehicle licence transfer (Form MR9 or Form MR9B), or the Application to Licence a Vehicle or Transfer a Vehicle Licence Motor Vehicle Dealers (Form VL12).

If you have no details of the last vehicle licence holder, or the seller is a company and you are unable to contact the company and obtain a seller signature, you can complete a Declaration of Vehicle Ownership (VL50) form. This will result in a delay of up to 21 days before the vehicle can be licensed.

You may also need to present a weighbridge certificate if the tare/mass weight of the vehicle cannot be established from the manufacturer's specifications, previous licence documents or licensing records.

Once the vehicle is licensed a new set of number plates will be issued.

Opens in a new window Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources: Public weighbridge list

  Driver and Vehicle enquiries (online)

The Driver and Vehicle (licensing) enquiry form is for Western Australian driver and vehicle licensing enquiries only. You can also contact us via email at contact.centre@transport.wa.gov.au.

For all other matters please visit the feedback, compliments and complaints page.

Please note we will not respond to any feedback which contains sexist, racist or any other anti-social or inappropriate comments.

Page last updated: Fri Jun 14 2024 9:00:00 AM