Welcome to DoTBot, an AI chatbot that the Department of Transport (DoT) is trialling.

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Its answers are not legal advice or substitutes for professional advice.

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  1. DoT cannot guarantee that the information provided by the AI chatbot is error free, complete, and appropriate for your purposes.

  2. You will verify any responses it provides before relying on it.

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Auxiliary plates

You will need to purchase and affix an auxiliary plate if a bike rack or mobility device is attached to your vehicle and obstructs the view of your rear number plate.

  What are auxiliary plates?

Each character (letters and numbers) of a number plate must be clearly visible when the vehicle is used on the road. If you attach a bike rack or mobility device rack to the rear of your vehicle and it or the load obstructs any character on the number plate from being read, you will need to purchase and affix an auxiliary plate.

Your auxiliary plate will display the same characters as the number plate issued for the vehicle.

On the payment of the required fee, the Department of Transport (DoT), Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) will provide an auxiliary plate for fitment to bicycle or wheelchair carriers when attached to the rear of a vehicle to assist vehicle owners to meet their obligation to ensure number plate characters can be read whenever the vehicle is used or driven, and to support on road law enforcement.

Auxiliary plates are made of aluminium and have the following dimensions:

  • Motor vehicle plate 253 mm x 99 mm.

Sample images

Auxiliary plate sample: 1 ABC 123 Auxiliary plate sample: BCREATIVE

Auxiliary plate fee

Fee type Fee
Auxiliary licence plates $31.10

  General terms and conditions

The applicant for an auxiliary plate agrees to the following terms and conditions:

  • An auxiliary plate cannot be used on a taxi, small charter vehicle, omnibus or off-road vehicle.
  • Payment in full is required on submission of the application.
  • An auxiliary plate remains the property of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DoT.
  • The CEO reserves the right to refuse any application.
  • An auxiliary plate cannot be sold; however, it may be passed on to the new vehicle owner upon selling the vehicle or included in the transfer of optional number plates.
  • Number plates no longer required must be returned to a DVS centre, regional DoT office or agent on behalf of the CEO.
  • An auxiliary plate will only be produced on an aluminium plate with a white background and blue characters. Plate size and colour options, such as with optional plates, are not available.
  • The dimensions of the plate are 253 mm x 99 mm.
  • An auxiliary plate must be stored in a safe and secure location when not in use.
  • An auxiliary plate does not replace the need for a vehicle to have the issued rear or front number plate fitted to the vehicle.
  • If an auxiliary plate is not collected from DVS within three months after the date of a collection email issued to you, the plate will be destroyed. You will be required to pay for, and submit, a new application to request the manufacture of another auxiliary plate.
  • In addition to these terms and conditions, the regulatory requirements governing the plates on your vehicle must also be adhered to.

  Step 1:Apply and pay for your auxiliary plate online

Auxiliary plates are only available via an online account at DoTDirect.

Please log in to your existing online account, or create a new account.

Order an auxiliary plate via DoTDirect

  Step 2:Collection of your auxiliary plate

You will receive an email notification advising you that your plate is ready for collection from the DVS centre, regional DoT office or agent you nominated when applying.

You must take the following with you to the Driver and Vehicle Services centre or regional DoT office or agent when you collect your plate:

  • Primary proof of identification.
  • If the plate is not collected within three months of the date of the collection email, the plate will be destroyed and you will have to apply and pay for a new auxiliary plate.

Collection of your new plate by a third party

The vehicle owner may nominate another person to collect auxiliary plates, subject to the following conditions:

  • The person collecting the plate must have proper primary identification, and evidence of your consent.

The vehicle must be currently licensed or within the renewal period (i.e. three months prior to or following the expiry date).

  Fitting auxiliary plates to your vehicle

Screws are not supplied with plates issued by DoT.

You will need to organise the removal of the old plates and attachment of the new plates yourself, or arrange for them to be fitted by a car dealership or garage.

When a bicycle rack, wheelchair carrier or other device is fitted to the towbar of the vehicle and it or the load obscures the visibility of the rear number plate, an auxiliary plate should be securely affixed in an upright position parallel to the vehicle axles, no higher than the vehicle roof line so that it is clearly visible to the rear. Auxiliary plates are manufactured with mounting holes and slots pre-drilled to assist with options to affix the plate to the carrier or load.

What do I do with my auxiliary plate when I am not displaying it on my vehicle?

We suggest you keep your auxiliary plate in a safe and secure location when not in use.

What happens if I lose my auxiliary plate or it is stolen or damaged?

Where an auxiliary plate is lost, stolen or damaged but the existing vehicle number plates are intact you can apply and pay for a new auxiliary plate through your DoTDirect online account.

If the existing vehicle number plates have been lost, stolen or damaged then standard replacement processes apply. Refer to Replace lost/stolen or damaged number plates

  Driver and Vehicle enquiries (online)

The Driver and Vehicle (licensing) enquiry form is for Western Australian driver and vehicle licensing enquiries only. You can also contact us via email at contact.centre@transport.wa.gov.au.

For all other matters please visit the feedback, compliments and complaints page.

Please note we will not respond to any feedback which contains sexist, racist or any other anti-social or inappropriate comments.

Page last updated: Wed Oct 9 2024 12:19:29 PM