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Sell a vehicle and transfer a vehicle licence

Find out what you need to do to transfer a vehicle licence as a seller.

When you sell, gift or dispose of a Western Australian licensed vehicle (including a car, caravan, motorcycle or trailer) you must notify the Department of Transport (DoT) within 7 days that you have ceased to be the owner of the vehicle and provide the name and address of the new owner. Failure to do so will result in a penalty being applied.

There is a different process if you are the buyer of a vehicle.

Transfer a vehicle licence online

You will need a DoTDirect account to apply for the transfer a vehicle licence online. You can create an account if you don’t already have one.

You will also need:

  • the details of the sale, e.g. date of sale, selling price and dutiable value
  • the vehicle plate number
  • the buyer’s name and address.

Transfer a vehicle using DoTDirect

Transfer a vehicle licence by mail or in person

Some vehicle licences cannot be transferred online. These include vehicles that are:

If you are unable to transfer your vehicle online, you can complete a Notification of Change of Ownership - Vehicle Licence Transfer (MR9) form (available to download below).

You can submit the form at a Driver and Vehicle Services centre, DoT regional office or agent OR post to:

Driver and Vehicle Services
GPO Box R1290 
Perth WA 6844.

To complete the form

As the seller you need to complete the seller’s copy (blue) and submit to a Driver and Vehicle Services centre, DoT regional office or agent within 7 days. You must give the purchaser’s copy (red) to the buyer.

You will also need to give the buyer the current vehicle licence paper and any other applicable documentation.

If the vehicle being sold is subject to a concession rate you need to let the buyer know. The buyer will need to restore the vehicle licence to full rates.

Optional number plates

If the vehicle is fitted with optional number plates and these are being sold with the vehicle, the buyer will need to transfer the plates into their name and pay the transfer fee. You can consent to the transfer of the plates when completing the MR9 form.

If you do not want to sell the plates, you will need to return them to a Driver and Vehicle Services centre, DoT regional office or agent and purchase a set of ordinary plates for the vehicle prior to selling the vehicle.

If you want to keep the plates, you must exchange them at a Driver and Vehicle Services centre, DoT regional office or agent before selling the vehicle.

For more information refer to Sell or transfer plates.

Selling a vehicle to an interstate buyer

A Western Australian vehicle licence cannot be transferred to a person who is not a Western Australian resident.

If you want to sell a Western Australian licensed vehicle interstate, you should return the plates to a Driver and Vehicle Services centre, DoT regional office or agent and sell the vehicle as unlicensed to the interstate buyer. 

When you licence a vehicle that was subject of a Western Australian licence in another state you will be issued a number plate receipt which must be emailed to the Department of Transport at contact.centre@transport.wa.gov.au or by post. Failure to provide the plate receipt will result in penalties being issued. 

To be considered for a refund of any remaining part of the Western Australian vehicle licence registration period you will need to return the plates to a Driver and Vehicle Services centre, DoT regional office or agent. This must be done before sale to an interstate buyer.

A refund will be effective from the date the number plates are returned, unless the vehicle was involved in an accident and there is a copy of the accident report or a letter from the insurer confirming the accident date submitted with the application.

Only the Western Australian owner is entitled to a refund, provided the Western Australian plates are returned to a Driver and Vehicle Services centre, DoT regional office or agent before the sale. An interstate buyer of a Western Australian licensed vehicle cannot claim a refund of the remaining part of a Western Australian vehicle licence.

Once a vehicle is re-licensed in another state or territory, the Western Australian licence is cancelled. No refund is payable.

Additional information

You can find useful information on selling a car from the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety:

Need help?

If you have any questions you can call our Customer Contact Centre on 13 11 56.

Page last updated: Thu Aug 15 2024 8:51:17 AM