Welcome to DoTBot, an AI chatbot that the Department of Transport (DoT) is trialling.

DoTBot is designed to answer your questions and help you find information on our website.

Its answers are not legal advice or substitutes for professional advice.

By opening the chatbot you are agreeing to these terms:

  1. DoT cannot guarantee that the information provided by the AI chatbot is error free, complete, and appropriate for your purposes.

  2. You will verify any responses it provides before relying on it.

  3. DoT accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any person's use of the chatbot or reliance on its information.

  4. The chatbot may collect personal information for improving the user experience (see DoT's Privacy Policy). Please avoid sharing Personally Identifiable Information when using this chatbot.

Open DoTBot

Our role and services

Find out about the roles and responsibilities of our Maritime business unit.

The Department of Transport’s Maritime business area is responsible for:

  • providing and enabling safe, accessible and sustainable use of navigable waters;
  • collaboratively planning, driving and delivering best practice in maritime development;
  • providing technical leadership and coordinating coastal management and responding to climate change issues affecting the coast; and
  • management of coastal facilities for the economic and social prosperity of Western Australia.

Our overarching vision is for integrated and intelligent marine safety services and coastal and maritime development that deliver optimal economic and social benefits to the Western Australian community.


Our responsibility and services

Our responsibilities and services include:

  • marine safety education, compliance and investigation
  • management of maritime operations and performance of Harbour Master functions within Shipping and Pilotage ports
  • hazard management of marine transport emergencies and marine oil pollution incidents
  • placement and asset management of aids to navigation
  • recreational vessel registration and operations
  • issuing of recreational skippers tickets
  • management of moorings
  • licensing of jetties and mooring areas
  • aquatic event approvals
  • notices to mariners
  • removal of wrecks and abandoned vessels
  • management and maintenance of public maritime facilities (including dredging)
  • planning, design and constructions of maritime projects
  • management of grants programs - Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme (RBFS) and the Coastal Adaptation Program (CAP)
  • provision of coastal technical and engineering advice.
  • coastal protection initiatives
  • collection and analysis of coastal data (tides and waves)
  • cartography


Marine safety legislation

The Department of Transport administers the following Western Australian Acts, Regulations and Rules related to marine safety:


Regulations and rules


Page last updated: Wed Jan 31 2024 1:42:28 PM