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Junior Crew Program

Find out about the Junior Crew Program and the free resources available.

Junior crew program banner image

The Junior Crew program is a marine safety educational resource for primary school students in Years 3, 4 and 5.

The program introduces students to marine safety, focusing on the safe use of boats and how to share the water safely with others while boating.

The program was developed in partnership with the Department of Education and School Curriculum and Standards Authority and addresses the Australian Curriculum General capabilities of:

  • critical and creative thinking
  • personal and social capability.

The program includes a range of resources that available FREE to Western Australian primary school teachers.

  Junior crew resources

Cover of Junior Crew course overview document
Cover of Junior Crew course overview document

Each Junior Crew Pack contains the following hardcopy resources for teachers:

  • course overview
  • teacher's resource pack
  • Worksheets
  • 'Skip the Boat Safe Bird' picture book
  • sample student logbook and certificate
  • A3 flashcard posters.

It is divided into 5 chapters based on different topics:

  • Weather is King - boating weather information
  • Safety Saves Lives - safety equipment used in boats
  • Keep Your Boat Afloat - overloading and buoyancy of a boat
  • Tell Someone Where You Are Going - logging on for a voyage on the water
  • In an Accident - actions to take in the event of an accident.


Contact us

For more information contact the Department of Transport Junior Crew team at juniorcrew@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Fri Sep 1 2023 2:10:48 PM